Showing Posts For Astewart.8415:

The Flaws Of Zergplay

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astewart.8415


First off you can perhaps lower your detail and post processing, less shinies and so forth and you can see the character models better. It’s a massive fight, and really this is what you would expect to see.

What perhaps should happen is that there should be content for Solo or small groups where these same characters can be fought. Of course, at a much scaled down and toned down level of difficulty.

I think that’s what GW2 is missing, and I’m surprised since the ability to scale encounters seems to be there.

However, once there are 30 or 40 players at once, I’m not sure how much animation etc. you are going to see.

I would also like a UI indication of attack telegraphs as well. However, I think at first people thought this was a “feature”. I think they can make UI based telegraphs optional.

Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astewart.8415


I think the scrolls should ADD twenty levels and be tradeable between characters.

Also, people can get their characters up to 80 easily, apparently. They can farm with their level 80 character and Craft their ALT up to 80, if they really really want to.

However, the level 20 scroll would have been far more useful to most of us to give our baby characters a much needed boost.

Still, advancing from 1 to 20 means that you have your Personal Story to go through which should give you at least 2 additional levels.

You guys make Necromancer sound bad.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Astewart.8415


Go to every other forum and you will find the same “aura” about the classes. Players will never be satisified, ever.

For PVE which is what I currently play, the Necromancer is quite strong, with some players even claiming that the class is overpowered on condition damage.

Lowering latency

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Astewart.8415


How do you know which server in that Resource Monitor screen is the gameplay server? Sometimes I see 3 or 4 connections for GW2.exe. I am confused as to which is the game server, the server that would affect my gameplay, and which are servers I can ignore?

Personal Story: Retribution Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Astewart.8415


With all that said, even if not a bug, it is bad mission design.

I had to search to find this thread to move on. Someone on the Deck should keep repeating " Go down into the hold and talk to [whateverhisnamewas] " . I would have not thought to go down there, there is no star that shows up on the main overhead map, nor the minimap.

New To Rangers? Looking for guides? CLICK ME!

in Ranger

Posted by: Astewart.8415


We limited condition removal compared to other classes, but it’s still manageable.

  • The easiest to access is Healing Spring, since it removes one condition every 3 seconds.
  • Second option would be to slot in Signet of Renewal. You can wait for the passive, or activate the signet.
  • Third would be using the 30 Wilderness Survival trait Empathic Bond. (Same as SoR passive, except it takes 3 conditions and moves them to the pet)

Personally, when I’m fighting reef drakes at SSC, healing spring is enough, or I just out regen the confusion if there’s only a few of it. Also, learning how to dodge the pull and confusion will help you become a better player

Thanks for the response, at this level 43, I think I will use the spring and perhaps activate the signet if I really have to. Not sure how Empathic bond helps as with a BM oriented Ranger I need my Pet lol :-)

New To Rangers? Looking for guides? CLICK ME!

in Ranger

Posted by: Astewart.8415


As a ranger, how do you deal with heavy condition based enemies? I was on the Southsun new content and it seemed that the drakes could almost perma-confuse me. Beside the Condition removal from the bear, what options do Rangers have?

CritWAR help please

in Warrior

Posted by: Astewart.8415


How did you hit 99% critical chance at level 20 ??

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Astewart.8415


Over the last two days or so I have suddenly started getting lag as well. This occurs whether I use my ISP connection directly, which is FLOW (Columbus Communications) from Trinidad and Tobago, or if I go through a VPN connection. I just got disconnected totally which is a related issue. code 7:11:3:189:101 . This problem started over the last two days or so, Ehmbry Bay server.

I doubt this is on my end, but any feedback is appreciated.

It says they have detected that my account has been used by an unauthorized individual

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Astewart.8415


Oh please. I think this may be the THIRD WEEK that my account was banned because someone hacked it and spammed gold requests or whatever they do.

So from my perspective there is more than a 5 day backlog. MUCH more.

So I got banned for three days for use of 'racial slurs'

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Astewart.8415


Because using the N word is offensive. There is no inoffensive way to use the N word in public chat. So you deserved your ban. 3 days isn’t long enough in my view.

Are you a child??

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Astewart.8415


120909-004499 Created on the 9th of September about my account being Banned. I still cannot access my account, it is still banned !

What is going on?


Account Hacked? Permanently Banned? Post here! [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Astewart.8415


Tried to log in this morning and got a message saying my account was permanently terminated. So it was banned.

Incident: 120909-004499

I hadn’t logged in for days, and just tried this morning
I thought my password was so cool and secure too