Showing Posts For Anhim.3156:
I get the impression that there was some sort of update with the achievements on Monday as a quite a few ‘new’ ones appeared on my end. That said, it seems like they did not get added into their respective categories.
A quick example:
Treasure hunter:
This is a ‘Rare collection’ and has such should belong in:, but the ID seems to be missing from here.
This seems to repeat for quite a few of these ‘new’ achievements. Now maybe this is a problem on my end, but I don’t believe so.
p.s: Does this mean there are already plans for another ~7 years
Huh, so I guess some entries are just missing the info, (ravenswood staff) definitely only has one crafted ID.
Thanks for the info Sariel, I imagine this is a good place to start (and hopefully help those API folks ).
Alright, I figured as much.
The solution you suggest is something I am currently employing, but I am always concerned about minimizing queries to the API (since I don’t know much about the hardware/software limitations, I assume worse case).
With regards to my own project it doesn’t affect me too too much, since items are rarely updated (usually replaced). So far I’ve forced a check whenever an achievement is added to the categories, but I dislike the many many calls it does to confirm things are up to date.
Anyway, thanks for the in-detail answer and the link, hopefully some day this gets to be done (along with all other plans, because money and time are never a problem… right?).
I haven’t been able to find anything to this matter so I’ll ask here (knowing it’s probably been asked before).
I’m wondering if there is a way to get information on which API entries were updated (and possible when). I’m aware it’s easy to find if new entries were added simply by looking at the base point (say /v2/item) and looking at the number of entries; but this does not show if any already existing entries were modified (for example cooldowns on skills).
Thanks for any hints/answers.
I’m not sure if this belongs here, but there seems to be an issue with and
Both the ‘en’ and ‘de’ versions of the skill work fine, but ‘es’ and ‘fr’ through some oddball errors.
Alright, thanks for looking into this!
I’m not sure if this issue extends further than just the “boxes of recipes” items but these are the only ones I’ve found so far. At the moment, there are items in game (such as the Box of Recipes: The Ravenswood Staff) which are recipe ‘sheets’ used to unlock multiple recipes at once. This one in particular will unlock 3 items. The problem here though is that if you look at the “API entry” for the box of recipes it only shows one recipe id instead of 3.
The shown recipe id in this case refers to the one used for the Ravenswood Staff. It seems like the general rule in the API will be that only the ‘primary’ recipe is shown and the other ones are just lost.
For reference, the recipe id for Jar of Luminesce Polish is 10296, an entry which is not referenced at all in the recipe item page.
I’ve gone through most (if not all) the recipe pages and not found a reference to such ‘secondary’ items.
I’m certain this isn’t a high priority to get sorted out, but is there in the mean time a way to figure out what all the items unlocked by a recipe box are, or is this simply not possible with the current system?
If I’ve just missed something evident, I would be more than happy to have it pointed out to me.
Ah alright, that makes sense. Thanks for the clarification! Although not giving the answer I wanted it does explain and offer a few others.
So this means we just need to put all scribing stuff in here for it to work… it’s that simple.. right?
I’ve been trying to fiddle around with some information with the API but have come into a problem where it seems not all crafting materials are listed. I believe I understand shows all categories; however there seems to be an absence of exotic crafting materials. As such items like Mirror seem to not be classified as crafting materials by the API.
Is there a detail I am simply missing (I wouldn’t put it past em at all), or is this something missing/yet to be implemented?
Thanks for any insight or answers.
After playing around with it a bit I believe I figured out the issue some people have. The key word is that the npc wants a ‘crafted’ weapon. This means any weapon with carrion stats that only drops from loot is NOT accepted. anything crafted (krait weapons for example) is just fine.
Hello everyone,
If this has already been determined, I apologize for a duplicate post but a quick search yielded nothing of the sort.
It has been mentioned a few times that people get plagued with a white arrow over the heal skill that never goes away and interferes with the Esc key.
In order to produce the bug you must do the folloowing:
1) Be in a map where the arrow will trigger (i.e lvl1-15 maps)
2) Find a very high place and JUMP!
3) Once you’ve achieved a very nice splat and are completely dead, waypoint within the map (untested waypointing outside the map).
4) VoilĂ , you now have a permanent white arrow over your heal skill, and spamming the esc key will make it dance.
I have been able to repeat this in Caledon Forest a few times consistently. I am not certain this is the only way of getting this bug, but this seems to be the only way I have ever gotten it.
Hopefully this is of some use.
Hello all,
Following this beta event, I have noticed the following. I obtained some mastery points, and attempted to spend them. I trained the first level of Exalted Lore successfully, I then started Itzel Lore. While Itzel Lore was training I noticed I still had my 2 mastery points. I clicked on the icon beside Exalted Markings and was prompted with spending 1 mastery point. I clicked yes, nothing happened. I retried a few times and my points did not change.
While Itzel Lore was still training I decided to try to train mushrooms. I started that, but now the training bar is stuck and I still have my initial 2 mastery points.
I can’t think of additional details, but can answer or add info if needed.
edit: ok, the learning progress was a screw up of mine, I did not understand how it worked. The mastery point issue seems to remain however.
(edited by Anhim.3156)
Thank you for all the answers.
-I have tried connection to other variants of the guildwars2 website, but none work, including this forum page.
-I had already tried doing a DNS flush a while back and also waited the problem out for over a week, however none had solved the problem.
-I do run BitDefender (on windows 7). However as far as I can tell it is not the cause of the issue. I have attempted to open the website while in ‘game mode’, as well as after disabling firewall, antivirus, privacy, etc…, still to no avail.
-I have attempted this on other computers (at most of the locations I have tried mine), and they worked fine, leading me to think it is an issue linked to this machine.
-What I have just figured out however is that if I open a VM on the computer with issues, I can connect to the website with no problems. So this must be an issue somewhere on my own computer/programs. If there are any ideas, I would be glad to hear them (maybe more on the BitDefender? This thing has so far caused me more issues than joy…). If not, then I shall consider the case closed.
I have indeed checked for any antivirus blacklist/whitelist. I have manually added the websites to the whitelist and still had nothing different. I ran the computer through one restart without any antivirus/firewall active, the issue still remained.
That I recall the issue had not started with a particular browser update since it affected all browsers (chrome, firefox, and opera) and the same time. I have since then updated each browser and operating system with still no luck.
Hello everyone,
I have recently come across an interesting issue, where any and all of my browsers will not be able to connect to I have attempted to login from various locations around town, and could not connect their either. The only way for me to connect to this website is to use a proxy.
Now I am thinking this might be a MAC address ban (but my knowledge in the subject is limited), yet all I have ever done in the forum is read the patch notes.
Please also note that this issue ONLY occurs for the gw2 website, not for any other website or the game itself.
Any help/advice would be appreciated, this is not stopping me from playing, but it is rather annoying.
Many thanks,
Hello everyone,
I am not sure if this has been reported yet, but I have not found it so far, so here goes.
Since the update with added control skills for the glyph of elementals (Elementalist Elite), I have noticed that hovering over the glyph of elementals while attuned to air, shows the skills for EVERY elemental (fire, air, water, and earth) instead of only air. Once the elemental is spawned, everything seems normal, it is only when the glyph is off cooldown.