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Foefire's Essence, Volcanus and more!

in Crafting

Posted by: Arcanis.2437


Ghosts are Blue xD Gift of Color FTW!!! JK XDDD

Probably Gift of History or Gift of Energy (couse it uses 250 from each Dust, wich drop from ghosts =P)

Foefire's Essence, Volcanus and more!

in Crafting

Posted by: Arcanis.2437


Someone on my server made the shield, but he didn’t want to share the recipe

Guess what, people suck.

That didnt surprise me at all.

People on this thread working hard to get it, and some punk gets it and dosent share thee recipe like what?
Are you going to be the only one with it? Sooner or later people will have so why dont you share?

No words.

Foefire's Essence, Volcanus and more!

in Crafting

Posted by: Arcanis.2437


From what people been telling me, the only Gifts that can be used on the Mystic Forge are those craft by professions.

So, having this in mind we should disregard the Gift of Magic (in my opinion).

From the crafted Gifts, the only ones who really stand out as a possible combination to “Foefire’s” are the Gift of History and Gift of Energy (but not as much as Gift of History).

There 3 other crafted Gifts that use “Gift of Ascalon” when crafted:
Gift of Light
Gift of Darkness
Gift of Lightning

So if anyone have these plz see if they can fit with the Eldrish Scroll.

(dunno why, but i cant edit my posts if there is no other post after mine, must be a bug)

Foefire's Essence, Volcanus and more!

in Crafting

Posted by: Arcanis.2437


I tryed all “Book Carts” in Divinitys and nothing. They only say “book on display blalabla….”

Hmm….. no Clues to chace, no idea what to do now.

Last hope on people experimenting =/

Foefire's Essence, Volcanus and more!

in Crafting

Posted by: Arcanis.2437


The recipe exists, its confirmed.

The “Clues” to find it are the problem.

Yah, probably the Devs are laughting at us, couse we might (or not) be chacing the wrong clues =/

About the Durmand Priory, I’m going there next, ill just search them for something to do with the “Foefire”.

Foefire's Essence, Volcanus and more!

in Crafting

Posted by: Arcanis.2437


Sry for double post, can’t edit the one before.

I just found this on Reddit.

Maybe these types of “Clues” Anet was talking about?

Are “Book Carts” bound to Divinitys Reach only?
I feel we are doing some progress now.

Todays mission = search all Citys for Book Carts, and read them =)

Foefire's Essence, Volcanus and more!

in Crafting

Posted by: Arcanis.2437


From one side, it ports you back to Black Citadel, from the other side its closed couse of the Ghosts. The Graveyard where we were ment to drop the Tome back in GW1 is gone.

Without some divine help with the clues, or someone being lucky experimenting with the MF, i dont see us getting this weapon that soon.

Foefire's Essence, Volcanus and more!

in Crafting

Posted by: Arcanis.2437


waited all night at the same spot, but ghost didnt spawn. Am i bugged or is it random? Weird!


Foefire's Essence, Volcanus and more!

in Crafting

Posted by: Arcanis.2437


Hmm. Where that Ghost died? At the wall? Do Ghosts like that one stay where they died?

Foefire's Essence, Volcanus and more!

in Crafting

Posted by: Arcanis.2437


“Maybe Gift of History + Ori Gs blades + scroll + coins ?”

I can’t try couse i have no money. If someone has the Gift of History would be nice to see if it fits in.

SO: We found the ghost, and he told us (well not me, Eveningstar) to find the book and bring it to him. It is “The Tome of the Fallen”. They are searching for it on the ruins, but if might not be there. People should also try to search for it where it was back in GW1. (get into Anet mind, we must think like them, sneaky sneaky Anet <-<)

Edit: Credit for finding the Ghost goes for Eveningstart, she got there 1st)

They say the book its magical, and it wast said that we could turn people into Ghosts even before the Foefire event.

3 things we can get from here:

1-There is an high possibility that this is the clue for the Foefire’s weapon.
2- Maybe “The Tome of the Fallen” is the clue itself. Like Trollface said, Gift of History looks like a book, and its magical, so maybe it fits with the Scroll and Coins.
3- Maybe this was just a random NPC talk and the dev are laughing at us couse we are searching it <_<

(edited by Arcanis.2437)

Foefire's Essence, Volcanus and more!

in Crafting

Posted by: Arcanis.2437


It is not an Event.

I found the NPC inside Black Citadel, its called Jorg “something”. Its on the bottom left corner, on some ruins. Talk to him and say the 1st option.

They say there are searching for “The Tome of the Fallen”, but they have yet to find it. They say a ghost spawns at night, but they are unable to talk to him. I think they also say the Ghost might have some clues on how to find the Tome.

Ima get some cofe, ill just camp those Ruins for the next 5hours, HELL YEAH!!
Ign: Lothur, Desolation EU

Foefire's Essence, Volcanus and more!

in Crafting

Posted by: Arcanis.2437


I searched all over Black Citadel. There is an NPC that talks about a ghost that shows up at night, and talks about a lost book (something “… of the fallen”, i forgot the name). I waited all night and no kitten ghost showd up.

For the love of God, someone just find the kitten recipe! im out of moneys =’(

Foefire's Essence, Volcanus and more!

in Crafting

Posted by: Arcanis.2437


Corrupted Lodestones are used on the “Jormag’s Breath of Ice”, so i wouldnt expect to see it being used here.

I would say, glacial or charged lodestone. Thats why i asked if anyone had tryed: scroll + coins + ori comp + glacial/charged lodestone.

Foefire's Essence, Volcanus and more!

in Crafting

Posted by: Arcanis.2437


If that “someone” sells it overpriced no one will buy untill he gets down with the price.

I love the weapon, and I would love to have it, but if someone sells it overpriced ill go do something else untill it gets down. Sooner or later I’ll have this weapon. Alltought sooner seems better =P

On-topic: Well, those “mesmer” type weapons used Ori Comps, and they were “spectral aswell”. We cant disregard any option untill we are sure it dosent work. The thing is: there are no clues, and the recipes most of the times have nothing to do with the weapon.

Foefire's Essence, Volcanus and more!

in Crafting

Posted by: Arcanis.2437


I like Foefire’s Essence more then any Legendary, probably couse im a Guardian. But that’s just me.

I’ve been posting on Map Chat the link to the weapon, to tease people to search for it. Yet not one said that theyve got the recipe. Eather people found the recipe and are not telling, or there are no one trying to find it.

Edit: as anyone tryed Scroll + Coins + Ori comp + Glacial or Charged Lodestone?

(edited by Arcanis.2437)

Foefire's Essence, Volcanus and more!

in Crafting

Posted by: Arcanis.2437


Me too, it will take forever for someone to find the recipe by just experimenting.

If someone could gives us an hint, or where to find the hint would be awsome.

Its incredible how the legendary recipes got discovered right away, and this ones are taking forever =/

Foefire's Essence, Volcanus and more!

in Crafting

Posted by: Arcanis.2437


It must have component like hilt, blade etc. Look, here are other “spirit weapons”: foefire’s peril-hammer, aether-bow and shield. All of same type. So it’d be:
scroll+gift+coins+weapon component

The Hammer its called “Foefire’s Power”, the Bow its “Aether”, and the Shield “Eidolon”.

There are some Mystic Forge recipes that do not use Components. So we must not take for granted that “Foefire’s” use Components.

EDIT: but yes, i understand you. There should be a “Fixed recipe” for all the “Foefire’s”, and then we would just change the Component to get the diferent weapons. Its a possibility, we must not disregard that.

(edited by Arcanis.2437)

Foefire's Essence, Volcanus and more!

in Crafting

Posted by: Arcanis.2437


AFAIK, “Name Exotics” are Mystic Forge only.

Linsey Murdock, said that there were recipes that used Gifts on them.

Foefire’s would probably use Gift of Magic (if indeed Foefire’s use a Gift, wich we don’t know yet).

Foefire’s Essence, being a “Spirit” weapon, may not need the Ori Blades. I saw recipes with no Ori component. Possible recipe would be Scroll+Coins+Gift+T6 material.

So many combinations that i don’t know what to begin with.

Foefire's Essence, Volcanus and more!

in Crafting

Posted by: Arcanis.2437


there are probably 100 possible combinations that dosent grey out.

the thing is, each try goes for 60g to 100g, and one does not simply have that much money. i wasted enought money myself, just saving some to craft it when we get to the recipe.

world wide, i dont see anybody trying to waste that much money, unless they have like hundreds of gold.

Foefire's Essence, Volcanus and more!

in Crafting

Posted by: Arcanis.2437


you can only get "Foefire’s Essence (Greatsword), “Foefire’s Power” (Hammer), “Aether” (LongBow), and Eidolon (Shield).

Foefire's Essence, Volcanus and more!

in Crafting

Posted by: Arcanis.2437


its funny that legendarys were ment to be a more “exclusive”, more “unique” weapon, and actualy named exotics are somehow so much more “unique” that no one has found them yet xD

Foefire's Essence, Volcanus and more!

in Crafting

Posted by: Arcanis.2437


I think ArenaNet said something about tips spread arround the world, on how to make Legendarys and Mystic Forge recipes. I searched all over Ascalon, Ascalon Catacombs and the 3 Orders bases, and found nothing!

The thing is: there are so many possible recipes and so little money to spend experimenting.

Im not going for any legendary. The only item i want is this kitten sword! -.-ยด

Foefire's Power of Peril for sale?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Arcanis.2437


Same problem with Foefire essence, its yet to be discovered!

Foefire's Essence, Volcanus and more!

in Crafting

Posted by: Arcanis.2437


Well, i would say the Scroll and Mystic Coins are given. The other 2 mats would eather be a T6 mat, weapon part or Gift.

With so many gold sinks we cant affort to experiment, since 1 try would probably cost us 60~100g (depends on the mats).

I would ask to those guys who have hundreds of Gold to experiment. Since they have hundreds they probably bought everything ingame and have nothing more to do with the money.

Its incredible how there are so many Legendarys and these Named Exotics are yet to be discovered.