Showing Posts For Striata.6739:

Hey look, more bots!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Striata.6739


is Anet even banning the bots I’ve reported in game the same group of bots for 7 days now and there still there and its a grand total of 15 days, which leads me to believe Anet isn’t doing a thing…

Dynamic Event Karma Reduction System

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Striata.6739


I log in this morning pop a karma booster play for 40 minutes in Orr (Cursed Shore) and I’m only getting 28 karma with the booster 19karma without and after only playing 40 minutes ridiculous!! (I was farming 5 different events in fairly close proximity to one another).

When I noticed I wasn’t getting any more karma from all 5 DE I logged out (hopefully will save the remaining time on my boosters).

Pretty dumb punishing the player for doing DE that you guys at Arena Net were going crazy about and saying how much fun they are and how some DE are chains and the more you do the more your rewarded, well I’m not being rewarded that is for sure.

I’m so confused where is the Arena Net that made GW1 were is the thought of the player and the players fun, what happened? This isn’t the game I wanted to purchase anymore.

Karma DR is too fast. I start getting 25% Karma gain before a Karma Booster wears off.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Striata.6739


This is pure crap i log in this morning pop a karma booster play for 40 minutes in Orr and I’m only getting 28 karma with the booster and after only playing 40 minutes ridiculous!! (I was farming 5 different events in fairly close proximity to one another).

When I noticed I pretty much wasn’t getting any more karma from all 5 DE I logged out (hopefully will save the remaining time on my booster), now that right there is a problem. It’s Saturday morning and I want to play, farm karma to get better gear but alas I’m on here kittening which I shouldn’t be I should be playing the kitten game and working towards the loot I want and enjoying my time spent in game!
I find it ridiculous that I have to move to other zones just to keep getting karma rewards form DE.

I had no problems with this game while leveling 1-80 but after hitting 80 and trying to get karma gear I find this game in its current state not overly fun anymore, don’t get me wrong I love doing DE however I do not love the diminishing returns on karma

Annoying Sound Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Striata.6739


Well I’m glad others are having this issue because I thought something was wrong with my rig.

I’ve had this problem multiple times always during meta event bosses (I haven’t tried WvW yet) happened late last night during the Shatterer event game crashes always when the bosses are down to 1/8 health which doesn’t leave me enough time to hard restart my rig and get back ingame before the boss die to get the chest.

To Arena Net: Why not have a system in place so that if we have to hard restart because the game crashed when we log back in we still get the chest, because being there for 98% of the fight then crashing through no fault of our own and then not getting rewarded sucks big time!kittennear game breaking for me personally.