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Modifier keys for mouse buttons not working?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fadhli.9086


Recently after the patch went live, I faced this issue whereby activating skills hotkeyed to mouse buttons with modifiers auto-triggers another skill. Before I explain further, let me give you a breakdown on my keybindings:

mouse button 3 >>>>>>>>> Healing skill
left shift + mouse button 3 >> Utility skill 1
mouse button 4 >>>>>>>>> Utility skill 2
mouse button 5 >>>>>>>>> Utility skill 3
left shift + mouse button 5 >> Elite skill

Here’s the issue:

When I hit “left shift + mouse button 5” for elite skill, it auto-triggers my utility skill 3.

When I hit “left shift + mouse button 3” for utility skill 1, it auto-triggers my healing skill.

Initially I thought my left shift was faulty, so I replaced the modifier from left shift to left alt instead. It didn’t resolve the issue. It was still behaving the same way.

Then I tried experimenting with left control instead of left shift. Still no luck as well. I thought, maybe it could be my mouse buttons that is wonky. So I swapped mouse button combinations/modifier keys and I’m still auto-triggering skills. I relogged, same issue. I restarted my computer and same issue still!

Maybe there was something wrong with the game itself after the patch. I asked a friend to try mapping his utility skills to mouse buttons + modifer keys (he doesn’t bind his skills, which I have no idea on how he can play without binding) and he is able to replicate the same issue as well.

Question is, anyone else facing the same issue? Can we confirm that it’s a bug?

Chieftain Snuffy – Guardian
Founder | Smaash Gaming Community

[SEA][PvX]Legion of Zommoros | SG

in Looking for...

Posted by: Fadhli.9086


Count me in. I’m from Indonesia and i pretty much play around your time. I’ve been playing GW2 since December 2012, but started out WvW until recently (never really interested in WvW before) but now I get the gameplay and wanting to do more!

I’ll be contacting you in-game shortly. Thanks!

Chieftain Snuffy – Guardian
Founder | Smaash Gaming Community

I've Lost All Hope for this game...

in WvW

Posted by: Fadhli.9086


It’s possible that due to server lag you were not where you thought you were and neither were they, or that lag simply delayed/prevented your action despite what it looks like on screen.

I’ve had this experience before, even in tPvP on extremely rare occasion. I have always put it down to lag which has proven true from the discussions I’ve had with the people in question. (I normally invite them to party or use /map to ask).

The issue was extremely rare for me though and I haven’t had the same experience since I made some modifications to how my network traffic works.

If you are someone who plays with a high ping (to test: type /ip in game. Alt+tab. Windows key+R. Type resmon. Find IP under TCP connections, you’ll see your ping) I would recommend:

  • You disable Nagles algorithm. If that looks to daunting here is an easy program that will do it for you.
  • Re-route your game traffic through port 80 in case your ISP throttles 6112.
    (create shortcut for GW2, right click > properties, click “target:” box, scroll to the end of the line changing nothing, after everything else type " /clientport 80" including spaces but not quotation marks.)
  • Check your ping again to see the changes made any difference.

You’ll still get lag, especially in heavy zerg situations and might experience the issue, but I highly doubt this was “hacking” and there are some some of anti-cheat measures running behind the scenes in this game.

Nit-picking, but there is also a limit to the number of players allowed in a map from each server, so to outnumber you 100 to 1 you’d pretty much have to have only a single player in the map from your server.
They probably have much better timezone coverage, if you get co-ordinated you should be able to beat them in a few fights during your servers prime regardless of score, just remember not to run full ’zerkers.

Good luck!

Wow! I’ll try this on my Windows 8 when I get back home later. I’m on a lower tier server and it’s not that bad.. However, the “1-2 secs” delays will kick in at odd hours, which thus causes the same issues like OP is facing.

Thanks Brew for sharing this!

Chieftain Snuffy – Guardian
Founder | Smaash Gaming Community

[SEA][PvX]Legion of Zommoros | SG

in Looking for...

Posted by: Fadhli.9086


We know there are many, well established GMT +8 guilds in servers like TC, BG, CD and SBI. The difference between us and them is we strive for “quality, not quantity”.

That’s a nice thing to say about all these other guilds. I’m sure they all wish they had some of this quality thing.

But of course!

Chieftain Snuffy – Guardian
Founder | Smaash Gaming Community

[SEA][PvX]Legion of Zommoros | SG

in Looking for...

Posted by: Fadhli.9086


Legion of Zommoros
Gaming Community

Guild Name/Tag: Legion of Zommoros [LOZ]
Type: Community (not just a guild!)
Gameplay: PvX (PvP, PvE, WvW and Raids)
Home World: Crystal Desert for WvW-only. No transfers required.
Language: English
Location: Singapore
Timezone: GMT +8 (Active from 7 PM to 2 AM)
Comms: Discord, Telegram

Looking for a unique community to enrich your Guild Wars 2 experience? Look no further! We are competent and enthusiastic about all aspects of the game, and we will be more than happy to welcome you into the magic that is Tyria and the gaming miracle that is Guild Wars 2.

Our key focus is always on building a bigger, better, (‘funner’) gaming experience for all. Join us on Discord and find out for yourself!

Click below to find out more about Legion of Zommoros gaming community!

We seek players who are primarily keen on cohesive gameplay. This means you should be interested and invested in playing in an organised group. Be prepared to be vocal and expect lots of fun with the Legion.

To apply, join our Recruitment Channel.
Visit us on our website for more details!

Contact us in-game!

Contact us through the game if you have questions you would like to ask concerning the community. Recruitment is done via Telegram only.

  • Chieftain Snuffy (Founder | Community Lead) – For recruitment matters.
  • Kronos Warshifter (Legion Council) – For WvW enquiries.

See you in Tyria!

Chieftain Snuffy – Guardian
Founder | Smaash Gaming Community

(edited by Fadhli.9086)

Singapore Guild in SBI, for casual players!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Fadhli.9086


Confirm Guarantee Plus Chop [SG] is a Singapore guild located in SBI. We run havoc groups in WvW on weeknights from about 9 – 11PM depending on schedules. Due to the implementation of paid transfers, it has been incrementally difficult to find players of a similar timezone within the server (GMT+8 or Oceanic). If you are living within such a timezone and would like to WvW, do drop me a message at Sir Chopsalot ingame. We have been doing this for awhile now and we usually take camps/towers. We snipe the occasional keep as well when we see the chance. See you!

24/09/13 – Edit
As of now, we have managed to revitalise the guild to a stage whereby we can manage a solid presence in WvW in the weeknights. We have a decent roaming group of 8 – 10 and very recently we have been getting better at utilising our builds to get to the better of our enemies. We even managed to hold garrison with 8 players against a sizable group of NSP for a period of time.
“So I guess you were one of those [SG] players that fought us in garrison. You guys handed our kitten to us for sure, had a hard time rallying the pugs to push in.”

As it stands, we have a comfortable 15 – 20 active at night with half of us in WvW and the other PvX. That said, if you are looking for a zerging /hardcore /all rounder guild, there are tons out there and we are definitely not for you. However, if you are looking for a place to ‘hang out’ after a long day with no obligations, we are more than happy to take you with open arms.

Confirm bo? My co-Guild Leader said your guild alot not representing.

Chieftain Snuffy – Guardian
Founder | Smaash Gaming Community

Singapore Guild in SBI, for casual players!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Fadhli.9086


Ferguson’s Crossing (FC) has a growing number of SG players. When I first started with my small group of friends in Crystal Desert, another friend wanted to join us. He couldn’t because the server was marked as full. We decided to migrate to some random server (in this case, we selected FC) and played on.

We played for a month or two, only to realise that FC was a T8 server (back then). WvW was a pain in the back and there weren’t many SG players for us to learn from. After much consideration, we embarked on our new journey to start a “mix” guild called OTD (Order of the Djinns)

There were some SG guilds and players in FC (when I was a noob) but most of them migrated to SoS/JQ/TC. OTD is now officially the only SG guild left and we stay true to our vision: Stay strong in FC, even if the odds are against us.

We have our own TS server and we would love to have anyone onboard who is daring enough to tackle WvW in an unpopulated server. 8 of us are now wielding legendary weapons thanks to our “Precursor Master”.

Chieftain Snuffy – Guardian
Founder | Smaash Gaming Community

Tequatl Terror Squad (JOIN NOW BEAT TEQUATL)

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Fadhli.9086


Congratulations on beating Tequatl with your beautiful plan. Can I get an invite please?

Character names that I run:

• Chieftain Snuffy
• Chromaticus

Chieftain Snuffy – Guardian
Founder | Smaash Gaming Community

[Ferguson's Crossing] Serenity Guild [SG]

in Guilds

Posted by: Fadhli.9086


Hello there! I happen to chance upon your post and already visited your Facebook group/page. I’m looking into setting up an alliance for WvW, to see how we can work together to push Ferguson’s Crossing up the scoreboard. I’ll add you guys up later this evening and maybe we can talk more about this?

Here’s abit about myself: I’m an ex-vice leader of Gendarran Knights (GDK), a 100+ men guild and has since left the guild to start something on my own with a couple of real life friends. My new guild is called “Order Of The Djinns” and I’m once again the vice leader. Currently, I’m working with my group of friends to get more active members into WvW and the alliance I spoke of is something I wish to have in the long run.

Chieftain Snuffy – Guardian
Founder | Smaash Gaming Community

Fastest/Easiest Dungeon paths?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fadhli.9086


I’ve done 4 fractals (other than the tentacles I couldn’t tell you which ones – I’ve blocked it out) and 2 dungeons (CoF path 1 &2) and despised pretty much every moment of them.

In the future, if the monthly requires dungeons or fractals, I’ll know not to bother chasing it, but since I’m sitting at 87% of my monthly, I figured I’d try to tough out 3 more dungeons (and who knows, maybe my feelings on them will magically turn 180 degrees while doing the last 3 – but I’m not holding my breath on that).

So my question – what’s the fastest/easiest/least painful dungeon path(s)?

I definitely believe the easiest to run at the moment is CoF path 1 and 2. Path 2 requires you to have a solid party with good communication and DPS.

Hit me up in game (Chieftain Snuffy) and I’ll be glad to run a few with you. I’m online usually from 11pm to 3am GMT +8 though.

Chieftain Snuffy – Guardian
Founder | Smaash Gaming Community