Showing Posts For Jelzouki.4128:

Improve the dishonored system

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


1 month ban from spvp per time you leave a game seems fair, have bad internet? Too bad, improve it untill next month or dont play spvp at all.

So be forced to pay your internet service provider more money…that’s totally logical.

sarcasm off

Is there a way to filter ideas like these? Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]


in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Necro has some teleports also. Spectral Walk and Flesh Wurm.

Also worth mentioning, Many teleports only work when you’d have a clear path you would walk to the target. JI and its ilk aren’t going to let you cross thin air

Spectral walk is barely a teleport. It teleports you backwards to where you started. That doesn’t help roaming at all, and the flesh wurm needs to be summoned THEN teleported to it i.e add .25 second cast time to it; not to mention it can be destroyed as well. Necros aren’t even worth mentioning in regards to teleportation. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

(edited by Jelzouki.4128)

Necromancers Punished For Having Regen

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


I truly don’t see why there is any argument against necro’s being healed in DS since any healing would go to the necro’s health pool and not DS. Plus with the ability to be healed in DS would just see necros conserving their life force for when they actually need it for either surviving a burst or using it for their spike rotations which if I’m not mistaken is what the concept of DS was supposed to be but instead we got what we have now.

agreed +1 Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Queue dosnt work

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


????????? Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Top 15 North America

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Nobody cares


Nothing but preppy popular kids, I see these guys every sticking day I decide to support GW2 by watching streams.

Not even like they seriously compete against each other, or any rivalries in existence.

Also, I’ve never seen any of those guys in actual games (I’ve played over 2 thousand games tournament) except for Tarcis and Ostrich Eggs. Those other guys don’t even play regular game (tournaments) besides those Twitch tournaments.

It’s like a list of the people who are in a GW2 fraternity.

lol u so jelly bro Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

nerf necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


guys look at the pvp tournament that just happened. the abjured, most esports team and the hammer of north america lost because of necromancer. this class is very broken. please nerf this class. it is so strong. ever since the dhuumfire patch, the necromancer has been so goshdarn overpowdered. that was over a year ago. that’s longer than how long hambones have been op. please do the right thing and fix this class. thank you so much for reading.

l2p, necro hard counters engi, especially trash ones. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Can't queue for ranked arenas

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


What is going on?

I cannot queue for ranked arenas. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Necromancer is lacking, and everyone else

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


If this thread is open for discussion, then why do you claim your opinion of the necromancer professions is a fact ? You full of double talk and chewing other posters out for doing the same thing your doing.

So your too lazy to check the site yourself while your their?

If your so knowledgeable about necromancers, create an account on the site like anyone else can and add one.

I can’t.

Because there are no other viable options besides the ones already up there.

Its a discussion is it not? I can claim facts.
If you disagree with my facts that’s fine. I can disagree with your facts too, that’s what a discussion is.

I never said the site isn’t player based information, there you go again putting words into my mouth. To answer your question, I was rank 55 before the PvP update and got scaled up. Necromancer is my most played profession with 800+ games played. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

(edited by Jelzouki.4128)

Necromancer is lacking, and everyone else

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


I never once attacked you, but you are quite the keyboard warrior.

Yes, yes you kind of did.

Please provide factual information when you post to this forum, rather than flaming.

Folks tried to explain how open access, crowd source information works on these sights and you accuse them of being misinformed, when the fact of the matter is your misinformed, then you attack them by accusing them of flaming.

Poorly. Tried to explain very poorly and with smart comments and flamed me on my other thread.

Don’t get distracted and stay on topic please. Even if I am in a sort of an argument with another player, it is not your duty to defend him. It just causes more deviation from the thread. If this keeps happening I will have to report.

What portion of the explanations was “poor” to a level that you did not understand it?

If you are personally claiming that builds are so “meta”, how many hours have you personally spent on them?

If your so set that the site isn’t player based information, have you tried to sign up and add a build, just like everyone else can, to disprove it?

How are you accusing someone of being off topic, when they are simply addressing your direct comment or question?

I would hardly suggest that I am or am not defending another poster. I am simply making an effort to limit the misinformation that you are making a solid effort to push upon folks in this thread.

Dude, this is the last time I will convey this to people: go back and read my thread.


christ, don’t put these words in your own context.

Yup, and folks are attempting to inform you that those builds, “AS STATED BY METABATTLE.COM:” are not even popular builds, must less “meta” builds, and absolutely not "competitive meta builds.

You can use the guise of suggesting you never thought they were “meta” builds or strong builds, only that you were going off some website, all you like. The fact is, you made the original post, and made a conscience effort to imply other professions have multiple builds, and necros do not. Necros have plenty of builds, I know, I use them. There are also some builds that are very singular in thier purpose, just like most of the builds you listed in the OP. Anyone can list as many necros builds as you listed for other profession. A fair bit of those builds will probably be as limiting or weak as many of the builds you listed in the OP.

If your going to list weak or in some cases, bad builds. Then use them to claim other professions have more diversity. As well as create a thread on it for open discussion. Then you are opening it up for folks to explain to you that listing weak, or bad builds and claiming it as diversity is disingenuous.

Then your calling them things like “keyboard warriors” and accusing them of flaming for disagreeing with you.

I also notice you made a solid effort to avoid answering any of the specific questions tht you were asked. Particularly about explaining how much time you played the professions you are claiming have “more diversity”, and more specifically, how much time you spent in the builds you are claiming offered diversity.

Guise? The FACT of the matter is that you are taking everything I say into your own context. The post was not changed.

Your suggestions are great and all but that doesn’t take away from the FACT that necromancer are indeed lacking, hence the title of the thread. If you think it is just that easy to make a build and post it to the site and have it ranked at “great” or “good”, then do it yourself and prove it.

This thread is open for discussion; that’s what a forum is. Just because I didn’t pinpoint any specifics when there are pretty huge issues such as necro sustain and stability, doesn’t mean the rest of the community can’t. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

(edited by Jelzouki.4128)

[NA][TPvP] Teef Teef Teef Teef LFT

in Looking for...

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


STOP TALKING LIKE THAT Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

DAE think the DS nerf was unwarranted?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Yes, completely unecessary. It is so weird how after 2 years of the game this becomes an issue all of a sudden. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

[Death Shroud] Show Skills 6 -10 Cooldown

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


No. 6-0 utility places HAVE to be reserved for future Death Shroud skill expanding.

Non-DS utility cooldowns should have their counters above the utility skill bar.

Having more skills added to DS is a huge power creep, one I hope never happens and realistically probably won’t.

I disagree, they should be reserved for more deathshroud skills and your claim that it is power creep is unfair because you cannot judge its effectiveness until it has been put into place, under any circumstances.

Inventing new skills where there were none is power creep, not sure how you can’t see that.

It would be nice if this change were put in that could also somehow make signets work in death shroud as well.

So new Grandmaster traits aren’t power creep but skills are?
Increasing the damage and velocity of rapid fire while at 1500 range is not power creep?
Power creep is not power creep. Power creep is an excuse for fear mongering. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Necromancer is lacking, and everyone else

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


I never once attacked you, but you are quite the keyboard warrior.

Yes, yes you kind of did.

Please provide factual information when you post to this forum, rather than flaming.

Folks tried to explain how open access, crowd source information works on these sights and you accuse them of being misinformed, when the fact of the matter is your misinformed, then you attack them by accusing them of flaming.

Poorly. Tried to explain very poorly and with smart comments and flamed me on my other thread.

Don’t get distracted and stay on topic please. Even if I am in a sort of an argument with another player, it is not your duty to defend him. It just causes more deviation from the thread. If this keeps happening I will have to report.

What portion of the explanations was “poor” to a level that you did not understand it?

If you are personally claiming that builds are so “meta”, how many hours have you personally spent on them?

If your so set that the site isn’t player based information, have you tried to sign up and add a build, just like everyone else can, to disprove it?

How are you accusing someone of being off topic, when they are simply addressing your direct comment or question?

I would hardly suggest that I am or am not defending another poster. I am simply making an effort to limit the misinformation that you are making a solid effort to push upon folks in this thread.

Dude, this is the last time I will convey this to people: go back and read my thread.


christ, don’t put these words in your own context. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Necromancer is lacking, and everyone else

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


I never once attacked you, but you are quite the keyboard warrior.

Yes, yes you kind of did.

Please provide factual information when you post to this forum, rather than flaming.

Folks tried to explain how open access, crowd source information works on these sights and you accuse them of being misinformed, when the fact of the matter is your misinformed, then you attack them by accusing them of flaming.

Poorly. Tried to explain very poorly and with smart comments and flamed me on my other thread.

Don’t get distracted and stay on topic please. Even if I am in a sort of an argument with another player, it is not your duty to defend him. It just causes more deviation from the thread. If this keeps happening I will have to report. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

(edited by Jelzouki.4128)

Necromancers Punished For Having Regen

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


I aplogize in advance for doing this on a phone.

Here’s the thing that I’ve noticed when it comes to my views on balancing vs alot of the others. I look at balance at the highest level even though I’m not on that level. I’ve accepted alot of my shortcomingz in pvp are more l2p issues than class issues. The spec I have been playing most these days is the poc terror spec and one of the things I see people say about someone like Nos when he is on his terrormancer is he pocs into the middle of the fight and dies… ok sure I’ve seen it…. but nowhere near as often some people would like you to believe he usually has an escape like a wurm that he has just in case he gets bombed when he dark paths into the middle of the fray because he needs to to stay in the fight. Give him healing in ds and now? He not only has the regen boon but any healing guards engis eles rangers theives and whoever else can heal a teammate so now necros not so easy to lock down and kill so either teams adapt and focus different classes first or they don’t they continue trying to kill the necro who is now probably living twice as long taking the pressure off of his teammates hell even with the necros own healing he might not really need teammates to peel for him anymore. Any 1v1s that used to be close fights probably won’t be anymore 2v2s focusing the necro probably not a great idea anymore considering g the health pool of the necro. Now you can either take twice as long killing the necro or just let him freecast.

I’ll go more into when I get home but I was all for allowing healing in DS when I was still kind of new to pvp necro until I realized hey we are actually pretty good without healing in ds wow imagine if they allowed it in like a wvw setting? Necros would just be see sawing there healthbars.

@drannor seems to me that’s what they are doing with US they did give us a little healing the consensus was it sucks.

The only healing I truly believe necros should get in ds is vamp healing from traits as necros will still be susceptible to CC.

And my point about canceling distortion signet mist form etc is that you can end DS and get healing if your communicating with your teammates.

I have to say that I read it and I don’t know what to think… So in tl;dr format, you’re saying that giving Necro the regular healing from teammates would end up with a situation when Necromancer isn’t the obvious focus target every time and can, with support of his team, not die in first seconds of teamfight?

Aren’t those arguments quite…. positive?

Please correct me if I’m wrong or misunderstood you in hurry.

That’s what I’m getting. If giving necros the regular healing that will stop them from being the go to target because of what little survivability they have then its a good reason to allow healing. This will actually cause teams to strategize a little more.

I find that the most commonly used heal by necros is consume conditions. For it to be fully effective you have to be in a detrimental state already. And necromancers are kind of like the lord at legacy of the foefire. You save your interrupt for when they are really low HP and stick their hands in the air. I wish I could stealth and heal. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Necromancer is lacking, and everyone else

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Where is the variety?

Necromancer has got to be the one class that has most un-used skills/traits. I find myself getting countered by most builds in the game. A condi necro is really only good at countering engis without condi removal and thieves. Power necro is a joke, its one of the all-or-nothing builds that are extremely difficult to sustain yourself. Every other class has a better source of sustain while rolling berserker. Lich form you say? Yeah blind/dodge/invul etc.

Anyways its not just necros, a lot of other classes have useless builds/traits.

What is the goal of arena net?
Are you trying to balance heavies with heavies, lights with lights, mediums with mediums? You’re doing a terrible job if that is the goal.

Let’s take a look at these three classes on metabattle: Engineer, Elementalist, Warrior.

Conquest Builds
Warrior – Axe/Longbow
Warrior – Axe/Wh Longbow
Warrior – Banner Bunker
Warrior – GS/Longbow
Warrior – Hambow
Warrior – Hybrid Sword Warrior
Warrior – Mace/Sword Lb Condition
Warrior – Shout Support

Conquest Builds
Engineer – Bomb/Grenade
Engineer – Celestial Rifle
Engineer – Decap
Engineer – Double Kit Condi
Engineer – HGH Hybrid
Engineer – Mobile Turrets
Engineer – Static Discharge
Engineer – Triple Kit Condi
Engineer – Turret

Elementalist – Celestial Staff
Elementalist – D/F 4 Signet Condi
Elementalist – Dagger/Dagger
Elementalist – Scepter/Dagger
Elementalist – Scepter/Focus
(not as many builds as the warrior and engi but they are still superior at everything)

As stated by “this build is in the current in-game meta”
Why is everyone else left in the dust?

The simple fact that you actually believe all of these builds are even remotely “meta” demonstrates your lack of knowledge.

Everyone else is left in the dust simply because players like you havn’t added the builds for other professions to the site. You do understand that it is players like you who put those builds their right?

Yes..and those builds are put through trials. You can’t just slap a build on there and call it meta. Evidently most of those builds come from when they are displayed in high tier play such as tournaments, and are discarded when the “in-game metas” outrun said build.

I never stated that they are all “GREAT” metas, as metabattle ranks the effectiveness of these builds.
Please provide factual information when you post to this forum, rather than flaming.

LMAO. you can’t just slap a build up there and call it “meta”……………………You absolutely can. Anyone can sign onto that site and put any build they want, call it anything they want. The same goes for the GW2 Wiki. Any random person can log onto the wiki and put false information on there. I know, I fix troll addition in my maintaining of aspects of the GW2 wiki…………….

You sem confused, I am not flaming, I am offering you facts. You are attacking me out of your own lack of knowledge on the matter.

Example: If you think an Engineer HgH build is meta, you should be ashamed of yourself

Turret build as meta? LMAO, it is an extremely sub par build. Because it is popular for casual play in solo q doesn’t define it is “meta”. A popular, yet totally uneffective build is by no means “meta” in my eyes.

You really think SD builds are meta?

These are just your misinformation on engineers, I have yet to go into other professions. Mind finding me a recent tournament in which anyone who won a match used a turret build, static discharge build, or HgH build please?

“You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant.” – Harlan Ellison

I never once attacked you, but you are quite the keyboard warrior. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Necromancers Punished For Having Regen

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


you can get a general idea of how many people who would be against necros healing while in death shroud when the majority of those complaints are coming from people who never picked up the class to play to see for themselves . isn’t ignorance wonderful folks ?

“You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant.” – Harlan Ellison Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Necromancers Punished For Having Regen

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


This is a really, really… really old discussion that the balance team has weighed and found lacking because Necromancers being able to heal in DS would make them stupid OP. Not saying the heal/siphon scale cannot be tweaked but two years of “NO!” means no.

I wasn’t around two years ago so I can’t take your word for it.

Show me proof of them weighing in on this matter and I’ll drop the subject, but until then I won’t quit until I get some answers.

Then learn how to use dulfy, look through dev post here, or even learn to use Google.

“You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant.” – Harlan Ellison

Already did and couldn’t find it. Please keep your smart comments to yourself, as comments like those usually instigate flaming.

How cute. Others try to inform you of common knowledge, and you blow them off calling them unbelievable. Then when others, such as myself who could find it with google as well as it being on dulfy and the wiki, try to tell you where to find it, you attack them.

It is clear you do not want to know. You prefer to attack those who try to guide you to the information rather then to actually learn the facts………..I guess it is true what they say………about bliss and all that.

Attack? Nobody has “tried” anything. If you want to try to inform me of facts then show me the facts. Give me the link, otherwise stop wasting my time, and the people reading this thread.

I’d appreciate it if you would stick to the topic at hand rather than instigating more flaming. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

The Vee Wee Document

in PvP

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128



  • Blast finishers in fire fields now grant 3 stacks of might for 15 seconds (down from 20)!
  • Immobilize stack cap removed. Immobilize duration capped at 4 seconds!

Sigil of Battle: This sigil now grants 3 stacks of might for 15 seconds (down from 20)!
Sigil of Intelligence: This sigil now grants the next two attacks 100% critical chance (down from three)!
Sigil of Doom: This sigil’s proc can now be blocked, dodged, etc.

Superior Rune of Balthazar
(1): +25 Condition Damage
(2): +10% Burning Duration
(3): +50 Condition Damage
(4): 25% chance when struck to inflict burning for 2 seconds. (10 second cooldown)
(5): +100 Condition Damage
(6): +20% Burning duration; when you use a heal skill nearby foes are burned for 3 seconds. Cooldown: 10s


  • Necrotic Grasp now deals 25% more damage!
  • Marks now take 0.25 seconds to activate after being placed!
  • Marks can now hit foes in downstate!
  • Reaper’s Protection now displays a buff icon when off cooldown that can be seen by opponents!


  • Removed blast finisher from Frozen Burst!
  • Ring of Fire duration now four seconds (down from six)!
  • Drake’s Breath burn duration now two seconds (down from three)!
  • Diamond Skin now displays a buff icon when active that can be seen by opponents!
  • An opponent’s Swirling Winds now has a red ring outline!


  • Incendiary Powder now grants a buff to the Engineer causing the next crit to burn for 4 seconds. 10 second cooldown! This can be blocked, dodged, etc! The buff can be seen by opponents similar to Doom/Intelligence sigils!
  • Automated Response now displays a buff icon when activated that can be seen by opponents!
  • Flame Jet now hits 5 targets! Number of hits reduced from 10 to 5! The damage for each hit is doubled! Channel time reduced from 2.25 seconds to 2 seconds! Burn duration from the final hit increased from 1 to 2!
  • Fumigate now hits 5 targets!
  • Static Discharge now uses Lightning Strike on your target on toolbelt use instead of Chain Lightning
  • Downstate’s Grappling Line replaced with Magnetic Pull, essentially a blockable version of Tool Kit’s Magnet!


  • Shared Anguish now displays a buff icon when off cooldown that can be seen by opponents!
  • Hide in Plain Sight now displays a buff icon when off cooldown that can be seen by opponents!
  • When Empathic Bond removes conditions, a transfer effect can be seen from the Ranger to the pet!


  • Mirror of Anguish now displays a buff icon when off cooldown that can be seen by opponents!
  • An opponent’s Feedback now has a red ring outline!


  • An opponent’s Sanctuary now has a red ring outline!

Any other major passive proc/buff that Vee Wee forgot to mention also has a buff icon that can be seen by opponents!

Enjoy the perfect meta!

terrible necro changes Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Necromancer is lacking, and everyone else

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Thief lacks in build diversity but a guardian certainly does not. The only builds I can think of that are pretty terrible on guardian are signet and spirit build.

No it doesn’t. What thief lacks, is thief players willing to play anything outside of stealth spam builds. Similarly Necro has a fair bit of diversity. You simply claim they do not. (See, I can claim my opinion as if it were fact, as easy as you can)

I can agree that some of the necromancers could use both trait line changes (changing some traits from one line to another), as well as trait changes. Then again, this can be said for every profession.

As I see it, the problem of build diversity is as much the players as anything else. As for example. Go to individual professional sub forums. When players start a new profession, they go to its corresponding sub forum, and ask for the meta builds. Instead of playing and experimenting with the profession to see what they find fun or what works for them. We have seen entire “metas” change between updates, with literally no changes added in game, simply because 2 high end PvP teams made a change. One team lost a player, and the other changed a build to adjust for the changed play in the first team. Viola, all of the sudden we had two build that were not “meta” that then were. The second problem, is that everyone wants to point fingers to demand changes to what would work for their build, regardless of what is fair, balanced, or who they screw over. Again, this is a player problem. Then conflicting opinions bash the devs and make post attacking Anet for what ever choice they do make.

No one is simply going to run a build that isn’t effective. When you claim there is build diversity, you don’t seem to understand that using an ineffective build is useless and leads to the demise of you and your team in tpvp. There is a reason why so many top tier teams do NOT run necromancer in there team composition. Now you’re going to name some teams that run necromancer and claim that I base my builds and base the skill level of a build off of high tier play, when that is simply not the case. It is just proof that fully backs my argument. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Necromancer is lacking, and everyone else

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Where is the variety?

Necromancer has got to be the one class that has most un-used skills/traits. I find myself getting countered by most builds in the game. A condi necro is really only good at countering engis without condi removal and thieves. Power necro is a joke, its one of the all-or-nothing builds that are extremely difficult to sustain yourself. Every other class has a better source of sustain while rolling berserker. Lich form you say? Yeah blind/dodge/invul etc.

Anyways its not just necros, a lot of other classes have useless builds/traits.

What is the goal of arena net?
Are you trying to balance heavies with heavies, lights with lights, mediums with mediums? You’re doing a terrible job if that is the goal.

Let’s take a look at these three classes on metabattle: Engineer, Elementalist, Warrior.

Conquest Builds
Warrior – Axe/Longbow
Warrior – Axe/Wh Longbow
Warrior – Banner Bunker
Warrior – GS/Longbow
Warrior – Hambow
Warrior – Hybrid Sword Warrior
Warrior – Mace/Sword Lb Condition
Warrior – Shout Support

Conquest Builds
Engineer – Bomb/Grenade
Engineer – Celestial Rifle
Engineer – Decap
Engineer – Double Kit Condi
Engineer – HGH Hybrid
Engineer – Mobile Turrets
Engineer – Static Discharge
Engineer – Triple Kit Condi
Engineer – Turret

Elementalist – Celestial Staff
Elementalist – D/F 4 Signet Condi
Elementalist – Dagger/Dagger
Elementalist – Scepter/Dagger
Elementalist – Scepter/Focus
(not as many builds as the warrior and engi but they are still superior at everything)

As stated by “this build is in the current in-game meta”
Why is everyone else left in the dust?

The simple fact that you actually believe all of these builds are even remotely “meta” demonstrates your lack of knowledge.

Everyone else is left in the dust simply because players like you havn’t added the builds for other professions to the site. You do understand that it is players like you who put those builds their right?

Yes..and those builds are put through trials. You can’t just slap a build on there and call it meta. Evidently most of those builds come from when they are displayed in high tier play such as tournaments, and are discarded when the “in-game metas” outrun said build.

I never stated that they are all “GREAT” metas, as metabattle ranks the effectiveness of these builds.
Please provide factual information when you post to this forum, rather than flaming. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

(edited by Jelzouki.4128)

Necromancers Punished For Having Regen

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Let’s allow poc rp terrormancers to be burst healed by their teammates while in DS sounds like good balance.

Because Mirrored Anguish Mesmers popping Distortion can’t be? What about Elixer S engies? Signet of Stone Rangers? Guardians using Shelter?

Literally no other defense in the game denies allies burst healing. Only Necros have this issue.

The necro can exit deathshroud at any time, can you exit distortion, elixir s, signet of stone, shelter, mist form?

I get the frustration, I just know that allowing necros healing in deathshroud would be OP I’d everything else in game is the same.

I’m not the greatest necro, but holy kitten if you let my teammates burst heal me and include the hot effects anything other than 3v1 against the necro and he’s got a legitimate shot.

Why would you want to leave Distortion or Signet of Stone? You have full access to your skills in those (which is better than what necros have, incidentally). Keep in mind that Distortion is actually a Mesmer class mechanic, so it’s available in every build.

Suddenly allowing all healing in Death Shroud may or may not be OP, but I have never advocated for 100% of healing affecting the necro right off the bat. That can be an end goal, not the first step.

No, I’ve advocated for steps and evaluation. First, healing from traits (Parasitic Bond, Parasitic Contagion, Vampiric Precision, Vampiric, Vampiric Master, and Vampiric Rituals) and the Regeneration boon functions normally in death shroud. Then, we have an evaluation period. Then we add in some additional healing that gets allowed and have another evaluation period. Repeat the process until we eventually have full healing in death shroud or we find the point at which the healing does actually become OP.

Everything you say is genius, you know exactly how I feel but express it in better terms than me. I won’t quit till we get some answers. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Necromancers Punished For Having Regen

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


We already have people calling necros op, giving them healing (besides us which is a joke) would just be a flat out buff. If they were to give us healing in deathshroud ds would need to be reworked.

Can you provide reasons as to why it would be OP, and considering what build is being used and what type of healing they are receiving so we can process your thoughts better. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

The God of Guild Wars getting Balanced ?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


the last thing dps gaurds need is a nerf, a good source of their damage is also there survivability, truly a double edged sword

dps guard gets too much out of investing in Valor

all you need for the basis of any dps guard is x/x/6/x/x.
Valor is essentially shadow arts with critical damage instead of healing power.

something honestly needs to be done about how ridiculously faceroll guardian is against anything with a zerker amulet.

If you think DPs guardian is faceroll you need to re evaluate your skill level and learn how to play your class better and adapt to changing your gameplay when facing a DPs gaurd Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Necromancer is lacking, and everyone else

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


If you’re nabbing Dhuumfire, you’re putting 6 points in the Condition duration line. How is that a waste for condition builds?

You mean, aside from the fact that there aren’t many usefull condition build traits in that traitline?

This is true. However, that does not suggest that Dhuumfire is in the wrong traitline. Rather the rest of the traitline doesn’t aid condition builds much.

So it is in the wrong traitline.
You miss a lot of other traits you might need, if you need to put 6 points into Spite traitline. Having that extra condi duration is nice, but I think the dhuumfire aspect is not necessary. You build DS up too slow with s/d to make dhuumfire more effective than other condi build.

The traitline gives a valuable stat for condition builds. Ergo, any condition traits in that line are not “in the wrong traitline.”

Renewing Blast and Unholy Sanctuary can both be argued to be in the wrong traitline. Dhuumfire is not. The fact the rest of the line is not so helpful for condition builds is irrelevant to the fact Dhuumfire is in the proper location.

Since you said that ‘’the rest of the traitline doesn’t aid condi builds much’’ I say it is in the wrong traitline (… to be truly effective). I should have clarified that there is not any better traitline to place dhuumfire apart from Curses, but that probably would be out of balance and so not optional. Simply put; Im not a fan of dhuumfire and I wouldn’t use it because it is a Grandmaster trait in a traitline that demands too much from a condi build.

Every proffesion have its “wrongly placed traits”,but yet using them for the sake of the build.Condi PU memsers use a line that have no passive boosts to condi,but a minor trait that gives cond on clones death. that is the game made,dhuufire is very much viable to be meta,and to just be known.Bottom line is , necro dosn’t have lack of builds like guardians or thieves.

Thief lacks in build diversity but a guardian certainly does not. The only builds I can think of that are pretty terrible on guardian are signet and spirit build.

A guardian utilizes most of his weapon combinations, where as a necro is limited. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

The God of Guild Wars getting Balanced ?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


the last thing dps gaurds need is a nerf, a good source of their damage is also there survivability, truly a double edged sword Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Worst troll build ever, or stroke of genius?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


use staff instead of axe/focus, and pick up the 25% movement trait from your dual daggers in the blood magic traitline. the vampirism runes are a good idea because it gives you a little sustain + some invulnerable deathshroud healing

i would also take wells siphon health off and use deathly invigoration instead, you get more health that way, because you will find yourself going into deathshroud more often than not and you cant lifesteal while in deathshroud so you may as well get a burst of healing coming out of it.

take well of blood off and put consume conditions because condis will hardcounter this build

you want to try to sustain your lifeforce so unholy sanctuary actually gives off some heals so i would take off focused rituals and spec into letting deathshroud drain 50% slower

imho necro sustain is terrible and needs to be buffed.

magi amulet is the way to go for the crit siphon and try using sigil of blood instead of air, this is a tanky build you want to support your teammates and yourself

may be take off the crit siphons and put on Life Transfer heals allies? that would mean taking off magis and using cleric instead Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

(edited by Jelzouki.4128)

[Death Shroud] Show Skills 6 -10 Cooldown

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


No. 6-0 utility places HAVE to be reserved for future Death Shroud skill expanding.

Non-DS utility cooldowns should have their counters above the utility skill bar.

Having more skills added to DS is a huge power creep, one I hope never happens and realistically probably won’t.

I disagree, they should be reserved for more deathshroud skills and your claim that it is power creep is unfair because you cannot judge its effectiveness until it has been put into place, under any circumstances. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Redesign warrior.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Before there is a redesign to a class which is all around balanced, and is effective in every single game mode; arenanet should focus on the classes that are lacking. i.e not warrior. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Necromancer is lacking, and everyone else

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Dhuumfire is fine for its place. Parasitic contagion is in the wrong traitline.

Which traitline would then be the right one for Parasitic contagion? Bloodmagic grandmaster?

Thats where i would put it or even curses. Or I would have never put it in the game at all. It seems they designed so many traits which fit curses best so they were forced to put them elswhere. So basically forcing us into condition type builds.

That is exactly what I’ve been thinking ever since I started playing necro and this is why so many people respond to the forums asking for a type of rework to our traits. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Necromancer is lacking, and everyone else

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


I dont think unholy sanctuary is in the wrong place. Its just not good enough to justify going that far into a bad traitline. Although i would say it fits slightly better in soul reaping. But meh.

I agree. I wouldn’t mind leaving it in its space but it doesn’t feel like it is at its full potential yet. It should definitely be worked on. Parasitic Contagion is definitely in the wrong spot. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

[Suggestion] Life Transfer cooldown

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


+1 except I would make it 20 seconds traited instead of 10

This would actually give necros incentive into speccing into the arguably low stability trait so we can actually cast it without being interrupted. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

(edited by Jelzouki.4128)

Necromancers Punished For Having Regen

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Necro has the option to roll into DS regen which although is not the same as the way a ranger or warrior’s regen it is still a strong method of regen style sustain.

If necros were given more direct control over their default health bar without restricting access to it’s other strength and options it would be WAY to strong. No-risk builds are already in abundance and to strong for the input and level of forgiveness. >=(

The issue is when you spec into unholy sanctuary you have given up your potential for effective play. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Necromancers Punished For Having Regen

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


It’s also weird because wasn’t the whole point of a Necro to be so insanely tanky?

Yeah. But then they also decided that bunkering in SPVP made for boring play. End result, a fish out of water because they want PVE and WVW to act as training grounds for the SPVP “end game”.

Training ground….wut…. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Please consider a Necromancer rework

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Too much? Really?
Thief, -1condition every 3 sec in stealth.
War, Shake it Off + -3 conditions every 8 sec.
Ele, 6~8k heal spikes every 10seconds + condition removal.
Engi, Condi removal traited, elixirs, healing turret, regen spam.

etc etc.
A class that is higly prioritized in pvp/wvw need also something to defend itself no?
Or is it that so called “balance” – No.1 target, cloth and nerf defense abilities because it’s too “oP”.

Do you really think the only reason they are targeted is because they can disable others? Every class can disable one another. That is the biggest rubbish I’ve ever heard.
Umm you forgot to mention ONE of the best professions for cleansing, altruistic healing gaurdians.
Granted you do spec into these movement impeding conditions, your damage is now lackluster and your sustain is terrible, where are you going with this? No class is supposed to suffer like that. I can tell you with 100% confidence that anet did not intend for necromancer to SOLELY be a movement impeding class. Go ahead, pick up the runes for it, now you’ve lossed superior rune of the nightmare/balthazar. Don’t weigh in on the matter if you’re too ignorant to know that your own opinions conflict with the basis of necromancers problems.

You also forgot warrior offhand warhorn cleanses only movement impeding conditions, and Dogged March. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

(edited by Jelzouki.4128)

Returning to Necro: Have a question

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


I haven’t played necro for a while, and am getting back into mine. One question: does the signet heal work in death shroud (every hit you take in death shroud heals you)?

No we have yet to receive any kind of effective healing in deathshroud. I don’t know what was going through the developers heads when they made unholy sanctuary scale 0.000001% with healing power. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Shelfing Necromancer

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


You have to remember that some people just randomly dodge around and it is very possible to evade a boon corruption that way. Also the reason necros get focused in teamfights is exactly because they are so strong then. Those fears and conditions can quickly turn a fight around. A power necro can shred weaker classes. That is why positioning is so important. Never stand in the middle of a team fight, always on the edge. Berserker stance you just have to wait out, it’s only 6-8 seconds though.
And I find the wurm to be an excellent escape tool once you get used to it.

I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again. People don’t focus on the necro because we are just so dangerous, they focus us because we are easy to lock down and it’s beneficial to focus us early before we can actually use our class mechanic.

It is quite funny that we are actually the easier target to focus when there are mesmers and thieves running around doing loads of damage but the necro still ends up being target number one. Disclaimer: we are targeted when we use literally almost any build because it is just so easy to cc chain and kill us! Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Necromancer is lacking, and everyone else

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Anybody who takes dhuumfire over the full terror spec is getting more burst but are missing out on the extra cc that comes from nightmare runes + greater marks/reapers protection. Dhuumfire is all right for 1v1s but the traditional terrormancer build is just simply better because of all the fears; considering you miss on your life blast you’re kind of screwed for dhuumfire. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Please consider a Necromancer rework

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Necromancer is a Control class.
May it be cripple, chill, immobilize or fear.

Groups priority necromancers above all other classes only because Necromancer can disable them.
Even 1 sec of being not able to control your character(fear) or having limited mobility can be deadly in group clash. And Necromancer on top of that can spam it.

Too much cleansing going on for that to be effective in PvP or zergs in wvw. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Necromancers Punished For Having Regen

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


This is a really, really… really old discussion that the balance team has weighed and found lacking because Necromancers being able to heal in DS would make them stupid OP. Not saying the heal/siphon scale cannot be tweaked but two years of “NO!” means no.

I wasn’t around two years ago so I can’t take your word for it.

Show me proof of them weighing in on this matter and I’ll drop the subject, but until then I won’t quit until I get some answers. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Necromancers Punished For Having Regen

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Regeneration’s effect, like all healing, is blocked by Death Shroud. Unlike some professions, Necromancers have no benefits simply for having a boon and get no special benefit from Regeneration specifically either. No runes will give a benefit for having Regeneration or generic boons either. As such, a Necromancer in Death Shroud is literally receiving no benefit from the boon.
However, there are things that punish the Necromancer for having the boon. Other Necromancers can corrupt it to poison via Corrupt Boon, Well of Corruption, or Path of Corruption. Mesmers and Thieves can steal it with Arcane Thievery, Bountiful Theft, or Larcenous Strike. Mesmers can copy it with Mimic, Necros strip it for extra damage with Spinal Shivers, or Warriors get bonus damage from Destruction of the Empowered.
Unlike traits or skills that get benefits from conditions on a target, the counterplay of removal is not present for boons. Nobody can end their own boon sooner than it would naturally expire. As such, the Regeneration boon turns from buff to liability when a Necromacer activates death shroud. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

staff rework(or land spear)

in Necromancer

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


i think staff is fine as is, just needs a faster cast time + little more life force generation. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Please consider a Necromancer rework

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Certain players posting on all of these necro threads need to stop being Chicken Littles and L2P. Necro is not in nearly as bad of shape in relation to other classes as are implied by some of these posts, and these posts distract from actual constructive necromancer issues.

What issues would those be? Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Necromancer MM: How does its damage rank?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Necromancer MM… Assuming all minions live, and all minions have a steady rate of damage, how does a Necromancer MM’s damage rank against other classes?

(I’m aware this isn’t practical for dungeons, but curious)

The Grandmaster trait deathnova would need rework. Death nova does decent damage when they die. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Please consider a Necromancer rework

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Necromancers are only good for zergs. The potential of every other class outweighs the potential of a necromancer is EVERY SINGLR ASPECT except the ONE condition DMG build that have very small sustain.

That is not true. I have seen you make this claim in a few threads, but I have yet to see you offer any evidence to support it. Nor does my experience suggest you will find any evidence.

As for using condition damage is dungeons, that is stupid, someone else’s condition damage will override yours.

Doubtful. Anytime I am the only necro their, I am the only condition focused build. Heck, I go to world bosses and see all of my damage tick. No one else uses conditions. All of that aside, when I run power, I dish out a great damage out put.

What evidence do you need? If you play a necromancer its crystal clear what needs to be worked on. That’s why whenever I make these claims (in which i do provide evidence) everyone in the necro community is on the same page as me. You do more damage playing the power meta in PvE. I can’t take you seriously if you think condition damage is superior to power in PvE. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Please consider a Necromancer rework

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Ever played it in WvW or PvP?
Do you know why they are a solid part of GWEN in zergs?
And about PvE:
When leveling up my necro I had a easy time with axe/dagger. Rofl-killing any mob / veteran like every other class as well.
In dungeons / fractals you just equip rabid (or the new sinister stuff) or berserker and will be golden in terms of dmg and survivability for pug-groups.
World-bosses are a breeze, like on any other class as well, and farming events with staff is just too easy.

Really, it only becomes a issue if you’re a try-hard speed-runner.
That in itself is obviously not a bad thing to be, but re-desinging a whole class, just because a minority that is not even playing it to its fullest extend, wants it?

There are several bugs that need to be fixed (some even since lauch) and some small tweaks here and there are always welcome, but redesigning its mere core? For PvE?

I mean, PvE in gw2 only consists of 5-man content and appart from high-level fractals every single encounter is pure face-rolling, given that you don’t put a clock next to your PC so that you can judge people for spend seconds more on a boss, lol.

Necromancers are only good for zergs. The potential of every other class outweighs the potential of a necromancer is EVERY SINGLR ASPECT except the ONE condition DMG build that have very small sustain.

As for using condition damage is dungeons, that is stupid, someone else’s condition damage will override yours. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Necromancer is lacking, and everyone else

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


You know that metabattle give build that the community give? This is not all the build there is. If you only check Meta build in conquest all profession have 1 build except thief, engineer and ranger that have 2. If you check great build in conquest all profession have 1 build except Guardian and Ranger.

Its only when you check good build that you get a lot of Elementalist and Engineer build. You know why? This is probably 1 person that play a lot of Elementalist that wanted to put all possible build in sPvP for his profession and same thing for the other 2 profession. Not much ppl are posting stuff on metabattle and if this website if pretty complete for meta build, it’s far from having all possible good build. Not saying that Necro is good in PvE, but in sPvP, they can be powerful.

That doesn’t change the fact that necromancer is easily the least versatile and lacks the most variety out of any class. Our profession mechanic needs rework, because most of our traits capitalize on going into deathshroud, but once in deathshroud your survivability is reduced and countered so easily that you’re right back out and all your traits are now wasted.

And the build process is much more difficult than what you described, it gets reviewed, tested, and if it isn’t working, scrapped. Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

camera transition from Mac to pc

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Hi, I’ve been playing guild wars 2 on my macbook pro since release and I’ve just recently upgraded to a sweet desktop PC. I love how the game looks on my PC but I’m having trouble getting used to the new camera angles. Is there any way I can revert my settings to how they were on the Mac?

For example: on the Mac if I am running forward, all I have to do to turn my character is hold down D and click and drag the screen to the right.

On the PC it is completely different. Whenever I do the steps mentioned above my character starts running in circles, this is really frustrating and keeping me from enjoying the game as I am an avid pvper and I cannot join pvp while in this state.

Please help!! Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

delete this

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


Hi, I’ve been playing guild wars 2 on my macbook pro since release and I’ve just recently upgraded to a sweet desktop PC. I love how the game looks on my PC but I’m having trouble getting used to the new camera angles. Is there any way I can revert my settings to how they were on the Mac?

For example: on the Mac if I am running forward, all I have to do to turn my character is hold down D and click and drag the screen to the right/left.

On the PC it is completely different. Whenever I do the steps mentioned above my character starts running in circles, this is really frustrating and keeping me from enjoying the game as I am an avid pvper and I cannot join pvp while in this state.

Please help!! Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]

Necromancer is lacking, and everyone else

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Jelzouki.4128


The last thing a necro needs is a buff in pvp. Its an l2p issue if you think necros are even remotely weak in there.

that is not the issue at hand, nobody is implying necromancers are weak, they definitely have a strong build. (one, arguably two) Queue for PvP from any map. Vote Here. Zojoel [ASAP Zerg]