By far the fastest way to level is with D/D condition damage. You can run Pistol Whip builds, but you’re gonna hurt against Dredge (read, can’t be blinded).
At level 20 your first ten trait points should go into Trickery for the minor (+3 init on steal) and the major V (might, swiftness, and fury on steal.) With this you can put down 2 Deathblossoms, steal, and get one more DB.
At level 30 your next ten points should go into Deadly Arts for minor (you’re condition damage after all) and major III (damage on steal).
Up to level 40, you can take your pick between Acrobatics (for might on dodge) or Critical Strikes (for higher chance to proc sigils, etc.). It doesn’t really matter, ‘cause you’ll respec immediately at 40.
When you get your Master tier book, dump 15 points into Trickery for the extra 3 initiative. Keep 10 points in Deadly Arts, and start putting points back into whichever you took the five from.
What this does (from level 1-40) is trait for condition damage and duration, allow you to make really good use of steal (adds poison, generates 3 init, gives 3 boons). At level 40, you should be able to get 3 DB’s back-to-back, steal, and one more DB before having to wait for init recharge.
Always, ALWAYS have Caltrops on your utilities bar. It’s just too flippin’ good to not use. The cool down is short enough to use for every fight, and sometimes twice in longer fights. The AoE range is huge, and the bleed stacking will let you keep 12+ stacks of bleeds on multiple mobs. I’ve had 22-25 stacks up on a regular basis.
I always have Roll for Initiative, just because D/D doesn’t have an inherent stun-break. Also, you can completely refill your initiative by using RfI and then steal back into the fray. This allows for a LOT of DB’s. I don’t do this constantly, though, simply because RfI has a long CD (60 secs).
The last slot is really up to you. I usually have Signet of Shadows for the run speed. The blind-on-use is a great panic button. Signet of Agility is great for added precision (again, if you’re using proc-on-crit sigils). There’s some flexibility here. You really won’t use any stealthing skills since you’re doing all of your damage through DB, and you’ll dodge and kite.
Signet of Malice is a must. There is a split second after every DB where you’re rooted and not evading. You’ll take damage here. Signet of Malice will proc a heal for all three DB hits on all targets hit. Plus, every time Caltrops “pulses” you’ll get healing from every mob tagged.
In short, this is a great way to get to lvl 40 quick. From there, you can stick with the build (which is completely viable) or change it up. As far as gear goes, though, focus on power and condition damage. Runes and sigils that increase duration are good, but most mobs will die crazy fast with 9+ stacks of bleeds on them.
Once you get gear with three stats, go after Rampager’s if you’re relying on crits to regen initiative (heavy on the Critical Strikes tree), or Carrion if you’re focusing on the Acrobatics tree.
Your daggers should always have a sigil of agony on it, but your choice for the off-hand. Once you get superior sigils, the energy-on-swap or might-on-swap becomes very viable if you want to use two sets of the same daggers.
At level 80, this is what my build looks like.
(edited by Moderator)