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Silver Doubloons - how to fix the price

in Crafting

Posted by: TheGandhiMan.5729


As is clear from the prices of the other Doubloons the price of silver doesn’t reflect its actual worth as an item and is being grossly altered by its necessity in making the vile of quicksilver.

There’s already a million posts about this and where all your mindsets differ from anet’s is so clearly laid out by this statement. If it is used to make quicksilver why do you feel that the ability to turn it into quicksilver should not impact the value of the item? The price of anything on the market is determined by what people are willing to pay for it. Even if somebody buys something out the item will only sell at what somebody is willing to pay. What somebody is willing to pay is determined by what it can do.

Oh no don’t get me wrong i understand how the market will be effected by the demand for the item and this is in demand for the exact reason i want it. My issue is that the quantity in which you need it is far too high in relation to the rate at which it drops, and so as a result the price is spiralling up.

Silver Doubloons - how to fix the price

in Crafting

Posted by: TheGandhiMan.5729


Farm Light Miner’s Bags in Gendarran fields… you can get 200bags an hour if you can kill them quick.

here’s the map enjoy:

thanks for this i will give it a go, however it means i have to maintain a character at level 20-29 and doesn’t really solve the problem in the long term.

Silver Doubloons - how to fix the price

in Crafting

Posted by: TheGandhiMan.5729


So as anyone going for the juggernaut will already know, the price for silver doubloons is ridiculous. As they are sitting around 2g a piece that make a vile of quick silver cost a very reasonable 600g to make… (?°?°??? ???

Copper –
Silver –
Gold –

As is clear from the prices of the other Doubloons the price of silver doesn’t reflect its actual worth as an item and is being grossly altered by its necessity in making the vile of quicksilver. I hope that this is an oversight by the devs and that they had not actually intended for a 1/4 of a gift to be half the price of crafting this legendary.

Currently the best ways to gain Silver Doubloons is either to flush their 1 and 2 gemstones down the mystic toilet or to park a level 19 -29 character at a jumping puzzle chest and log in each day in the hope of getting a Silver pop out. This is not the Guild wars that i want to be playing. I understand that legendary items are meant to be hard to obtain but the drop rates for this item do not reflect the abundance in which it is needed. Every other mat for a legendary can be obtained by simply playing the game but 600g of silver doubloons seems a little way out of the ethic GW set for itself.

So how do we solve this?
I have several ideas on how the price could be altered and implemented.
First why not make a recipe for the mystic forge which requires copper doubloons, a recipe to turn silver to gold already exists… why is there no copper to silver!?! Of course the down side to this is that all that may happen is Silver will go down to 1.2g and copper will go up to 60s, defeating the idea of fixing the market price by ruining the price of 2 items.
Another option is for there to be a recipe which requires other items in order for it to not shake the market too much. By making the recipe quiet demanding the corresponding price changes may not be too huge. For example make the recipe require more the 2 copper and 2 dust – double it – triple it – I’m sure that the GW2 team have a way of predicting potential fall out in the markets. Of course you could make it cos quiet a few skill points to change 1 doubloons reducing the rate at which the recipe would be turned over and so stopping the price from crashing. To go along with this making an item like mystic coins integral to the recipe could cause an inflation in that item, there must be an item ‘x’ in the market which the devs believe to cost too little for what it is. As we saw with blues/greens giving an item another purpose makes it’s value more realistic on the market. So find something which costs too little – add it to this potential recipe and hopefully this will pull silver doubloon’s price down and item x’s price up.

Another solution is to make Silver doubloons drop during one of the living stories, this method is a short time fix and will most likely just shake the market more unless the living story in question was to become permanent content.

Another solution is to make Silver Doubloons available from a vendor of some sort. If a chest was available which had a chance to drop silver doubloons and other items for other legendary weapons which have a price which doesn’t reflect their worth, this could solve a whole lot of problems in one go – have them cost laurels and this will stop a flooding in the market, the potential benefit from this is it is future proofing the market. Should another item in the future have its price alter too much it could be added to the chest and if the price of Silver doubloons for example crashes too hard then the drop rate could be reduced or they could be removed entirely.

What do you guys think?
Try coming up with other solutions or improve upon the ideas i have. If we can present a good solution to devs why shouldn’t they implement it?
Or do you believe that the price is fair and shouldn’t be messed with?

TL;DR – The price for Silver Doubloons is too d@mn high how would you fix it?