Showing Posts For Yuudai.5268:

GW2 Large Scale events = Waste of time

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Yuudai.5268


An idea for future events such as this

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Yuudai.5268


I have an idea for future events like this..Make them instances, that will bring a random set of people, with say a limit of, maybe 50 or so? Then we won’t get as much lag and be able to actually do something

We CAN"T play with this amount of lag, the skills are almost a 7-8s delay..

Blurry text in "Black Lion" ingame store

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Yuudai.5268


I prefer having a smaller UI so I can enjoy the gorgeous landscapes they spent ages on..

Blurry text in "Black Lion" ingame store

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Yuudai.5268


Thank you all for your feedback!

Morphological filtering was/is disabled. What helped is indeed changing the small interface size. Putting it back to normal solved the problem … well, I’d rather call it a workaround.
Interestingly, I searched for awesomium and found several reports of rendering and blurry text issues. Honestly, I think that browser is a piece of crap.

Anyway, thank you all for the help and as it seems all I can do is enlarge the interface while using the black lion shop and then switch back to the small one.
Hopefully Arenanet will reconsider their choice and choose a different browser – or exclude the interface setting from being applied to the browser as well.


p.s.: what do you mean with “Just need to add text size change for the BLTC window..”, Yuudai?

What I mean is to let there be a separate window options with it, to allow the text to be increased in its size..I like having a small UI settings, but hate that I can barely read the text in BLTC

Trading Post Gear Preview.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Yuudai.5268


I agree with this topic, I hate buying a good item, but then it looks like kitten

Ranger update

in Ranger

Posted by: Yuudai.5268


I would love to see greatsword/melee combat items get some reworking

Traits need some reworking too…

Target changing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Yuudai.5268


Am I the only one who keeps losing targets mid fights? Sometimes it will just change to a different player or even an enemy, and then I end up with more things to fight

Ranger update

in Ranger

Posted by: Yuudai.5268


We need a greatsword re-vamp bad..I love having it out..but its so week

Blurry text in "Black Lion" ingame store

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Yuudai.5268


Just need to add text size change for the BLTC window..

Trading Post Preview

in Suggestions

Posted by: Yuudai.5268


We really need a preview option for the trading post..I don’t like having to buy the item to preview it first

Post here if you have BEAT the Tower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Yuudai.5268


Took over 4 hours, but I did it

In my view, Clock Tower is not fun [Merged]

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Yuudai.5268


This puzzle…ugggh..I hate the gears so much

Also, is anyone else having trouble with the platform you drop to? I have yet to see it out of the mist

(edited by Yuudai.5268)

Revive dodge

in Suggestions

Posted by: Yuudai.5268


We really need the dodge fixed while reviving people, normally I can click a movement key twice to dodge..Which I love, but when I rev someone, I have to click it like 5 or 6 times..its to cancel the rev..Really need some help on this

Text size increase for BLTC

in Suggestions

Posted by: Yuudai.5268


Would love to see an option to make the text in BLTC larger, I play in UI of small, so I can see more..But it makes the text in BLTC all squished and sorta hard to read


in Suggestions

Posted by: Yuudai.5268


I would love to see quivers be auto equipped when you put a bow on…Look better than drawing an arrow from space

Text problems

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Yuudai.5268


Wondering if anyone knows of a way to make the text in the BLTC window..It’s too small, and kinda blurry..hard to read

Event rewards

in Suggestions

Posted by: Yuudai.5268


This is one of very few complaints I have about your amazing game.
When there are events going on that involve a big group of people, I will sit aside healing and reviving people as an Ele I have lots of heals..Focusing less on dealing damage to the monsters, and more so helping my fellow adventures out..And when said "main "monster or event finishes..I will only be rewarded with a copper, or even not get rewarded at all..I would hope that this gets fixed,because I know I’m not the only one who will stay away from the action to help teammates..If it’s not, it really makes the events less focused on helping and planning what to do, and more so just spam damage and what not

(edited by Yuudai.5268)