Showing Highly Rated Posts By StinVec.3621:

Unable to Login/Disconnected After Map Change

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: StinVec.3621


I think they are kind of busy fixing the problem.
Those fixing the problem would need to stop fixing the problem in order to tell someone not fixing the problem what the status of fixing the problem is so this person can then relay the status of fixing the problem to the people here asking for the status of the problem being fixed.

Basically, patience. The world will un-end soon.

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Best and Worst of GW2 -- An Opinion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StinVec.3621


I’m seeing a whole lot of thread derailment going on here.
Interesting discussion, but it is not the subject of the thread.
Perhaps take it to private message and not disrespect the thread creator by getting their thread locked due to being derailed with such discussions.

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Gem Store - Armors - Single Pieces + Mock-ups

in Suggestions

Posted by: StinVec.3621



One of the biggest motivations for me to continue playing is the prospect of new armors to incorporate into my character’s styles as I romp around the world fighting things and doing events. Barely any new styles being offered at all since release, coupled with the mandatory ‘Full Set’ purchase requirement of these new armor skins, has left me feeling disconnected from Guild Wars 2. The new armor releases really energized my interest in the game again, though I was then disappointed to see the new armors being sold as ‘Full Set’ only. Due to this fact, I feel you may have lost out on many, many sales of individual armor pieces by choosing to plunk them down in the Gem Store as a Full Set purchase only.

I intended to purchase at least 23 individual items were they to have been released as individually purchasable items, but upon seeing that they were only offered as Full Set purchases, I decided to only get a single set that I still will not use all the pieces of. That’s 23 individual skin purchases at 200 gems (est) each, for a total of 4600 gems had they been offered individually. Instead, you’ve gotten 800 gems in total sales from me with these new skins. I’ve also seen many others hoping you would offer armor pieces individually, thus leading to your not making sales with them because they are not purchasing the full sets offered.

I want you to succeed. I want you to make sales. However, I do not feel you are marketing your items in the best manner to ensure the largest possible sales while fulfilling the desires of your playerbase. People tend toward being more inclined to make many smaller amount purchases over a single large one.

Here are some mock-up images I threw together tonight showing what would be really nice to have for armor skins in the gem store.

Based on 200 gems per individual piece, notice the cost (buy button) changes with each additional item. But when the 4th item is selected then the total becomes 800 gems, which is how much a full set costs, so it then notifies you that you can have the full set for that price. Since the full set is 800 gems, this is sort of a Buy 4 of a set, get the other 2 pieces free for those who wish to get the full set.

This would allow those who would like the same item for many characters to spend the extra gems to purchase the individual items, while also maintaining the 800 gem cost of the full set for those who just want the full set and not go mix ’n match.

Please consider this proposal. I feel it would greatly increase your sales, due to the projected massive increase of individual item sales over the fewer bulk item sales you are currently offering, while also making a large portion of your playerbase very happy.

x2 selected
x3 selected
x4 selected
Full set selected

Thank you for your consideration.


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(edited by StinVec.3621)

Tracker - Living World/Game Update Bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: StinVec.3621


Neither this thread or its successor are maintained any longer.

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(edited by StinVec.3621)

Season 2 and Trahearne

in Living World

Posted by: StinVec.3621


The reason as to why Trahearne is loathed by so many is written out at length by many players over in the Living World Discussion and Lore Discussion sub-forums. The short version was mentioned up above; we do all the work, he gets all the credit/glory/rewards/titles after having done nothing.

The players want their spotlight as the hero (we did the work of one), but all we got was barely a footnote as being “Random Person #2,319,575 that may or may not have done something to help Trahearne, the Real Hero, to save Tyria.” – Trahearne needs to cozy up to a wood chipper and not return to our story to steal our glory and trod all over our sense of accomplishment from our saving Tyria.

Here is a good image that goes around the forums that accurately displays what happened and how it affected the Players behind the Player Characters.
(contains spoiler for end of “personal story” with fighting Zhaitan – the spoiler is the “fight” itself as well as the presence of Trahearne…who spoils anything he makes himself apart of)


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(edited by StinVec.3621)

Feedback/Questions: The Megaserver System: World Bosses and Events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StinVec.3621


Regarding the megaserver changes:

  • But…I like my peace and quiet…
    I like my server because of the low number of players I run into in PvE. I enjoy rarely coming across a single other player and hanging together in silence as we explore and fight enemies before splitting off and going our separate ways to find more adventures. Seeing dozens upon dozens of players running past me every minute ruins my sense of immersion into the world.
    With this virtual server merge, no longer will I be able to play content alone and in relative peace and quiet. Every enemy I face will likely be attacked by several others, or will even already be dead before I can even get to it. Every hilltop I climb for the view will be soured by a dozen other people already crowding the peak. Every remote path through the mountains or forest that I walk along (literally and with the UI off) will no longer be a serene stroll with only sounds of birds, wind and water bubbling in streams. The pleasure of a silent stroll will now be saturated with the unceasing sounds of a dozen other players constantly slaughtering the bunnies and deer nestling nearby and the busy bee line of players running back and forth across my screen.
    Yes, this is an MMO, I know there are other people in the game world and that one can expect to see and interact with other players. However, the frequency of that interaction was a choice players had based on the server they choose to play on. Servers have been specifically chosen by some (many?) players based on the density and attitudes/play styles of other players on that server.
    I like my server because I do not see dozens of players every 15 seconds running around. If I wanted that then I would go to one of the larger, more densely populated servers. The megaserver changes will destroy OW-PvE for me and will take away my choice of playing how I want to play.
    Again, if I wanted to interact with more people in the open world, I’d guest or transfer to a higher pop server. Bringing them to me and forcing interaction against my will sours my game experience. Instead of adding the living feeling to the world, more players thrown across my path only snaps me out of the immersion and reminds me that it isn’t a living world because a person taking a stroll out in the woods shouldn’t be met with the bustling crowds of dozens of people running like mad across my path every 15 seconds.

Regarding the world bosses and events changes:

  • Hinterlands: Ulgoth put on a timer? – Living and dynamic world goes bye-bye?
    First I will be losing my solitude and immersion into my surroundings, now I will also lose the ability to run the Hinterlands dynamic event chain (among others) when I choose to?
    “Static” is not the same thing as “Dynamic”, it is the opposite.
    Removing the dynamic nature of zone events (such as those leading up to confronting Ulgoth) and making them into statically scheduled events is nothing short of pure madness. Arguably the most fun and spectacularly designed event chain and zone boss group event in the game (which other zone events should have been modeled off of) …and you remove the dynamic nature of it and throw it on a fixed timer?
    The “living” feeling and the dynamic nature of the world and what occurs in it is constantly being removed from the game.
  • Why is the implementation and feeling of the “Living World” being slowly and intentionally removed?
  • Why are you intentionally removing the ability for players to bring about and have their own adventures?
  • Why are you forcing us to only have the adventures you want us to have, when you want us to have them?
  • Are you wanting all players of your game to have a uniform, predetermined experience as is gradually being dictated?
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(edited by StinVec.3621)

Character Creation Date

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: StinVec.3621


ArenaNet, would you please be so kind as to adjust the /age command to also include the date the character was created on instead of only stating how much time has been invested in-game on that character/all characters?

Or at least include the character creation date in the character select screen under the character info (location, map complete %, etc.) please?

Especially with many character birthdays coming up, it would be of considerable use to know exactly when our character’s birthdays actually are.

Thank you.

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(edited by StinVec.3621)

Antitoxin Spray doesn't heal allies

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: StinVec.3621


The Antitoxin Spray skill only heals allies that have torment, confusion, poison, or toxic pollen and it heals per each condition it removes. If your ally has only poison, it will heal them a less than it would heal an ally with all conditions. If none of the allies around you have any conditions on them, it will not heal any allies. It’s base healing only applies to the user of the skill.

The tool-tip does not describe that conditional requirement in its current form and seems very misleading and incomplete.

Autumn, would you please place this item in your tracker for a rewording of the tool-tip to specify this requirement? Personally, I feel Adjusted #2 most accurately and clearly relays the skill’s function to the user.


“Use antitoxin to heal yourself and nearby allies while also removing toxic pollen, poison, torment and confusion.”
Healing: 3,920
Healing per Condition Removed: 481
Radius: 360

Adjusted: #1

“Heal yourself. Removes toxic pollen, poison, torment and confusion from you and nearby allies, gaining health for each condition removed.”
Healing: 3,920
Healing per Condition Removed: 481
Radius: 360

Adjusted: #2

“Heal yourself. You and nearby allies are also cleansed of toxic pollen, poison, torment and confusion and gain health for each condition removed.”
Healing: 3,920
Healing per Condition Removed: 481
Radius: 360

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(edited by StinVec.3621)

'Consume' Letters and Drawings for Karma

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StinVec.3621


This image always made me laugh.


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To Merge the Personal and Living Stories

in Living World

Posted by: StinVec.3621


Shriketalon, I have read and re-read all you’ve put forth, and I’ve nearly come to tears due to the excitement felt from the fantastic ideas, and also from disappointment in the realization that I, and everyone else, will probably never get to play this game you’ve outlined. You perfectly describe the game I would play daily for well over a decade and love every exciting minute of it.

Thank you for compiling your incredible thoughts in this manner for us to share in.

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Watchwork Pick: Non-inflammatory please

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StinVec.3621


As I mentioned in the previous thread:

To Moderators,
It has happened in the past that people who disagree with the stance of the topic creator on a subject will intentionally make comments specifically calling out employees and will attempt to derail the thread and make inflammatory comments for the sole purpose of getting the thread closed. This is quite evident in the previous thread to where it was closed instead of being moderated.

Instead of closing the thread, Moderators, please remove these individual posts (and infract where applicable) to allow the thread and the spirit of its discussion to continue.

As I mentioned, with a topic such as the one discussed in that now-closed thread, closing it will not end the discussion as many players have an interest in the outcome of this matter, thus many more threads are now springing up as a result of its closing.

Again, with this in mind, if a Moderator is scanning this thread, please judge and take action on individual posts based on their content and do not slam the doors on the entire thread due to these inappropriate few.

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Top right GO away!

in Suggestions

Posted by: StinVec.3621


It wouldn’t be as annoying as it is for me if they would maintain the state of collapse that I put them in! Any event I complete causes my personal storyline to expand, my expanded Daily Tasks to collapse, and the Living Story to expand…

They’ve previously stated that they fixed the issue of expand/collapse states not being remembered, though it never has been. Since I can’t remove/hide the Personal Storyline and Living Story boxes, at least keep them collapsed like I choose them to be and not re-expand them simply because I completed a dynamic event! It’s very sad. I only want my Daily to be expanded, but by completing one of the tasks in my daily it causes it to become collapsed and then expands all the other annoying boxes. So then I need to re-collapse them and re-expand my Daily box.

So sad.

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Death/Downed Camera...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StinVec.3621


Camera used to zoom in all the way on your character when you got downed.

  • Players requested this to stop as we constantly had to immediately zoom out again to where we had our camera in a frenzy so we could see what was going on and to target enemies to attack and possibly rally on.
  • This was corrected last year so your camera didn’t zoom all the way in any longer
  • There was much rejoicing
  • It later resurfaced earlier this year and was heavily reported again as being an issue
  • It remains unfixed
  • There is still much frustration and sadness

Camera used to spin around when you were dead even if you were holding your mouse button down but not actively turning your camera at all. If you were not actively moving your camera then it would quickly take control and rotate it for you.

  • Players requested this to stop as we constantly had to fight with the camera rotating against our will and keeping us from see what was going on around our corpses.
  • This was corrected so your camera didn’t rotate around your corpse when you died
  • There was much rejoicing
  • It has now resurfaced due to the above-mentioned China client having the rotation in their version, which is fundamentally the same version that we now have
  • There is much frustration and sadness
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(edited by StinVec.3621)

Interesting things in Scarlet's Room [Spoilers]

in Lore

Posted by: StinVec.3621


Thank you for your posts, Konig Des Todes (your two latest and all others prior)!
I tried to put my frustration and utter disgust at his response into the appropriate words, but I could not.
However, your posts managed it magnificently!
Thank you for your past dedication to the lore and your engaging and intriguing discussions. I’ve truly enjoyed reading your words and thank you for frequently giving me quite a lot to think about.

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(edited by StinVec.3621)

New Patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: StinVec.3621


Try this:

  • Close your game completely.
  • Ensure your game is set to Run As Administrator in the shortcut’s Properties > Compatibility tab.
  • Re-launch and see if the issue persists

If the issue still occurs:
Then: Check the game for errors and repair it

  • Close your game completely.
  • Next, make a copy of your Gw2 game shortcut and rename it “GW2 Repair” or to something that you will recognize it for being only for running a repair on your GW2 installation.
  • Now, right-click this “Gw2 Repair” shortcut and click on “Properties”.
  • On the “Shortcut” tab look in the “Target:” field, you should see:
    “C:\Program Files (x86)\Guild Wars 2” or wherever you have Guild Wars 2 installed.
  • After the closing quotation marks in this line put a space and then add -repair
    It will look like this but with your GW2 install location:
    “C:\Program Files (x86)\Guild Wars 2” -repair
  • Hit OK after making this change.
  • Run this repair shortcut. Your game will run through a repair cycle and fix any damaged files it finds.
  • After it runs through, start the game using the normal GW2 game shortcut (not the repair shortcut) and see if your game can start up properly.

If the issue still occurs:
Delete the local.dat file
Deleting this file will also cause you to lose your saved game settings (graphics, stored login data, etc.) but may fix the problem. If you rely on your stored login info to log in, make sure you can recall what your login info is as the stored login info is also cleared.

The quickest way to do this is to:

  • Ensure your game is completely closed.
  • Hold your Windows Key and press ‘F’ to open your Windows Search.
  • Search for “Local.dat”. 2 files will be found.
  • Ignore the “Local.dat” file that is in the game installation folder.
  • Delete the “Local.dat” file that resides at:
    “C:\Users\YourComputerUserName\AppData\Roaming\Guild Wars 2”
  • Load up your game normally and see if the game can load properly.
  • You will notice that your settings are reverted to default. You should reconfigure your game settings once again to your preference.
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Bobble heads

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: StinVec.3621


I strongly request a hotfix that offers a way to disable this. Not offering a way to disable it in the first place was all kinds of disrespect and a serious lack foresight and planning.

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ArenaNet: Are these items obsolete now?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StinVec.3621


Suggestion to ANet: when quest or event items become obsolete, either because the event is over and not going to be repeated or the quest chain objective has been completed (as in the case of the Star of Gratitude quest line), associated quest items disappear from player inventory. Bag/Bank space is premium so it would be really, really great if a feature like this could be implemented.

I know of several players who intentionally save all of these various mementos. Some items have automatically disappeared and have upset some players who hang on to such items.

I believe it would be better to simply add a red-text notice on the item’s description after an even finishes and the item no longer has any use stating:

  • This item no longer has any usefulness and is safe to destroy or sell.

This way, players who like to hang on to things from past events can. As it is, some items cannot be gotten again and were automatically removed from player inventories. They’re almost like trophies of accomplishments and keepsakes to show “I was there” and having them get automatically destroyed would not be ideal.

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Reporting Guild Names?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StinVec.3621


My thoughts and observations on this topic (if anyone feels inclined to give it a read):

-Inappropriate guild names not subject to the same restrictions as character names?-
As ANet made it clear that inappropriate character names will not be tolerated and that players could be reported for such behavior (EULA and in-game report option), the lack of an ‘Inappropriate Guild Name’ report option only infers that guild names do not have the same level of restrictions as character names, otherwise there would also be an option to report them as well.

-Add ‘Inappropriate Guild Name’ report option-
There really should have been an ‘Inappropriate Guild Name’ report option in addition to the ‘Inappropriate Character Name’ report option from the very beginning. As there was not, this option should have at least been implemented at some point over the nearly two years the game has been out due to the issue it quickly became and that has steadily grown more problematic.

-Reporting character and guild names as it is now-
Without an option for ‘Inappropriate Guild Name’ in the Report feature in-game, ANet is essentially saying that, while it is discouraged and frowned upon (due to being included in the EULA as something you will not do along with making inappropriate character names), they do not see it as much of an issue compared to inappropriate character names (which does have an in-game report option) and that they will not discipline inappropriate guild names unless other players jump through hoops and manually report it to support through the website.
i.e. -

  • Make an inappropriate character name and you will be disciplined for it
    All that is required of other players is:
    • a simple right-click > report that automatically sends the required information to support to then oversee punishment if it is warranted
  • Make an inappropriate guild name and you pretty much go scot-free
    Unless someone happens to:
    • be offended enough to come to the website and search for threads on how to report a guild name
    • find the search feature to still be non-functional so they then have to make a thread asking for information on how to report a guild with an inappropriate name
    • wait for responses from other players saying to report it to support manually (or from Gaile if the thread is made over in Account Issues)
    • then contact support and fill out all of the information in a ticket just to tell them the name of the guild with the inappropriate name
    • then be told (possibly after a few days) that they need to at least know the character name of a member of that guild to track down the guild as knowing the name of the guild is apparently not enough to report the guild (unless other players or Gaile already shared this required information in the inquiry thread which helps save some time waiting for a support response to tell them of such required information)
    • then go back in-game and hope to find the offensive guild name again to screenshot or write down the character name (and maybe the account/displayname.1234 as well) that is representing the guild
    • then leave the game and return to support and update the ticket with the information on the guild required by support after having gone through the effort of manually gathering it for them
    • then hope that they do follow through with forcing them to change the guild name if it is found to be inappropriate
      (though more likely they will just delete the guild completely as guild names either cannot be or do not get renamed like characters)

That is an absurd amount of effort on the part of the player to report something that should already have an in-game option for reporting just as ‘Inappropriate Character Name’ does.

-My other observations- (if you are still reading)
I’ve seen so many guild names that involve ‘kitten ’ (sex against their will), sexual organs and body parts, child abuse (burning orphanages down among others), and other wholly inappropriate guild names that primarily include the common use of swear words and violent acts and statements. Having to follow the steps listed above to manually file a complaint on the offending guild is quite the hassle and time consuming task to be placed onto the player just to report such basic and common inappropriate behavior.

People have long taken advantage of the fact that they can give their guild as offensive or inappropriate a name as they want with very little chance of ever getting reprimanded or punished for it. I completely loathe such people who name their guilds in outrageously inappropriate names, not only for the obvious reason of the name being offensive and inappropriate, but also for their taking advantage of ANet’s lack of foresight and/or effort to include such a report option especially (and confusingly) because they had the foresight and went through the effort to include one for ‘Inappropriate Character Name’.

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(edited by StinVec.3621)

March Sale item record

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: StinVec.3621


Now StinVec you need to shape the image in the form of a calendar for March.

How’s this?


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Sound ("Effects") lost after talking to scout

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: StinVec.3621


This has been reported and has been responded to by a dev and is currently on Page 2 of the Bugs Forum.

Sounds dissapear after talking to scouts. [Merged]

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Homophobia & the Ignore System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StinVec.3621



Secondly, thank you for providing feedback about the in-game ignore functionality. If I understand your post correctly, what you’re looking for is to have the ignore function include map and team chat. Is there any other functionality you feel “Ignore” should have or that you feel is not working properly?


Ignoring/Blocking a person should prevent…

  • …this person’s chat comments from being visible to you in all chat forms:
    • Guild
    • Say
    • Local
    • Map
    • Yell
    • Shout
    • Party
    • Squad
    • Team
    • Tell
    • Whisper
  • …this person’s emotes from being displayed to you in the chat box.
    • Including (especially?) blocking custom emotes (/emote blahblahblah) as blocked players currently use that as means around the block feature (exploiting).
  • …this person’s ability to see or join your LFG through the LFG Tool.
  • …this person from being able to join your party.
    • Could even have a warning message pointing out to you that “The person attempting to join your party is currently blocked” and then offer a “Permit this person to temporarily join the party anyway” option.

Block should actually block the person and restrict all possible contact with this person until the block is removed. Or have it as an option to where you can select to only block chat related activities made by this player, or choose the full block that prevents all possible contact (LFG, etc).

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(edited by StinVec.3621)

Exit Polls (updated 8/2)

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: StinVec.3621


This will not end well.
I don’t know how this political storyline was even green-lighted to be implemented, let alone who decided on the ‘campaign promises’ that were the worst they could have possibly selected as well as assigned to which candidate. This single event has highlighted several of the most heated subjects amongst passionate players as the prime aspects of this release…and not in a good way.

  • It has turned a massive spotlight onto the argument against the persistent implementation of RNG boxes. One argument is that a vote for Evon is a vote for continued and increased RNG box implementation, as it is seen as an opportunity for players to voice their acceptance and approval for its continued use with the Black Lion Key discount.
  • They’ve pitted a human against a charr, and worse, a human female against a charr male. This has put the passionate role-players into a frenzy. Apart from the dynamics of politics in lore for humans and charr generally not meshing well, they’ve now given a prime opening for speciesism to introduce itself. Due to Ashford’s assassination, the Captain’s Council now consists of 3 humans, 2 asura, 1 norn, and 1 charr (no Sylvari at all?). Some players feel that this election is a good opportunity to take a step toward further balancing the representations of the species of Tyria on the Council by filling Ashford’s position with a charr instead of yet another human. A vote for Kiel is seen as a vote against charr and of increasing human domination of the Council. It is also an opening for the all too real gender discrimination issue, especially in relation to a role of power, to rear its ugly face in the game world.
  • Hot on the tail (no charr pun intended) of those elements is the overwhelming hatred for Trahearne and the aspect of NPC story characters taking all of the credit for our actions. Just as he is seen by the majority of players as doing nothing but stealing the glory that was meant for us, the players, that view has now been tacked directly onto Kiel. The painting of Kiel as being Trahearne 2.0 (or Kormir 3.0 to some), that despite her actions (or lack of actions) during these events, as well as after, her receiving all of the credit and glory just as Trahearne did during our Personal Story has placed her in a very poor light in many players’ minds. This brings to the forefront a lot of the sour feelings players have regarding the Personal Story and of feeling cheated. So, one argument is that a vote for Kiel is the approval from players of ArenaNet continuing to have characters that reap all of the credit and glory from our actions.
  • It has pitted the telling of the “New” (Thaumanova Reactor) against the telling of the “Old” (Fall of Abaddon). They’ve essentially made it a debate of GW1 Lore Vs. GW2 Lore and which is more important, especially since there seems to be many players with strong emotions tied to GW1 who believe GW2 has changed and strayed too far from GW1. So they have also made it a fight between those who enjoy GW2 for what it is and will become, and those who wish GW2 was just GW1 with better graphics. Thus making it into a vote for Evon as being a vote for “Established Lore/GW1”, and a vote for Kiel as being a vote for “New Ideas/GW2”.

Charr VS Human
Male VS Female
Evon VS Kiel/Trahearne 2.0
Abaddon VS Reactor

All of this will end very, very badly for many players and for ArenaNet. Many players have such strong feelings toward some of these issues that there may be a portion of the playerbase that are so dissatisfied with the outcome of this election, regardless of who wins, that they actually quit playing due to how it might sour the game and it won’t be fun for them anymore.

Even still, there are the “Temporary Content VS Permanent Content” aspects of this event and many others I’ve not touched onto here, as well as the “Bugs Fixed VS Bugs Created” aspect of more frequent Living Story updates.

I just cannot believe that someone at ArenaNet thought any of this would be a good idea for events, let alone all of them at the same time in the same event. This reeks of being a horrible idea in all possible ways. Unless you want to risk losing your job, your customers, your friends, or a few teeth, it is just accepted that you do not involve two subjects for discussion: Religion and Politics.

Not to put down the seriousness of all the aspects I’ve mention, as they are all of a pretty serious nature for the future of the game, but anyone want some popcorn?

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(edited by StinVec.3621)

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StinVec.3621


From Ronah Lynda.2496’s suggestion thread.

Makeover Kits merged into the Hero Panel

A summary of details in the request:

  • Makeover/hair kits removed from the Gem Store
  • Adjustments require Alteration Charges which are added at the same cost/amount as Transmutation Charges to the Gem Store
  • Charges are used on a ‘per-feature-adjustment’ basis

My reasons for supporting this request:
I wouldn’t hesitate to purchase “charges” (or whatever) to make frequent changes to my appearance. If charges are priced like current Transmutation Charges then I would welcome them and buy them often.

As it is currently, needing to spend far too much for a single kit to make a single adjustment to my appearance causes me to not purchase any.

If I were charged on a per-feature-adjustment basis, I would make changes and tweaks constantly. This ‘fee per adjustment’ plan would result in plenty of appearance charges being used. Spending a ton of gems for a full kit just to tweak the color of my sylvari’s glow so it will match her new armor color scheme…no thanks, not buying those. I’d rather make a new character than buy a kit to tweak one small detail on an existing one.

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News and Announcements - Thank you!

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: StinVec.3621


Thank you very much for this information. It is very courteous of you to start making this type of informational announcement for our benefit. I know many have been asking for exactly this type of information to be made available and clearly worded, and this informational announcement fits both of those requests. I look forward to this type of information to continue to be posted in the future. Thank you again!

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Achivement Points.

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: StinVec.3621


As a player around the top 500 NA in achievement points, I absolutely agree that dailies/monthlies shouldn’t count for achievement score. Dailies and monthlies pollute the achievement score with points that really don’t say anything about one’s achievements, but speak more to the volume of hours spent in-game.

This smells like elitism to me, and elitism is bad.
Everyone should be allowed to get content; the most skilled get it earlier, while the least skilled after longer.
Therefore, every achievement point has to count in.

I have over 1700 hours played (very little a-f-k time in there) from day 1 of live and I only have about 4700 achievement points currently from Open World PvE. Simply because I do not enjoy PvP, WvW or ‘dungeons’ in this game (and that’s where most people with tons of achievement points have gotten them from) I would be included amongst those who these elitists say should not get the achievement points we’ve EARNED from doing dailies simply because we didn’t get them doing the content that THEY got them from. We all earned each and every one of our achievement points, so mind coming down from up there? We’re all players, we all enjoy different aspects of the game and we’ve all been awarded points for doing the content that each of us has completed/taken part in/enjoyed. No content is more worthy of the alloted points than any other content.

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Tyria, dead or alive?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StinVec.3621


I would like to bring Pixelpumpkin.4608 ’s forum signature to the attention of the thread.
She points out several great ideas that have been proposed in the past, including:
~ City Minigames (thread by TheBlackLeech.9360)
~ City Jumping Puzzles (thread by stjf.7180)
~ Portable Doors: Player Housing anywhere! (thread by Mad Queen Malafide.7512)

There are many other great ideas to increase the liveliness of cities, many of which are thoroughly discussed in their threads which reside in the closed-off suggestions forum. I really encourage ArenaNet to revisit that area and seriously consider many of these gems that have become mostly forgotten.

Also, to moderators/Danicia:
Would it be permissible to use the ‘Report This Post’ flag on the OP of a thread in the suggestions forum and then request it to be moved to X forum for further discussion in the Reason For Report box?
Many of these threads had great discussions taking place in them on their suggestions, though they have long since been locked away. Can we request them individually to be moved to their appropriately related sub-forums to once again be discussed?

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Delusion Staff no more?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: StinVec.3621


To Devs,
The issue being reported is that, unlike other former Magic Find-statted items, new drops of Delusion have not also been updated to have a predefined set of stats and be “Soulbound on Use” and tradeable. This results in this specific weapon skin to no longer be obtainable via the Black Lion Trading Post.

Here is a comparison example of the issue:

Super Hyperbeam Alpha

  • Previously had the Magic Find attribute
  • Previous MF-statted versions were returned from the TP
    and made “Account Bound” with selectable stats
  • New drops of the item have “Assassin’s Stats”
  • New drops are “Soulbound on Use” and tradeable
  • Acquirable via:
    • Mystic Forge
    • Black Lion Trading Post


  • Previously had the Magic Find attribute
  • Previous MF-statted versions were returned from the TP
    and made “Account Bound” with selectable stats
  • New drops of the item have not been updated and still have ‘No Stats’ and must be selected
  • New drops of the item are still the “Account Bound” versions and are not tradeable
  • Acquirable via:
    • Mystic Forge
    • Boss chests in Fractals of the Mists
    • Various meta event chests
    • Aetherpath (Twilight Arbor)
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Daily sales / give us skins not junk

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: StinVec.3621


Maybe you haven’t been paying attention. We’re half way through the sales and plenty of the skins have already gone up. Just because they aren’t the skins you are wanting yet does not mean skins have not been going on sale.

  • Magitech Armor
  • Braham’s Armor
  • Phoenix Armor
  • Kasmeer’s Staff
  • Rox’s Short Bow
  • Rox’s Quiver
  • Fuzzy Panda Hat
  • Fuzzy Bear Hat
  • Fuzzy Quaggan Hat
  • Fuzzy Quaggan Hat with bow

Also, they don’t have to put ANYTHING on sale…should be thankful they are putting things on sale at all, let alone 31 straight days of sales! Geez. And not everything will be going on sale, you know. So don’t be surprised if what you are so eager to get at a 10-20% discount doesn’t even go on sale this month.

Personally, I’ve been waiting for the Transmutation Crystals to go on sale, if they even would. If they didn’t, oh well, would buy them at regular price after the month ends. Lucky for me they did go on sale. Wouldn’t be the end of the world if they didn’t.

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New hairstyles?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: StinVec.3621


I’ve not come across anything that points to additional hair styles being released soon.

Also, they are unlikely to release new hair styles so soon after releasing “new” faces to the total makeover kits. They would likely release both at the same time or have their releases span several weeks to months so the new styles would release after the initial makeover kit sales boost died down from the previous release.

They likely have at least a dozen finished styles of faces and hair ‘on the shelf’, but only release 3 of one at a time to stretch out the releases to maximize the boost to makeover kit sales, and thus a mostly reliable boost in gem sales.

Not directly related to your topic:

I really wish they would start adding in other exclusive makeover kit features like:


  • Horns
  • Tails
  • Fur markings
  • Piercings/Horn decorations
  • Tail decorations/attachments


  • Tattoos/scars
  • Piercings
  • Facial hair styles
    (I don’t think new hairstyles have ever included new facial hair styles, have they?)


  • Ears
  • Piercings
  • Skin patterns
  • Tattoos/scars


  • Piercings/Ornamentation
  • Bark(?) markings/Patterns
  • Bark style (currently can choose between two types)
  • Glow Enhancements (always on; colors; styles like fading wave from toe to head instead of pulsating; other)
  • Bark etchings (tattoos :P)


  • Tattoos/scars
  • Piercings
  • Facial hair styles
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(edited by StinVec.3621)

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StinVec.3621


In addition to integrating the makeover kit into the Hero Panel, please start working on and offering additional customizations for the various species in the game:


  • Horns
    (and dyeable horns or darkness/lightness sliders for the horn color)
  • Tail styles/lengths
  • Fur markings
  • Piercings/Horn decorations
  • Tail decorations/attachments


  • Tattoos/scars
  • Piercings
  • Facial hair styles
    (I don’t think new hairstyles have ever included new facial hair styles, have they?)
  • Makeup


  • Ears
  • Piercings
  • Skin patterns
  • Tattoos/scars
  • Makeup


  • Piercings/Ornamentation
  • Bark/leaf markings/patterns
  • Bark/leaf styles
    (currently can choose between 1 bark or 1 leaf type)
  • Glow Enhancements
    • always on
    • gradient coloration
      (red at feet transitioning to orange at the head, blue to white, etc.)
    • styles like fading wave from toe to head instead of pulsating
  • Bark etchings
    (tattoos :P)


  • Tattoos/scars
  • Piercings
  • Facial hair styles
  • Makeup
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(edited by StinVec.3621)

Chaos Weapons Need More Love

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: StinVec.3621


I wholly agree.

I may get the axe (eventually), but even that skin is quite disappointing.

Against Altering Existing Skins
As some players may prefer these models to more stylized and inspired models, I do not think these (or anything) should be changed after being released (e.g. human female running animation). Ideally they should release a Variations of Chaos set that involves more inspired models with the same chaos effects.

Another Solution – Dyeable Weapons; Dyes with Effects
They could also work toward releasing an item that we can use that applies the Chaos effects to our existing weapons so we can have the model we desire with the Chaos effects on them (i.e. weapon dying that also sees the release of dyes that add specific effects to weapons, such as Chaos effects).

I have been waiting for their designers to step up their inspiration toward something more like these (attached image) weapons. They are fully capable of making such detailed and styled models and effects for weapons (and armors), they just choose not to for whatever reason(s).

So far they have fallen far short in providing very many thoughtfully designed sets. They have released some elements of sets that look inspired, detailed and finished, yet other pieces of the same set look rushed, generic, thrown together last minute and released unfinished.

There is also the issue of sets being released that lack all underwater weapon pieces entirely. I applaud them for at least making the effort to include the generic models of underwater weapons with the chaos effects in this set. It’s a small step, but at least it shows that they seemingly intend to properly include all weapons in their weapon skin sets.

ANet can have such amazing weapons (and armors) with inspired design details and effects that they have shown they are capable of and have at their disposal, yet these unimaginative, uninspired, generic and half-hearted designs are what they keep pumping out.

Please, ANet, utilize your designing abilities and talents to their full extent and release such designs we know you are fully capable of producing.


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Why is Peneloopee Cold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StinVec.3621


How cute will Quaggans be when they start wearing HUMAN backpacks?


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CoherentUI_Host.exe + Crashing

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: StinVec.3621


Status on the issue for those still affected. (basically, skip to page 7)

This had resolved issues in the past with the old TP, but it appears it helps resolve some of the issues with the new TP/launcher and crashing as well.

If you are still experiencing the issues with your launcher/patcher and CoherentUI_Host.exe with crashing:

Disable any proxy settings + Check/Enable Auto-Detect Settings

  • Check your Start Menu > Control Panel > Internet Options > Connection settings and make sure to disable any Proxy Setting that may be enabled there.
    Proxy Check/Disable
    In your Windows Control Panel via your Start Menu:
    • Choose to view as icons instead of as categories in the top right.
    • Open Internet Options
      • Click on the Connections tab
      • At the very bottom click on LAN Settings
        • Check/Enable the Automatically Detect Settings box
        • Make sure the lower Proxy Server boxes and all other boxes are unchecked and the script field is empty

If you were previously using the “-nopatchui -email -pw” shortcut command line argument to enter the game, you will need to remove that work around for any other resolutions to be viable.

Immediately upon patching I find a new “bin” folder is created in my GW2 installation folder.

Within this folder are several dlls and a new executable.
(Shouldn’t these files be within the dat file or in the gw2-cache folder and not inside the installation folder?)

Immediately upon patching this executable is requesting firewall permission.

The patch is continuing to download properly despite my not permitting this new executable to connect to the net.

I’ve looked it up and see it is an HTML5-based User Interface system.

Why is this new file demanding access to the net while I am trying to patch?
Why should this UI system require access to the net, let alone when I am not in-game?

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(edited by StinVec.3621)

Real world Sylvari not far-fetched

in Sylvari

Posted by: StinVec.3621


This is a bit away from what is normally discussed on these forums, but as I frequent many scientific sites and keep up on many developing subjects, catching this article had me immediately thinking of Sylvari and how beings such as them existing in our real world universe someplace (or some distant future or distant past on Earth) is actually not all that far-fetched.

“A ‘New’ Form of Intelligent Life? Plants Found to Have Memory and Make Complex Decisions”

“In a new discovery, scientists have concluded from their study of Barberry (Berberis vulgaris), which is able to abort its own seeds to prevent parasite infestation, that plants can make complex decisions. The results are the first ecological evidence of complex behavior in plants. They indicate that this species has a structural memory, is able to differentiate between inner and outer conditions as well as anticipate future risks.”

It goes on to state many more fascinating and surprising abilities and one is left to wonder if a race of intelligent plant life could have actually existed once, exists currently, or one day may exist someplace other than in fantasy?

I implore anyone interested in Sylvari to consider taking the time to read this article.

“These new insights shed some light on the underestimated abilities of plants, while at the same time bringing up many new questions.”

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Selfless Potion on Asura

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StinVec.3621


For those posting here that are hoping Anet is watching this thread, they do seem to be watching it as they are also directing other people posting about these issues to post in this thread. Not sure if you can expect a red post here yet, but at least it is good to know they are watching and reading your feedback.

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Nightfury, for free

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StinVec.3621


There is also a thing called “Opportunity Cost”.

True, one does not need to spend 3,000 gold buying materials from the trading post to ‘craft’ it if they acquire all of the needed items manually.

However, all of those manually acquired materials are still worth the equivalent to 3,000 gold if they were to be sold. So, in essence, the ‘crafter’ is still spending 3,000 gold to ‘craft’ the item by exchanging these manually acquired items that are worth 3,000 gold for the Night Fury item.

Then there is also value of the time needed to manually acquire all of these items worth 3,000 gold which is more ambiguously valued.

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(edited by StinVec.3621)

Being Flammed by actually playing the game?

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: StinVec.3621


Sourde Noire, the nugatory act of clicking +1 on your post cannot fully stress the level at which I concur with the veridicality of your assemblage of perspicuous assessments.

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I am NOT a Hero

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StinVec.3621


You guys can only wish you were as heroic as my asura.

You’re awesome Tachenon….but…


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Camera moves when you are dead...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: StinVec.3621


This is a known issue. Thank you for making sure that we are aware of it though!

Hi, Branden. Thanks for the polite and courteous acknowledgement here in this thread. Little showings of communication like this are huge, at least to me, and it is appreciated very much.

Would you happen to be able to also comment on the other camera issue experienced when entering the downed-state, please?

The camera had zoomed in completely upon entering downed state early on in the game, though it had gotten removed so it would no longer zoom in all the way upon entering the downed state after a lot of requests for it to not zoom in any longer.

Unfortunately, earlier this year it was re-enabled again and is a source of much frustration and the pleas for it to be disabled again have been voiced all year.

Was the return of the previously disabled camera zooming in upon entering the downed-state an intended re-enabling earlier this year, or a bug that snuck by?

Can we expect a re-disabling of this zooming in at some point in the future, perhaps at the same time as when the dead-state camera rotation change gets re-adjusted? Or is it not something that is considered a bug and we should accept it as working as intended as there are no plans to re-disable it?

Any thoughts you can offer on this related camera issue topic would also be greatly appreciated!

Thank you.

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Everybody get your stability buffs ready...

in Living World

Posted by: StinVec.3621


So I just noticed in the trailer, that base that gets destroyed is the pact base in timberline falls.

Oh, please no…not Timberline Falls!
Turned the beautiful Kessex Hills into a wasteland that still drives me away. I really hope they do not destroy/muck up my favorite of favorite zones!

:\ I wish they would put more effort into opening up new areas instead of insisting on “altering” (read: destroying) the beautiful ones we’ve come to love.

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"I'd really like this..." [Gifting Strangers]

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: StinVec.3621


As an introduction post to ‘break the ice’, if anyone is unable to purchase a current, giftable sale item on the gem store, feel free to make mention of it here!

Whether due to a lack of funds, or an inability to log into the game during the sale period for an item, perhaps there are people who would gladly help you to acquire the item(s) you desire.

I know that I will certainly be keeping an eye on this thread.

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Loud random 'bang' sound?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: StinVec.3621


Yep, has been happening for quite some time, though the last few days it has been happening very frequently.

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Suggestion: Makeover in Hero Panel

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StinVec.3621


I support this request.

I wouldn’t hesitate to purchase “charges” (or whatever) to make frequent changes to my appearance. If charges are priced like current Transmutation Charges then I would welcome them and buy them often.

As it is currently, needing to spend far too much for a single kit to make a single adjustment to my appearance causes me to not purchase any.

If I were charged on a per-feature-adjustment basis, I would make changes and tweaks constantly. This ‘fee per adjustment’ plan would result in plenty of appearance charges being used. Spending a ton of gems for a full kit just to tweak the color of my sylvari’s glow so it will match her new armor color scheme…no thanks, not buying those. I’d rather make a new character than buy a kit to tweak one small detail on an existing one.

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Homophobia & the Ignore System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StinVec.3621


Yawn. This is going to go on for days. Close it Anet.

You do not have to keep entering this thread. How does its existence hurt you? If you don’t want to participate in the discussion or read what others have to say, do not feel the need to return to the thread.

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Female charr Ancestral Outfit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StinVec.3621


Charrs must be the bane of every graphic designer at Arenanet

I wouldn’t be surprised if they spend less time on charr versions because they know it’s one of the least popular race, especially female charrs

I think charr persist as the least popular species in the game because of the lack of attention given to it and not because of a dislike for the species itself.

Devs seem to have looked at their metrics and got it completely wrong…obviously that would happen simply by going off of metrics yet they persist with that behavior. The stance of “they don’t like it so why put effort into fixing it” is completely wrong when really they are not liked primarily because of the effort not being put into fixing them. Put actual effort into fixing them and players will make them more.

It’s like:

  • “Our metrics show people aren’t eating the cake (playing charr) so we shouldn’t put effort into adding frosting or sprinkles to it.”

When really we aren’t eating the cake because it’s full of thumb tacks!
(clipping, lazy adaptations, ignoring species attributes; horns, ears, tails, claws, etc.)

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Glowing Items in Inventory

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StinVec.3621


I would use it if it were not so brightly highlighted as to completely obscure what the item actually is.

Tone down the brightness or lessen how much of the icon is covered by the highlight and it would be useful to me.

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(edited by StinVec.3621)

Exciting News Coming?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StinVec.3621


Mildly Agitated Lumbering of the Ettin
Of Gods and Grawl

Or, more seriously, anything created by Shriketalon.1937 would be more than welcome.

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New Town Clothes

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: StinVec.3621


I’m still trying to understand the logic in relation to Anet’s Gem Store item releases.

As I see it:
They want our money, we want to give it to them.
They throw unrequested and bugged town clothes at us, we keep our money.
1,000’s of players begging for some armor skins, and we get backpacks.

I understand many people have bought town clothes, but those who bought head items can’t even see the item that they bought due to a bug that is as yet unfixed and has gone unfixed for months…notice there was no head item released with these new town clothes, that’s because the head items are still bugged. :\

Though don’t get me wrong, I like my Tiger Charr backpack, but I didn’t even buy gems for mine since the Tiger Charr backpacks are on the TP for 6 gold since they are a rare drop from Black Lion Chests…while the really, really plain brown Charr backpacks are Gem Store only and cost much more than that. That should have been reversed. You want our money, put the good stuff on the Gem Store so we will buy gems with cash to get the stuff we actually want.

It actually seems to me that Anet doesn’t want our money and instead intentionally goes out of their way to not offer what 1,000’s are requesting and would pay for, and instead spends time creating and adding in things that nobody has asked for and very few seem to be buying. Their behavior just does not make sense to me from a business standpoint. Having no monthly charge to play, I would think they’d be putting priority on offering goods that are highly requested as to keep generating income, while also putting priority on fixing the main bugs that are affecting people on a daily basis. I really feel Anet needs to sit down with itself and have a heart-to-heart, think about what it’s done, where it is going, where it should be going and what it needs to do to get there…for all our sake, as I want GW2 to be around longer and be greater than GW1 in all aspects. Also…I miss actual “Guild Wars” in Guild Wars. I don’t know who decided to scrap the foundation for the title of the game, but I don’t think it was that great of an idea, though that might just be me and my opinion. Anyway, thank you for the fun times playing so far Anet, I look forward to another couple thousand hours.

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(edited by StinVec.3621)

Next patch (7/15/14) - "Entanglement"

in Living World

Posted by: StinVec.3621


Indeed. I can see it now:

  • Vines spread via waypoint system
  • Waypoint system gets taken offline (permanently?) to stop the spread of the vines
  • Players must travel everywhere by foot
  • New convenience only Gem Store item!
    • Mobile Waypoint Device! 1,000 gems (costs 10 silver per use)
  • New cosmetic only Gem Store items!
    • New Mount Designs!
      “Why travel on foot when you can traverse the landscapes in style on your own personal llama, bicycle or wheeled cart?!”
      - Same functionality as the Witch’s Broom and Sonic Tunneling Tool – does not provide any movement speed bonuses.

(I know this is a joke but…)
I’d almost definitely leave the game if they removed the waypoints. Its one of the main reasons why I prefer the GW series of other MMOs. Soo much wasted time while running to places.

Is it a joke?
- At first glance it is a little humorous and you start to chuckle at the absurdity of it.
- Then it really starts to sink in as you visualize it and you start to think…
- “Nah, They wouldn’t do that…would they?”
- Then it hits you that it really isn’t that funny.
- And as your chuckle begins to trail off, you realize that you can actually see this happening.
- Then you find yourself staring at your screen with a single thought pounding in your mind…
- “They might actually do this…”

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(edited by StinVec.3621)

Living (Story) in a Griefer's Paradise?

in The Edge of the Mists

Posted by: StinVec.3621


Queuing up for WvW is proof that you have interest in player to player combat. If you truly have no interest, you wouldn’t have clicked on the button that takes you there.

If there is story content available only in the WvW environment, you will see plenty of people who are there not because they have any interest in player vs player combat, but because they want to see how the story continues. I must say, it’s a bit absurd to spend a year delivering story in a PvE environment, and then say “if you want to see how it ends, get ready to be preyed upon by people who are literally salivating at the thought of inflicting suffering on others who just want to be left alone.” Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy WvW as a game mode, but this seems like an extremely ill-advised crossover. I’m excited to fight other players on the new map, but dreading the kittenstorm of ill-will and acrimony that happens when PvE players are bribed with rewards/achievements to enter a PvP environment without any real desire to be there.

Year of story in PvE
Conclusion is only available in WvW where you are likely to be killed many, many times by other people and you may never get to even see the end of the story or get the reward tied to completing the achievement.

Sounds like:

Entire “personal” story is solo and for you alone and never has you enter a single dungeon
Can only conclude your personal story by doing a dungeon with 4 other players.

“Absurd” fits them both.

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