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RNG as a concept: Discuss

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lascax.2163


Hi there,
I don’t post very much on the forums but I’m an avid reader of it. I would like to contribute to this discussion in particular since I think it’s one of the major reason why players could leave the game for a while.
There are a lot of other factors but here’s how I would INITIALLY increase the RNG factor of the unluckier players.


Problem Analysis
Avoid Reward’s Clustering Illusion for players, mantaining relatively stable important factors like:

  • Personal Magic Find ( who worked to have more should be rewarded accordingly )
  • TP Economic System ( Markets have to be mantained stable as far as possible )
  • Items’ Value ( Precursors still have to be very rare items, like items’ exclusivity in general should stay the same to avoid the “no reason to play more” problem )
  • Items’ Acquisition ( particular items have to be still gained in the proper way for those that are dedicated to certain areas of the game, like Fractal Weapons and Ambrite Weapons )

Solution Proposed
My initial approach to this Problem is to have an incremental MF factor for each RNG loot that does not gain an exclusive loot. In particular, most sought items are T6 Rare Materials, Rares and Exotics ( I’ll call it Jackpot Loot from now on ). I would apply a system that would work like this:

Player opens a RNG Loot which has a Jackpot Loot Chance

  • Condition A: he doesn’t get a Jackpot Loot
    - an hidden Unlucky buff will add a stack
    - if the Unlucky buff gets to 100, a visible stack of Bonus Luck buff will be given to the player, which increases its Magic Find by X
  • Condition B: he gets a Jackpot Loot
    - both the Unlucky buff & the Bonus Luck buff will be removed from the player

Possible Issues

  • Jackpot devalued: I don’t study economics but if there will be a devaluation, it would not stay there for a long time since the system is granted for every player and the RNG factor would leave the supply on a stable level after a while. It’s a matter of the lesser evil: unsatisfied players that could stop playing and provide to the market or slightly devaluation to grant a more contributing playerbase?
  • Rares supply: Rares are not too hard to get, especially counting World Bosses, but would they be too much cheap? I think this problem could be adjusted by just working on the MF value provided by the Bonus Luck buff or by the number of stacks needed by the Unlucky buff. Also the Devs could hide these numbers if for any reason they think it should be not known by the player. This point is also compatible with the possible Precursor Supply Issue.
  • Veterans not rewarded: MF was reset when it was deleted from Equip Stats without counting players’ age. Also MF can be increased through the Ectos, more affordable with this system. This means that MF must and should be the most important factor for Jackpot Loots over the age of the player.
  • Technical Implementation: It should not be a player’s concern, but this system just uses almost the same in-game system for the kill-based sigils, and on certain extent it’s almost sure that there is a Loot Check already with the new Collection System. Implementation of this System should not require entire new Systems. Optimization could be then only problem.
  • Unwanted Drop: A player could get an unwanted Jackpot Loot while playing an area of the game where it’s not interested in. For Example: getting a World Boss Exotic between Dungeon runs. This problem is not solved and should not be considered since the System is always active and the Jackpot Loot still has its own value.

Most Wanted Drops
Case by case, here’s how each particular drop will be influenced by this System and could create new advantages:

  • Precursors/Most Wanted Exotics: Players will feel to have more chances to gain them gradually playing the game. Also they will at least get a Jackpot Loot which still has value on the Market, making them more invested in using the TP.
  • Fractal Weapons: Problem potentially unsolved, unless this system will count these weapons in the Jackpot Loot, which could solve most problems with it ( especially ring drops ).
  • Dungeon Chests/Ambrite Fossils: Still Exotics wanted by the players. The more you play that area, the better you’ll get by time.
  • PvP Drops: PvP Bags should already have increased Loot Chances, or if not they should have since it would equilibrate with Pve more frequent Unlucky buff stacks.

This is my idea about this particular topic, let’s discuss how to upgrade this idea of mine or let’s get a better system to improve everyone’s experience without damaging the Economic System.

Constantly losing connection to server

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lascax.2163


I have the same problem, it started precisely 22h ago for me. Tried since yesterday to play but I just can’t do it continuosly, already sent report through crash screen. It’s awful since I was just trying to get my Glory Boosters away…

Magic Find in Invasions' Reports

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Lascax.2163


Hello everyone.
I want to start a thread where we can report our findings with MF during Invasion Events. With such event it would highly helpful to know also how much it is worth getting boosters or even use the new Birthday Boosters.
Personally, here’s my Experience with these MF enhancers:
- Rare MF Traveler Set Armor
- MF Ascended Rings/Accessories and Back
- MF Amulet Infusion
- Dragonfly Cupcakes
- Dualwield Traveler’s Weapons + Rune of Travelers/2H Traveler’s Weapon w/ Sigil of Luck
My total MF is about a 210. These the results ‘till now, bags excluded:
- 6 T6 Fine Reagents, 10 Rares, 3 Rare Scraps
- 10 T6s, 11 Rares, 8 Rare Scraps
- 8 T6s, 7 Rares, 1 Exotic Weapon, 7 Rare Scraps
- 5 T6s, 6 Rares, 2 Unidentified Dyes, 1 Exotic Gear, 4 Rare Scraps
- 4 T6s, 5 Rares, 1 Unidentified Dyes, 1 Exotic Gear, 5 Rare Scraps
I’m obviously excluding anything Masterwork and below. What are your Reports? I’ll report further if I get enough feedbacks.
FYI I’m playing a Mesmer with GS/Sw-Foc.

Black Screen + Freeze Issue: attempts so far

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lascax.2163


Greetings to all,
I am one of the unfortunate players who encountered the Issue mentioned in this Thread Title and I want to collect all the different attempts and resolution I’ve searched and tried personally without any positive outcome.
The objective of this Thread is to do an elimination process searching through this list of possible attempts and eventually find the one that works or locate the source of this error. Here’s a quick FAQ about this issue:

What is the Issue?
This issue consists of a sudden and not anticipated crash of the game.
The screen shuts off or turn black stopping the game to work, the last audio sound is looped and there are 2 possible outcomes:
- Error: a general “program not responding error” appears and you have to close the game through Task Manager.
- OS Freeze: you have to hard reset the PC since it’s not responding anymore.

Who are affected?
Until now, I have seen these similarities by the users who suffer this issue:
- OS: Win7 64-bit
- NVidia Graphic Card (generally latest updates)
- Problem occurred after a GW2 Update

What causes the problem?
This is the tricky question: we have apparently no clue other than GW2 is causing the problem. You could be in combat, in the character selection screen or even waiting in Lion’s Arch idle. Having GW2 running causes this problem.

What attempts have been done so far?
Here’s my big list of attempts that I found, searched and even invented to resolve this problem. It’s a huge list, and maybe you’ll find one that works for you since it seems that for someone they works.
For this reason here’s two parts of this list: attempts that have been reported to work and attempts you could try at your own risk and hope.
Successfull Attempts:
- Cleaning the Hardware to reduce temperature
- Setting video card on “Performance” settings
- Running Windows Scandisk
- Updating/Reverting Nvidia Drivers through clean installs
- Run the game with Windowed mode
- Disabling Depth Blur or/and setting on Low Settings
- Inserting Firewall exception for AVG
- Underclocking the GPU through NVidia Control Panel
- Changing GPUs (didn’t worked for many)
- Follow the instructions of this Thread:

Unsuccessfull Attempts:
- Reinstall Windows from scratch
- Running Game Booster to enhance performance
- Running memtestx86
- Cleaning Registry
- Repair option for GW2
- Disabling Intel Turbo Boost through Power Management
- Uninstalling the Antivirus
- Changing Router
- Disabling Router Firewall
- Disabling all non-Windows Services/Applications at startup through MSConfig Tool
- Connecting to the Router through Ethernet cable
- Connecting to another ISP

How are you sure this is GW2 related?
Users reported that they tested other games to see if the issue is related to GW2 and no problems so far were found with other games. The unique exception is for those who had faulty GPUs and changed them.

What is the final solution?
As already said in the previous question, some attempts were reported to be successfull but many others were not, so my personal suggest is to try at least the Successfull Attempts and to report here if you resolved it. If there will be a definitive solution or another update about the possible attempts, me and you all can report here in that case.
In any case I suggest to contact the support to give more personal infos and to try their support. Someone was lucky enough to fix it, and since they are dedicated to this (at least they are for me) I recommend to give them a shot:

Hoping to do something useful with the Attempts List, thank you for your reading.

(edited by Lascax.2163)