Option to disable the mouse cursor invisibility when moving the camera.
in Suggestions
Posted by: Patu.9827
Yes, as said, this would be good option. And cursor does move when you move, you could change place, cursor change place and you could use for example ground targeting skill if cursor would be visible. Very Usefull!
(edited by Patu.9827)
Truly hoping that this option will come very soon.
In video you can see. Every first target change is unwanted. Targeting system is very very unstable and gameplay is not good at all. You have to trust controls, now you just cant trust em. Many missclicks
Really hoping that we get this in next The Lost Shores event and update.
To be honest. I am waiting this right mouse button targeting option more than any, Any Event or any update. I dont care about the rest for now. Because this affects straight to the gameplay.
This is most important add to the game. Last night i was in WvW, and many miss targeting there because of RCT. Even that im learning larger “drawings” with my right mouse button. Its sad, that because of laggy controls, you have to learn extra moves which are useless skills for no really good reason, pointles controlling.
So disappointed if fix not be soon
Sry my bad English.
Option to disable the mouse cursor invisibility when moving the camera.
in Suggestions
Posted by: Patu.9827
Yes, this would be very good option!
Hoping that controls will be fixed in this game.
One thing why targets change, is that right mouse button choose a target. If this would not be, target would be much more sticky and stable.
(edited by Patu.9827)
I use very tiny moves when rotating camera with right mouse button. This makes targeting very unstable, because target changes with those moves. You can see it in video.
Targeting system with right click targeting is very unstable. Many miss clicks there. Now you have to concentrate on controls, not the game. It should be like that, that you consentrate on the game, not controls. Controls should feel natural, not like now when you have to make special attention with controls and gameplay. Please fix this, make it optional.
(edited by Patu.9827)
Yes. And as soon as possebly. This has been suggested many times before. And for a reason.
Not all people regognise this, they are just wondering how target has changed. But everyone i have told this, they say that this is annoying.
“Why didnt we fix this in Beta?!?”
Please fix this.
PIN code would be Great!
Really hoping that in next Update, this fix will be there. Next Big Update.
I think this is most important thing to be fixed.
Just made another video. This is a Finnish song, called, Mies kylmän maan, Man of the Cold Land.
Finnish Lyrics. Please use translate, my English is not good enough.
Mies kylmän maan
tien tuntee hän
tuulisen ja liian myrskyisän
mies kylmän maan
hän kuitenkaan
käänny ei, vaan jatkaa kulkuaan
Miehen tie, mutkainen
peittämä on vain kyynelten
pitkä tie kuljetaan niin yksin toisinaan
Miehen tie, mutkainen
vie kerran luokse rakkauden
pitkä tie sinne on kai melkein loputon,
kai melkein loputon
Mies kylmän maan
hän onnestaan
kerro ei, sen pitää omanaan
mies kylmän maan
taas tuulee käy
vaikka ei, vain määränpäätä näy
Kai melkein loputon (2x)
Finnish Band, Yölintu
(edited by Patu.9827)
Just finished COF dungeon, and i say that targeting is pretty bad with right mouse click targeting. Target changes all time. I dont want to learn keep my cursor away from middle of the screen, i see no point to really do so. I use fast ground targeting and autotarget is off, so i always pick target myself with tab or C, which is Nearest Target. I never use autotargeting in games, i want to control things.
Game would be so enjoyable with Stable target. Then you can concentrate a lot better with using skills, and perhaps you can change target back and forth, and you dont have to worry that you lose target.
I play as a warrior, and many times i have wasted my skills with wrong target, or even teammate. Worst things are, for example, when using Greatsword and using Rush, and you have wrong target, for example Teammate, you just run pointless because of right click targeting. This have happened a lot.
Please, really, make right click targetin optional at least.
I have say this many times before. This really effects a gameplay a lot. Game would be much more better.
Many players dont even know that right click changes target, they are just wondering that why target has changed, but dont know how. But everyone i know, that they know about right click targeting, they dont like it at all.
Sry my bad English.
Ty for the Great Game anyway.
(edited by Patu.9827)
Last update we did not get this. Hoping that in next update this will be there!
Great game would be even more great with this update!
This is the Best idea!
Hi! We are Finnish Guild The Alliance Of Hunters. Today we take only Finnish Players, so our announcement is Finnish!
Gl and Hf!
[Hunt] The Alliance Of Hunters
Rekrymme on päällä!
Otamme joka tulokkaan! (Ikä mielellään yli 18 vuotta, kilta on suomenkielinen)
Huntti on vuodesta 2009 asti toiminut Guild Wars 1 kilta, JOKA TOIMII NYT GW2:ssa. Harvemmin pelaamme enää Guild Wars 1, mutta tarkoitus on tehdä joskus Nostalgia Runneja Guild Wars 1 maailmaan.
Foorumin Portaali: http://theallianceofhunters.foorumi.org/portal.php
Tässä päivittyvä Kiltaloki, josta näkee killan tapahtumat, menneet ja tulevat: http://theallianceofhunters.foorumi.org/viewforum.php?f=17
Riviin mutta ei järjestykseen pelureita mahtuu. Asiallisen rentoja pelureita haemme. Ikäraja killassa on 18, mutta poikkeustapauksina olemme ottaneet myös nuorempaa väkeä tiimiin.
Avuliaisuus on yksi hyvä kulmakivistä.
GUILD WARS 2 REKRY ON PÄÄLLÄ! Otamme kiltaan tällä hetkellä joka tulokkaan. Tervetuloa!
GW2 on loistava peli, ja tämä mahdollistaa isomman joukkion olemassa olon. Hienoa on jopa PvE:ssä, kun on monta partya samalla alueella. Partykokohan on viisi, mutta monta partya voi olla rinnakkain. Eventtejä teemme näin. Kiltalaiset erottuvat keltaisella nimellä muusta massasta. On tunnelmaa, joskus voi joku party olla alakynnessä, mutta sitten lähetetäänkin toinen party apuun ja homma hoidetaan kotiin. Myös PvP:ssä toimimme partyissa. Meistä saa hyvän apujoukon, esim. jos autamme jotakin toista kiltaa. Toistaiseksi [Hunt] on liittoutumaton, Yksinäisten Legendojen Liittoutuma.
Guild Wars 2 kotiserverimme on DESOLATION. Mutta pelaajahan voi olla myös muusta serveristä PvE:hen.
Meillä on tällä hetkellä 91 pelaajaa. Raja nostetaan yli 100, joten mukaan mahtuu!
Killalla on käytössä oma Teamspeak 3 serveri.
Tällä hetkellä killalla on käytössä 100 slotin Kiltapankki.
Videosivusto: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheAllianceOfHunters[/b]
Kilta on rennon asiallinen, ainakin itse vedän asialinjaa koko ajan. Tarkoituksena alusta lähtien on ollut rakentaa rento pelaajakittena, jossa jokaisen on mukava pelata. Turhat säätämiset ja kitkaa aiheuttavat asiat jätetään vähemmälle.
Pelaamme myös muita pelejä kuin Guild Warsia. Lähinnä Steam pelejä tullut pelattua porukalla. Steam ryhmä Huntti, on perustettu tänä vuonna. Muita pelattuja pelejä porukalla on mm. ollut APB, Killing Floor, Terraria, Terrariassa meillä on 10 pelaajan oma serveri, Tervetuloa ihmeessä Terrariaan, se on yksinkertainen peli yksinkertaisille pelaajille, mutta tosi koukuttava. Nyt on tarkoitus vielä järjestää PvP-turnauksia Terrariassa. Muita pelejä alamme jälleen pelailla keskiviikon pelipäivänä, kun GW2 jää aikaa. Nyt kaikki päivät on mennyt GW2 parissa.
Steamryhmä: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/huntti
Whispaa Vaka Patu Guild Wars 2:ssa saadaksesi kutsun. Steamissa [Hunt] Patu, tai tänne foorumille lähetä yksityisviesti tai ketjuun heitä viestiä.
(edited by Patu.9827)
Sharp Dressed Man, U Know the Band.
(edited by Patu.9827)
I dont know if people know this. If you click right mouse button, you choose a target. This make targeting hard, if you are using autotarget or not.
It has been suggested before, that right mouse button only rotates screen, not choosing target. Right mouse targeting makes whole targeting system unstable.
(Sry my bad english)
I really hope that this would be repaired soon, or make it optional.
I really really hope that right click targeting is changed in a first place! Or make it optional!
Great Game would be much more enjoying without it.
Sry my bad English.
As said before in other post, Confirmation should be there. You might promote by accident now.
Agreed! Good post! No punishment for smaller guilds. Somethings are not fair.
Yes, Edit should be Edit, old text with it. Not totally new box. (so you dont have to write everything again, and again, and again)
Adding First Person View, like in Guild Wars 1 there was, would only be good thing. Also you can make cooler videos with first person view. Kind of sad its not there already.
Why is it people who have never joined a guild, only been invited are considered "kicked" or "left"
in Suggestions
Posted by: Patu.9827
Yes. Our guild “kicked” several players, they were only invited, never joined. Looks kind of rough in guild history :/
Next is the push back, I notice that you can not push mobs off a cliff but they can push you, I find this absurd, wheres the fun in that, if ANet wants to prevent ppl from pushing mobs from cliffs, just give stronger mobs a passive skill that prevents pushing, but the rest should be able to be push-able.
Cheers and feel free to comment.
Yes! Absolytely you should be able to push mobs off a cliff. This would be nice, also, very very cool!
Yes! This should be absolutely be added! Confirmation to any rank.
Good topic!
Also, have you all noticed, at least Beta there was, if you are promoting someone, and you are choosing rank, and at the sametime someone comes to the game (so player shows to the guild member list online), textbox moves up but you mouse cursor dont, and you might missclick wrong rank. This happens rare, but at least in Beta this nearly happens.
(sry my bad English)
(edited by Patu.9827)
Nowadays, you cant choose text in Message of The Day. So you cant copy it, and you cant paste it.
For example, in our guild, we have permanent texts in Message of The day (forum and TS addres), we always have to write them again to the new Message. This is not handy, and this affects to the people writing messages. (sure you can see all posts in History, but who looks em)
Would be very handy it you could simple choose text and copy and paste it, if you have to. So you dont have to write everything again. Also editing would be more handy.
Or second solution, like in Guild Wars 1 there was. Old message would be already in textbox. This was handy!
I hope somekind of solution would be added, so it would be more handy edit Message of the Day.
Also, Message of The Day could be more larger, so you can write longer messages.
Thank you!
(sry my bad English)
If you click Mouse right button on a player or enemy, you choose target. I really think that this should be removed, or make it optional. This really affects to gameplay very much and make it no good.
(edited by Patu.9827)
Yes I Agree. This would be very handy, like in Guild Wars 1 there was.
I was about to post the same kind of post.
Mouse 2 targeting should absolutely be optional. Game is pain because of it. Small areas with many players in melee range, you always pick those to be targets, not the enemy, when changin camera angle. Now you have to all time press C, if not, you surely have wrong target.
It would be perfect gameplay if Mouse 2 would only be for camera rotation, absolutely no takeing target.
Please, please fix this as soon as possebly. Or make it optional.
(and sorry my bad English)