Showing Posts Upvoted By PrettyShield.8107:

new Devona's Rest Diamond WvW + pvp dragon

in Looking for...

Posted by: Spirit Ritulist.9315

Spirit Ritulist.9315

Dark Jean, this thread has well established that most of DR doesn’t like you anymore than the “haters” from other servers. Take the hint and stop digging yourself deeper into this pit you spawned in the name of showing off the achievements of DR. DR is not a bad server deep down, but having you be a part of it is more of a fault than a benefit.

That is sooo not true hahah. DR loves me alot they says so themselves. Guildys are the same. Im a guild leader of 500

Is that why they banned you from the DR website? Twice?

Guild leader of a guild with 500 people, whoop de doo… How many of those 500 are actually ACTIVE? Most I see on kYrO at any given time is no more then 50 people and usually half aren’t even repping or on server. I’d rather be the guild leader of a guild that has 50 people online everyday who 100% rep then be the guild leader of a guild that has 500 people with only really 100 people online but more than half don’t even join us for events.

Jean by now you should realize that you need to stop making these kinds of posts. When you made a “just reached Mithril” thread on the DR website the responses to it were just about the SAME. I’m happy that you’re happy you managed to reach a goal you set for yourself. But the other 99% of people in this game DON’T CARE. If someone made a post every time they reached Mithril, Diamond or Diamond Legend the WvW forums would be FULL of threads like this.

This is a fail of a recruitment thread heck this is more of an anti recruitment thread. Hell even if it wasn’t a recruitment thread if I saw this thread when I was looking on the forums, saw it was made by someone in Devona’s Rest that would be the LAST server I go to. I’d rather go to ET or FC after reading this thread.

ANET Seriously...

in WvW

Posted by: Lawton Campbell


Lawton Campbell

Web Programmer

Forgot I was repping my bank guild.


new Devona's Rest Diamond WvW + pvp dragon

in Looking for...

Posted by: Paavotar.3971


Oh man, oh man! This is just getting better and better, keep at it!

I wonder if I’m the only EU player who is following this thread, this is way better than the local soap operas we have here.


A Pink scumbag of [FACE] and deep inside a [GuM]ster
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger

new Devona's Rest Diamond WvW + pvp dragon

in Looking for...

Posted by: Sweet Sanity.8593

Sweet Sanity.8593

How about this my dear Dark Jean. How about Dark Jean brings Dark Jean’s character to fight in PvP like Dark Jean wishes, because clearly Dark Jean does not care enough about WvW to upgrade Dark Jean’s armor to take part in real fighting in WvW. This must be why Dark Jean hides behind Dark Jean’s zergs when fighting in WvW. What other reason could Dark Jean have?

new Devona's Rest Diamond WvW + pvp dragon

in Looking for...

Posted by: Blockhead Magee.3092

Blockhead Magee.3092

Your count is off. I swing into EOTM from time to time and come across various levels of Diamonds all the time. There are a heck lot more than five.

A year to get dragon? Did you only play a few hours a week?

Either your trolling (well done if you are) or, I’m sorry to say, have puffed up your chest over a meaningless accomplishment that others have finished long ago.

Do you even know how to read ? I said theres less than 5 ppl that have diamond with dragon pvp…

Also yes 1 year to get dragon. Or 1 year to get to rank 54 bear to be qualified as dragon once the newest the pvp update came out.. We all Needed to be rank 54 bear and above to become a dragon cause of the update. guess you were still a newbie when anet released the new pvp update. Made allpvpers angry. The pvp rank up system is now x10 faster than it was before

Your ego is getting the better of you. You have done nothing remarkable.


new Devona's Rest Diamond WvW + pvp dragon

in Looking for...

Posted by: RustyMech.9876


Congratulating yourself is indeed an accomplishment on a whole new level.

Mordrem Invasion Update: 11 September 12:30 PM

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ScribeTheMad.7614


The only logical reason I can think of for such low rewards were if this was meant to merely be the first in a series of weekend events leading up to HoT, possibly expanding in location/severity.
That would mean they intended us to earn blooms over weeks not a single weekend.
But there’s been absolutely information indicating any such thing.
As far as we know this is it.
Which comes back to the biggest problem we’ve had with them since the beginning, lack of proper communication.
Is this a one off event? All we’re going to see before HoT?
Was this a series of events meant to be dabbled in over weeks not ground to death in a weekend?
Plenty of information they could have given us without spoiling anything.
If any of that truly is the case anyway, I could be grasping at straws trying to find sense in someone else’s madness.

“The short answer is that new content is not going to drive people away from the game.
There is absolutely no evidence to support that it would.” -AnthonyOrdon

Guild Recruitment Video Opportunity

in Looking for...

Posted by: Zavve.8205


Here is my video I made today! I was so excited and it was fun to make! I know I probably won’t be picked but I really enjoyed doing this! <3

Guild Recruitment Video Opportunity

in Looking for...

Posted by: Gaile Gray

Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


As you may have read, Guild Wars 2 is going to be participating at TwitchCon at the end of September. We’d like to feature some of our marvelous Guild Wars 2 guilds right on our big screen at the show!

Here’s what you do to participate:

  • Put together a cool guild recruitment video! Give us about 30 seconds of footage introducing your guild and telling (or showing) players why they want to join up!
    • 30 seconds is optimal. We won’t toss you out of the running if you go 32 seconds, but we want these to be brief but meaningful.
    • Make sure to abide by our Terms of Use and not to use any copyrighted content beyond our own.
  • Place a link on this forum thread that leads to a place where we can view your video.
  • Be prepared to send us a high-res version file of the video, if it is selected.

We will let you know via forum PM if your video is selected and you will need to get us the high-res file as quickly as possible after notification.

It’s that simple!

Now, the timing is short, so get your creative juices flowing and submit a link to your video for consideration here on the forums by Tuesday, September 1.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)

Guild Recruitment Video Opportunity

in Looking for...

Posted by: Gaile Gray


Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


I am positively loving this thread and all your creativity. In fact, it may be the most fun I’ve had on the forums in years!

Thank you for these amazing works! Remember, we can accept through September 1st, and I’m told the 30-second limit is… flexible. That doesn’t mean we could accept a “Gone with the Wind”-length recruitment video, but that does mean you’re not locked to a precise half-minute of time.

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Can't use chat after visiting the Grove.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ziantra.8502


Same-none of my toons can now communicate. as I am a guild leader this is a problem