(edited by AdelphiA.9287)
Showing Posts For AdelphiA.9287:
Thanks, I’ll take a look at that as it’s JS I’m using. I’ve been working from the basic example that Cliff linked us.
Thanks for the response Cliff, but for the life of me I can’t figure out how to display WPs in WvW or PvP. ;( They just refuse to show. I’m sure it’s something I’m doing as I make a call to test and the names come up correctly. Oh well, a bit more delving to do…
Not sure if you are aware but you’re “&ratings=true” is not working correctly. When you click the link it changes the “&” to “&” which is expected in a non formatted link. Perhaps you need to check it… (are you using [ pre ] and [ /pre ] tags?)
My whole point of asking is, if it returns ALL floors, why do we need to specify “floor=X”?
… use this site for feedback on our apps? If we created a topic specifically called the name of our application for people to give feedback, report bugs etc. (and to possibly make donations) would this be acceptable or should this really be kept “outside” of API Development forum?
I’m guessing this needs to be answered by Cliff or one of the ANet team.
Tequatl has no “pre-events”. He spawns on a timer. There are other events which are “linked” but they are not pre-requisites like others have (underworld forces etc. for Behemoth). Please correct me if I’m wrong…
I have been trying to get the WP / landmark data from mists which I believe is continent 2, floor 1.
However, if I enter…
I also get all other floor data for points_of_interest. Is this correct or should it just return the floor I requested?
Try using guild_name instead of guild_id. Much easier to remember and use!
Thanks very much!
Can someone tell me where to get the info for the gates in LA (like Baruch Bay [SP] Borderlands Mists Gate). I don’t seem to be able to find any reference to them in the map API. In addition, how do I get the wp, poi and vista data for WvW? They don’t appear to show up on my map overlay. Mists and normal PvE do, but not WvW.
Thanks for letting us know. I was wondering why my latest app (gw2EventOly) hadn’t been added to the list!
Hey everyone,
sorry for not updating the list so long but it seems that I cannot edit the post any more since it has become too long. I have sent a PM to Terrasque.8735 since he owns the first response and it would be cool if we could continue the list in this response.
e-Mail from "ArenaNet?" Please read! [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: AdelphiA.9287
I have received an email from “ArenaNet” and it is asking me to follow this link: https://account.guildwars2.com/account/login-support.html i need to know if this is from a phishing email
any help would be appreciated
I can virtually guarantee if you hover your mouse over the link (without clicking it), what you see in the tooltip will be totally different! That gives you a big clue this is a phishing email. For one it probably doesn’t even start with https:// and there are probably extensions after the guildwars2.com like guildwars2.com.XXX.YYY
OK, apart from my online timer, I now have written an overlay app which links to the net and monitors and tells you what’s happening.
Although it’s still in BETA it’s 99% functional (still perfecting popup positioning) but it’s very customizable. You will eventually be able to choose which of the “chest” events you monitor plus add ANY event you want to be monitored (like Penetant etc.) and get an active list of current active events.
I’m always open to suggestions to improve but if you want to have a look, go get it from http://www.enigma-eu.co.uk/gw2EventOly.zip (case sensitive). You will also need to install VC++ 2012 Runtime from http://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=30679
Every single day I get a disconnect whilst in game after around 2 hours play. This happens daily without exception and get the dreaded black screen where I then have to F4 out to even get to my desktop. I don’t have the error to hand (I’ll get it next time for you), but I am connecting to Piken Square (EU) from the UK.
Not trying to croach on someone elses post, but take a look at mine, it works in all browsers. http://www.enigma-eu.co.uk/events/gw2info/
Perhaps if you could say exactly what is not working (or paste some code) we may be able to help.
This is a simple process if you care to spend the time on it. For those that can’t or those that don’t have the time, here is an example of what I do for my chest events in PHP. (NOTE: I have abbreviated the list)
class chestEventClass
public $events = Array(
// Name, boss, actual event ID, linkedevent count, final pre event ID, ... first pre event ID
// Behemoth
Array('Secrets in the Swamp','Behemoth','31CEBA08E44D472F81B07143D73797F5',4,'363301407A61470899EB010B10420E39','CFBC4A8C2917478A90631A8B43CC8C38','E539A5E3A33B4D5FAEED197D2716F79B','AFCF031AF71D4CEA85E1957179414B25'),
// Golem Mark II
Array('Defeat the Inquest\'s Golem Mark II','Golem Mark II','9AA133DCF6304A0EBB5DEE34A2B306C2',1,'3ED4FEB4A976459794E88BFD9053522F'),
// Jormag
Array('Breaking the Claw of Jormag','Jormag','0464CB9E18484AAABA314779A959DD71',5,'BFD87D5B64194637AFC535357932AD2C','0CA3A7E35F664651B0CBC45D3F0CAD95','96D736C4D2C64392982FAC6B8EF3B1C8','C957AD9925E14DB09938F54D9F23587B','429D6F3E079C4DE08F9D8F75A222DB36'))
Hi all.
I have been working with the API for a few days now and have a page which will enable you to get event IDs for any world and any map.
Although it’s not completey finished (I need to work on the timers and style) you can get the state, description, ID of any event with chest events being linked.
Have a look and let me know what you think…
Also, this has been tested on the five main browsers, IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera and works on them all, unlike a lot which don’t seem to work in IE.
Database / Data Retireval: http://www.enigma-eu.co.uk/events/gw2info/
I have also started on the event timer which, as far as I’m aware, is the first to allow user data input so you can monitor any event on a specific server.
Event Timer: http://www.enigma-eu.co.uk/events/
(edited by AdelphiA.9287)
I can’t believe that a main event like the Temple of Balthazar is inactive for almost 24 hours without anyone attempting / starting it so the reset of the server state seems to be irrelevant in this case.
Just have a look at https://api.guildwars2.com/v1/events.json?world_id=2012&event_id=2555EFCB-2927-4589-AB61-1957D9CC70C8 and see what result you get! I bet it’s {"events":[]}Oh, don’t click the link as it will fail becasue of the forums redirect- you’ll need to copy and paste it into your browser.
Did you try other worlds instead of just that one (i.e. Piken Square)?
Hadn’t even thought about checking a different server (guess thats cause I’m on Piken).
I can’t believe that a main event like the Temple of Balthazar is inactive for almost 24 hours without anyone attempting / starting it so the reset of the server state seems to be irrelevant in this case.
Just have a look at https://api.guildwars2.com/v1/events.json?world_id=2012&event_id=2555EFCB-2927-4589-AB61-1957D9CC70C8 and see what result you get! I bet it’s {"events":[]}
Oh, don’t click the link as it will fail becasue of the forums redirect- you’ll need to copy and paste it into your browser.
I’ve noticed another one missing now – which is a main event – Temple of Balthazar. Now this WAS working yesterday but isn’t today. The event ID is 2555EFCB29274589AB611957D9CC70C8.
Since the patch on March 28th, there seems to be a number of events which are no longer returning data. I know Admin has said we need to wait for an event to be restarted before it’s poulated, but how long? The two event IDs I’m currently questioning are part of Cathedral of Eternal Radiance (Temple of Lyssa) and are 2F3955DB5CAD480EAACB4A9D318AA9A8 and A3BEF1D910B044C78B4B600BEC0F0316.
Have these events been removed or changed?
(edited by AdelphiA.9287)
Hi all.
I have been working with the API for a few days now and have a page which will enable you to get event IDs for any world and any map.
Although it’s not completey finished (I need to work on the timers and style) you can get the state, description, ID of any event with chest events being linked.
Have a look and let me know what you think…
Also, this has been tested on the five main browsers, IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera and works on them all, unlike a lot which don’t seem to work in IE.
As ANet have now made the API public, I can not see any reason why this would get you banned. If they banned you for this then they would have to ban you from moving any other application over the top of your game window.