Showing Posts For Zyk.3597:
Not sure where I should add my two cents, but I just wanted to say thanks for a happy resolution of this situation. I really appreciate ANet following through with this after the frustration a lot of us experienced, and I hope this is a sign of smoother events to come!
TRx had a great first day of play being on Ferg. (we transferred over last night). We really had an amazing time in many many battles on DR borderlands. Thanks for all the great fights to everyone who stood against us! And we really appreciate the overwhelmingly warm welcome we have gotten from the players of Ferguson.
Great to see new people on our server! Welcome.
Thanks for the people that tried to ferry everyone! You guys rocked.
(Wish I could have actually made use of your help, but, in the end. Nrghh.)
As someone who missed out, I’d love to see some sort of encore event… I’m just sorta sad since I managed to finally get into an overflow and then got crashed out. Coming from GW1, I don’t really understand why these one-time events can’t be repeated like the event finales. Sucks to miss out like that.
Can’t seem to edit, so here’s the second tweet:
Guild Wars 2 ?@GuildWars2
So to clarify – If you were logged into the forums, they should work fine. But new logins are not possible, related to the game login. ^MK
Guild Wars 2 ?@GuildWars2
For those of you asking why we do not post on the forums: I can not log into the forums, related issue. So Twitter it is. ^MK