Showing Posts For Painbringer.8673:

Gunnar's hold - looking for PvE / WvW guild

in Guilds

Posted by: Painbringer.8673



As far as I can understand, you might fit in in our guild (Fractal). Check our recruitment thread for more info:

Whisp Deos or Illindrial ingame for info/invitation.


Fractal is recruiting- Gunnar's Hold server.

in Guilds

Posted by: Painbringer.8673



We’ve opened our recruitment and are in search for mature, friendly and helpful new members in order to increase our ranks. We offer guild dungeon runs, participation in WvW and sPvP and much more.

Note that we may be an international guild but we also are strictly English speaking on guild chat.

Our “core” has been playing MMOs together for quite a few years now and have accumulated experience in the fields of both PvE and PvP.

If you feel like getting any more info about us, you can whisp Deos or Illindrial (guild leader) ingame. You can also check:


[BUG] Box of Berserker's Draconic Armor = Berserker's Gladiator Armor = Sad Charr

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Painbringer.8673


Couldn’t express it in a better way…

Anyways, i think we all get it’s just an excuse…

[BUG] Box of Berserker's Draconic Armor = Berserker's Gladiator Armor = Sad Charr

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Painbringer.8673



I appreciate you taking the time to submit your report. The Development Team is aware of the item display issue you described, but we do not have a specific time frame for a fix to this issue. You can check to see the latest game updates, and see when this issue is addressed.

Please note, we are unable to restore your gold or otherwise reimburse you for this issue as we do not have any restoration tools currently in place. If you require assistance with anything else, please let us know.

GM Lemoncobra
The Guild Wars Support Team

A support team that claims to have no tools to do their job. GREAT JOB ANET. Seriously. You cannot refund us? There are tones of ways to do it actually. Give the amount of gold we lost in gems (which i am sure you can do), replace the incorrect armor pieces that are still in my freaking inventory just in case with the correct ones, grant us with Deluxe Edition for free (~5g with current prices, we’ll still be at a loss but well…). Some of those sound a bit funny but your response was actually way worse.

First time i see a serious company just ignoring issues that were the result of their mistakes.


[BUG] Box of Berserker's Draconic Armor = Berserker's Gladiator Armor = Sad Charr

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Painbringer.8673


I couldn’t help you as I’m a no body, but misleading information like that in real life is considered a crime, and you could be fined, and go to court for things like this. In the game however, it’s not quite the same, but it would be nice to know some sort of justice is felt when you are being ripped off by such things, I think.

Plus, where was the information even misleading?
It says “Box of…” it never says “Box with set of …”, “Set of …” or “Box of complete …”.

Quick googling reveals that the boxes are mass-craft options which’s recipes are obtained via the Mystic Forge. WoW had the same for some usable items like Engineering Bombs (Box of Bombs and it didn’t contain one of each type, either :P ), so this isn’t exactly something new.

Why is this in Game Bugs, anyhow?

It’s not hard to believe that the people who crafted the “exotic” draconic box of armor knew that the materials going into it are actually for rare/yellow items. They’re pricing what looks like an exotic/orange box of armor at exotic armor prices when they more than likely know it just contains rare/yellow armor and the cost for them to craft the box reflects that.

So essentially they’re “exploiting” that their buyers are downright stupid and can’t even invest the 10s to tab out and google what these boxes contain?

Not sure I’d blame the sellers here, tbh…

I guess you are really lucky that everyone in here wants to keep the thread “clean”. Nice flaimbate though. Calling ppl who actually lost money over a BUG stupid… congrats, you just got reported.

It’s in the game bugs cause it’s a bug. Plain and simple. It’s like buying something that says that is a one-hand sword but then turns out to be a bow! Clear enough? No, players shouldn’t check online every thing that they buy on TP cause you know, there’s no point in checking something that says exactly what it’s supposed to be. Do you check online every time that you buy a glob of Ectoplasm?

[BUG] Box of Berserker's Draconic Armor = Berserker's Gladiator Armor = Sad Charr

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Painbringer.8673


Buying something by mistake is a different issue. Yes, they are not entitled to refund you for YOUR mistakes, but they should for THEIR mistakes.

Not paying attention to what you are buying is not something that counts as a flaw of the game, it’s absolutely your responsibility. I wouldn’t ask for a refund if I just went and bought the wrong armor box. But buying the correct box that is coded to give me the wrong armor pieces is a serious flaw.

[BUG] Box of Berserker's Draconic Armor = Berserker's Gladiator Armor = Sad Charr

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Painbringer.8673


While I can understand each players frustration with purchasing a box that is labled “Exotic”, almost every one of you also openly admitted that it sounded too good to be true, as you knew each piece goes for 3g+

Sure, you spent 10g and didn’t get what you thought you were getting, but asking for a free exotic set to compensate you? Really?!? Anet is not at fault and we have a wiki and other resources available. You all made impromptu decisions without doing any research first. So in all fairness, you need to share the blame as well.

I do not believe Anet should refund anyone who purchased the gear, as that would be inflating the economy as the goods were bought the seller(s) have already earned and possibly used the coin from the proceeds.

Lesson learned, and in the future I would highly encourage players to ask questions in chat, take some time and do some research, etc. The deal looked too good to be true, and here you are crying foul thinking you were going to get a full exotic set for half the price it currently sells for and find out that is not what you got.

I hope you are kidding. Refunding will inflate the economy? You know that they actually CAN remove the gold from the sellers account too right? You are probably one of the people selling the boxes as it seems and just want to get away with it.

I’ve never been scammed in any MMO i’ve played, i’m not gonna get fooled by the company that makes tha game itself. Who cares about some ingame gold, i think what we all care about is the actual real life hours spent farming for it. I didn’t get what i paid for not by some mistake I made, not by something i could have avoided but because Anet failed to provide a bug-free game. Their bug, their fault, so why should i actually loose anything over it?

After all, what’s the point in playing a game where you actually gain nothing. The whole point of MMOs is character progression etc. I see no progression since i’ll have to farm the same hours i already did in order to finally get the armor. And for those that will say “the point is to have fun”: send me (or another random player) 10g and lets see if you’ll be having any.

[BUG] Box of Berserker's Draconic Armor = Berserker's Gladiator Armor = Sad Charr

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Painbringer.8673


Same thing just happened to me. Really frustrating. The fact that Anet is not giving refunds for such things that are actually game breaking is a total dissapointment. If I don’t get what i spent back or the proper armor pieces i am really thinking of quiting.

Not because of some gold i spent, but because if they don’t fix such a trivial (for them issue) imagine what else they will refuse to fix.

Hope Anet proves me wrong and provides the support that paying customers deserve.