IV a we are a hardcore WvW guild aiming to run 25 to 30 man guild raids and gvg’s
Requirements to join:
- teamspeak (microphone preferbally)
- register on forums
- 1 week raiding trial
currently we are looking for:
2 warriors
2 guardians
1 thief
2 mesmers
1 elementalist
Piken Square EU
(edited by Arathor.7419)
will ascended trinkets go soulbound on the feature patch on the 15th of april?
do trinkets go accountbound at the 15th patch?
if i put soulbound items in the bank and then delete the character who owns the soulbound items , will those items remain in the bank or get deleted with the character?
yea i really hope that this castle will be involved in LS season 2 , if you look at the broken bridge where also is a portal to maguuma , and one inside the fort , i’d say those are two seperate new maguuma maps
I’m afraid the Sinister Triad have been around in Brisban Wildlands since release; they’re nothing new, they pre-date Scarlet and the LS.
The portal is certainly interesting, of course, in light of Ms Delaqua’s Seraph Sister mentioning that she’s headed out this direction.
yes im really excited what will happen , and if we get to see fort vandal and the other parts , and maybe maguuma wastes.
so the sinister triad is bandits,nightmare court and inquest combined , a new alliance it seems , well i was able to peak over fort vandal and it seems like there is a portal behind it leading somewhere , also the fortress is full of lvl 80 champion bandits.
screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/tYchsXY.jpg
so what do you guys think about this?
recruitment status:
Elementalist 2x
necromancer 2x
recruitment status:
Elementalist 2x
necromancer 2x
High Tier is a Hardcore World vs World guild that just arrived on Piken square , so far really like the server and we are planning on staying here :-) , we previously have played on Whiteside ridge , Ruins of Surmia and Fissure of Woe , and we have also been 6 months on Gunnar’s hold but that was a long time ago.
what does it require to join us:
- Previous WvW guild experience (preferbally)
- 1 week trial to become a full member
- active on raids
- teamspeak3
- a microphone
What are we looking for at the moment:
- Necromancers
- Elementalist
- Thief ( 1x )
How often do we raid:
we raid 5-7 days a week for 2 hours per day , during primetime 19:00 uk timezone till 21:00 UK ( sometimes our raids go on for 1 hour longer or 30 minutes longer )
How to apply:
If you are intrested, you can send a pm to whisper to Arathor.7419 or Dnkr.5207. For a short interview in teamspeak, We have a trial membership of several raids (about 1 week) to give you and us the oppurtunity to get to know eachother.
- Pikensquare
- Arathor.7419
- Dnkr.5207
High Tier is a Hardcore World vs World guild that just arrived on Piken square , so far really like the server and we are planning on staying here :-) , we previously have played on Whiteside ridge , Ruins of Surmia and Fissure of Woe , and we have also been 6 months on Gunnar’s hold but that was a long time ago.
what does it require to join us:
- Previous WvW guild experience (preferbally)
- 1 week trial to become a full member
- active on raids
- teamspeak3
- a microphone
What are we looking for at the moment:
- Necromancers
- Elementalist
- Thief ( 1x )
How often do we raid:
we raid 5-7 days a week for 2 hours per day , during primetime 19:00 uk timezone till 21:00 UK ( sometimes our raids go on for 1 hour longer or 30 minutes longer )
How to apply:
If you are intrested, you can send a pm to whisper to Arathor.7419 or Dnkr.5207. For a short interview in teamspeak, We have a trial membership of several raids (about 1 week) to give you and us the oppurtunity to get to know eachother.
- Pikensquare
- Arathor.7419
- Dnkr.5207
how to get group effort 1-4 for heirloom bags
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Arathor.7419
as the title says above how do ifarm to get those group effort anchievements to get heirloom bags
Aetherblade broken anchievement = broken??
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Arathor.7419
as said in the topic title , did the event several times never had the anchievement is it bugged ??
i bought a gemcard online at a reliable store where i bought it before , and i fill in the code and it says "the code could not be redeemed. Please check your code and try again, if you continue to receive this error , please contact costumer support.
i have tried to fill it in several times but it still does not work
Gem Store/Code Redemption Issues 31 Jan [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Arathor.7419
i just bought a gemcard but the redeem code gives an error that i have to contact costumer support is it still down ??
[HT] ‘High Tier’ is a international WvW guild that focusses on raiding with max 25 players , currently we are in ruins of surmia and looking for new members to join us .
What do we have to offer:
- teamplay
- fun and no blobbing
- lootbags ofc ^^
What are we looking for:
1#Staff elemtanlist (high)
2#gs/staff Guardian (High)
what do we expect from you:
knowledge of your class all around , flexible in movement and above all being able to play and work as a team.
( no hero’s )
[HT] ‘High Tier’ is a international WvW guild that focusses on raiding with max 25 players , currently we are in ruins of surmia and looking for new members to join us .
What do we have to offer:
- teamplay
- fun and no blobbing
- lootbags ofc ^^
What are we looking for:
1#Staff elemtanlist (high)
2#gs/staff Guardian (High)
what do we expect from you:
knowledge of your class all around , flexible in movement and above all being able to play and work as a team.
( no hero’s )
jesus arbor.. 100 man blob in eb with BS hiding in the zerg… where is the skill???
what day is it today blob sunday??
(edited by Arathor.7419)
Ahhh, dear Natsos.
Excuse me for taking time to study for the upcoming exams and to socialize with a few girls who want me – yes, my dear, there does exist something as “real life”, and at least I have one.
Also, my Guild only has a total of 5 Admin Team members now, including me. We’re struggling to find people who match my standards to get promoted to Officer.Also, you sound like Underworld consists out of many WvW Guilds who are all alive and kicking. The only Guilds left on Underworld I have ever seen in organized WvW, with more than 5 men, were WAR, SPGR, Mayh, ET and Blöd. As far as I know, GuM left our server. So please, dear Natsos, tell me. Are you really stating Underworld is doing so well?
And I have no clue why you even insinuate a “throne”. Only thing I’m leading is my Guild. And others as well when I’m commanding, but that’s all. Please do explain what you meant there.
where did those dudes from GuM go lawl
Just a Q to start off this thread with: High Tier [HT], why exactly did you guys move servers to FoW? The WvW there is quite crappy apart from your Guild.
You managed to kill my zerg once or twice while I was commanding FoW Borderlands at reset, which was nice. You flatly kitten d us at Longview while we were catapulting…good jobTo the others: I’m looking forward to this matchup! Let’s make the best of it!
ah yes.. , we have been in fow for quite sometime now , i think were planning to stay a while longer:) , what happened to uw btw , i remembered we had great fights in the silver tier
jesus we run with 14-20 players against tag zergs of 25-30 and rof blobs of even more
Been some good fights tonight, took a while for us to get some ground without being overzerged at the gate but after we did it worked out nicely.
Good fun in WSR BL (for some reason seems to be the zone we find the best fights in) fighting the [PvP] lot from FoW, and I believe it was [TasH] from WSR. Nice to meet some smaller guild groups, something we severely missed in the higher tiers. All 3 sides had others involved from random soloers to full zergs at various points which spiced things up well! Including siegerazer for a while ^^, Lots of fun there, thanks to all
Sadly it seems lots of the raid guilds are now transferring down…
agreed, it was pretty much the perfect example of an even 3 way fight. i’m pretty sure all 3 teams had about 10 guild dudes and all engaging at the same time.
i think we golem’d the guy who records your videos, ‘cos we want to be famous [really enjoy your vids btw], if we got the wrong guy, we’re sorry
we were then chasing [HT] around our border, win some, lose some, kite bounce some sort of stuff, but really good fights.
enjoyed the fights ^^
sub me if you like
video explains plz sub if you like
hey guys there are some helpfull gw2 vids on this yt page , plz check it out ^^ http://www.youtube.com/user/TheHightier
more walktroughs and playtroughs will be coming soon , subscribe plz
hey guys im closing my gw2 yt account and moving to a new one please subscribe to the new channel , ty for your time ^^ http://www.youtube.com/user/TheHightier
http://imgur.com/9UsKrcu 40 HT yea
thanks for the farm HT on FSP border, hiding behind siegerazor with your 40 ish and still afraid to fight <3
20 players do your countday kitten
Get off your high horse and watch yourself in a mirror before bragging at how you “wipe” everyone
Not going to make up theories about how/what, all is on tape.Here’s our little gift to you:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJ74_x-FB0Ui dont know why you are responding and paying attention to members as number 1 , second you apparently cutted out footage because before that whole whipe occured there was abigger fight going on , that ac was built for a reason , sometimes your eyes can be your biggest lie
What do you mean the AC was built for a reason? there was only 13 of them, and plenty more of you, nobody else was in the tower and you can check his minimap, and you only just dropped the AC when you engaged them, would you like to continue digging your hole?
plz back off with that bullkitten http://imgur.com/3Nes0ZT
I did what I did because I really love the respect between the guilds in gw2 even if they are on the opposing side.
You obviously don’t care. You guys hit the bottom but you’re right ! Keep digging !Oh, and just so there’s no doubt, here’s the unedited video:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RmwgZYEIIw&feature=youtu.beAs of GvG, we’d be pleased to answer your demands but we are only 2 weeks old and we are not set up yet. We’ll gladly fight you when proper gvg’s will come back.
In the meantime, feel free to zerg us with your 20/30 guys and post it on the forum. We honestly don’t care because we have nothing to prove. We are not the best and we don’t brag around at how we wiped this or that. And as a matter of fact we are not the ones being hated by their own server
you got a video to back up your deeds , come for a gvg
sad guilds punk,kale,got all running away in fsp bl from us and then they team up 3vs1 in their bl …
riot=wiped,GRTS=WIPED…AoA next time homies ^^
very good fights from FSP guys,much love and respect for you all.
Good Fights UW and FSP, tho you guys had to blob to take us down xD or it could be jst teamwork…but well done on the fights..10/10 guys
Some Love from GH to FSP and UW.
FSP blob wiped x3 today xDanother guild blob AoA+Punk+pugs Vs HT.
yeah it was the same group PUNK when the blob they had going on got wiped they split and tried to attack us from behind,and we did not have even numbers at that fight it was blob.
reset day,dex and other guild was running 2gather,we wiped them both,and are you sure dex is a 8 man guild?if you are really 8 man guild then am pretty sure i wont even bother looking at your tag….
Lol,you guys dont run alone,you always run with guilds blob,we wiped your 15 man group,am not sure if 15 or 20…then you joined with another guild to wipe us,but you got wiped back.
Get off your high horse and watch yourself in a mirror before bragging at how you “wipe” everyone
Not going to make up theories about how/what, all is on tape.Here’s our little gift to you:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJ74_x-FB0Ui dont know why you are responding and paying attention to members as number 1 , second you apparently cutted out footage because before that whole whipe occured there was abigger fight going on , that ac was built for a reason , sometimes your eyes can be your biggest lie
What do you mean the AC was built for a reason? there was only 13 of them, and plenty more of you, nobody else was in the tower and you can check his minimap, and you only just dropped the AC when you engaged them, would you like to continue digging your hole?
plz back off with that bullkitten http://imgur.com/3Nes0ZT
love how [HT] are boasting on the forums but don’t mention how we wiped them equal numbers at reset xD
we had a fight with an UW blob at vale right after we moved out you stood right infront of us with a few pugs , didnt see you coming
and some ppl say the skill comes from t1 , i never was so wrong
you mean Golem Square or Blob Square
another HT? lol , our guild [HT] High Tier is a wvw guild that has been in EU for over 7 months