Lvl80(Rank) – Eng(362) Necro(245) Mes(245) Thief(131) Guard(131) Ele(29)
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Lvl80(Rank) – Eng(362) Necro(245) Mes(245) Thief(131) Guard(131) Ele(29)
Just checking in from the beta. Didn’t know that so many of you are in it too. The “Pact” here – will be back in a few hours though.
Lvl80(Rank) – Eng(362) Necro(245) Mes(245) Thief(131) Guard(131) Ele(29)
I’ll just put this here. Looks like a lot of people are still very much uninformed.
It sure does…
Here’s a great Za Drots theif in ZvZ……and here’s one of our CoN thieves in GvG action.
(in this vid we swap out for another thief for some rounds)
Sorry to spam a bunch of vids, but you get the picture, and hopefully you guys will enjoy.
LOVE the videos. I have fought ZD a few times this week. They are a strong group and I have a lot of respect for them. I’m going to adjust my (home-grown) build a bit based on what I see in your videos.
One thing I would add though that might not work for most of us 1) your thief seems to be quite high in WXP rank (i.e. Applied Fortitude) so he can sacrifice vitality for DPS – say go with Knight instead of PVT stats and 2) he is in a known group so I think his build is more GvG than ZvZ. For example, he can use dagger storm generously because he can expect to get stability/condition removal from the guardian in his party at crucial moments.
As for dmg, I have no idea what the current meta is and its just a build that I threw together (no time). But generally, in Tier 1, ZvZ battle, folks run mostly PVT gears (power-toughness-vitality). Also, I was using mostly SB #4. If I wanted more dps, I would use SB #2. I feel that DPS is a job better left for our dd Ele/Necro/etc..After all if there’s only 1/20 in a zerg that is a thief (as others mentioned) and you go down, who is going to poison/blast/etc..? There isn’t that kind of redundancy for us compare to guard/warrior/ele terms of roles.
For video lags, some of the early videos I didn’t have the buffer setup correctly. Also, sometimes what you see is lag is actually I have a quick “look behind” hotkey setup and that could mess up the stream. Finally, I play the game on my 13" macbook pro..LOL.
@Haro.6758, I’m in JQ too and love to join. Maybe 20 of us can pop our thief guild at the same time and run 60 thieves all at once :-)
Lvl80(Rank) – Eng(362) Necro(245) Mes(245) Thief(131) Guard(131) Ele(29)
(edited by hints.8036)
Reporting live for Day 6..The fight has been as best as we can manage. BG doesn’t seem to have their bravest people playing anymore. I just see a lot of open field ACs and running away.
EB: To put it mildly, I would characterize BG here as “AC” heavy
- BG wiped JQ with open field AC
- BG tried to run from JQ and got wiped at Rogue - Why not send a party of 5 to cap the camp if the plan was never going to fight in the first place?
- BG run from JQ, setup open field AC, and got wiped
- BG wiped JQ with 4+ AC - I think defensive AC in SM is fair game IMO.
JQ BL: I want to point out that ND from BG is one guild that fought bravely here. They broke into garrison, didn’t hide in a tower, and engaged us first before reinforcements.
- BG wiped JQ with 2 zergs
- BG wiped JQ with 2 AC - commander says BG is “disgusting”.
- JQ wiped BG with AC support at Garrison (Part 1) (Part 2)
- ND fights JQ gravely here – didn’t hide inside the tower.
- ZD gave away camp for free, didn’t want to fight at all.. - won’t say what the commander said here, but that’s exactly how I felt..
Lvl80(Rank) – Eng(362) Necro(245) Mes(245) Thief(131) Guard(131) Ele(29)
Wow since when did we get 12 pages of posts?? Looks like its human nature to internalize success and externalize failure..good thing I played a Norn this week :-)
Lvl80(Rank) – Eng(362) Necro(245) Mes(245) Thief(131) Guard(131) Ele(29)
I’m totally in love with my thief :-)
I just got mine to level 80 few days ago and it seems that a lot of folks are quite negative on this forum. I am not experienced enough yet to figure out what the new patch would do to us, but to me, the thief AoE like the necro, run like a warrior, disengage/blink/stealth like a mesmer, and with access to stability/condition removal.
To demonstrate, I decided to take my new thief to get some Tier 1 WvW Zerg fight action. A lot of people think that thieves are useless ZvZ, but I find that our perma poison super useful. Since I’m a new thief, I would love to get some feedback on my gameplay though.
I intentionally choose semi-long (i.e. uncut) videos to show close quarter combats with a lot of enemies around (Tier 1). Because that is what a lot of people say where thieves are useless. I don’t believe them :-p
Great access to boons/stability to fight close to the frontline - Fight with the frontline in the choke point.
Hills – 4 min
Apply massive poison condition in ZvZ - Fighting in small choke points vs ZD (top european zerg busting guild):
NW Camp – 5 min
Showing how slippery the thief class is - Surviving/contesting in the lord pit when outmanned.
Garrison – 13 min
Garrison – 3 min
Showing how good we are at escaping - Not dying, even when your own zerg wipes. This translates to high up-time on our weapon/guard stacks.
Bay – 8 min
Garrison -2.5 min
Lvl80(Rank) – Eng(362) Necro(245) Mes(245) Thief(131) Guard(131) Ele(29)
(edited by hints.8036)
There were about 25 of us JQ last night (15 MERCs + 10 NAs that stayed late). We were holding both SoS/BG BL. I want to point out the great leadership from Tarkus.4109. He did an amazing job to bridge our coverage dead zone between NA/SEA time.
BG was very smart and only engaged us when they have a bloodlust for stomp points (while we didn’t have one and also didn’t have the number to dedicate to the bloodlusts when your “zerg” is only 25 people LOL). Fortunately, that strategy didn’t work out too well for BG because 1) ironically we didn’t have the number for them to stomp, and 2) we didn’t really wipe that much. Personally I didn’t get stomped for 2+ hours.
I really really wish I had it recorded because it was like we were in the movie 300! Our opponents were also relentless too (and as mentioned not stupid at all). After all, they lose nothing from us even if they wipe as long as we don’t have any bloodlust. You know who you were (KnT stood out for me – who was in SoS BL? Coin?).
For the matchup, we are very well aware of our (EU) weakness and the early EU/OCX coverage from BG seems to have neutralized our Asia advantage. I’ll continue to fight this week regardless. Anything can happen right? :-)
For the league, we could be looking at a real possibility of a “7/7 Undefeated Champion” in BG for the first season of WvW. In other words, I hope BG will still go all out in week 7 even if they have certain victory.
Lvl80(Rank) – Eng(362) Necro(245) Mes(245) Thief(131) Guard(131) Ele(29)
With sincere respect, I want to congratulate BG on surpassing JQ this early in the week. As expected, our lack of european recruit is a strong liability. Looking at the scores, I estimate that we would need to create ~5K nightly ppt buffer before the EU time to offset the coverage weakness.
I haven’t given up hope and plan to put up a good fight when PST comes around.
Lvl80(Rank) – Eng(362) Necro(245) Mes(245) Thief(131) Guard(131) Ele(29)
(edited by hints.8036)
I don’t like toxic. Its done in a way that feels unintegrated/addon. But I LOVE the idea of integrating PvE and WvW (kind of like in other MMO) and with lore to go with it.
Here is an idea to make it more integrated.
How about, in EB, if we capture every point of one color (tower, sentry, etc..), the legendary defender at that spawn loses its invulnerability and becomes a level 100 champion. If we kill it then we will then be able to take the enemy asura gate to their Lions Arch. Once we are there, we can kill enemies at their home server and every NPC.
We can then do pvp in pve :-)
Lvl80(Rank) – Eng(362) Necro(245) Mes(245) Thief(131) Guard(131) Ele(29)
Hope you all have a small break on Veteran’s Day. More videos from few hours ago in EB.
Overall I say SoS came out ahead, particularly with EP’s help. The result is clear as soon as EP leaves the map.
- Part 1: SoS Wiped JQ outside SM ~ 1 min
This was a fair win on EP’s part. We did not have our game face on.
- Part 2: SoS Wiped JQ @ Speldan ~ 5 min
We were pretty confident until SoS has a 2nd zerg and with that we were pretty much outmanned. EP did a good job surviving long enough for the big reinforcements. Overall, great job on SoS’s part.
JQ vs TC
Overall JQ came out ahead. TC has a zerg that feels bigger than ours (at least from the view of my camera which you can see below). Personally I don’t mind the AC war, but it was a bit disappointing to see that their zerg used a mesmer to glitch into SM. It’s probably an isolated incident because my experience with TC has generally been very honorable.
- Part 1: JQ Wiped TC @ SM
- Part 2: JQ Wiped TC + hacker @ SM
TC mesmer hack/glitch into inner SM :-(
- Part 3: JQ Wiped TC @ QL
We wiped them open field and then had to abandoned the siege because of AC rains.
Lvl80(Rank) – Eng(362) Necro(245) Mes(245) Thief(131) Guard(131) Ele(29)
I had a similar post before and this is a new one. Hopefully we can get others to post theirs too. The goal is to post ideas that are small enough that they won’t cause any delays in the regular feature roadmap.
- Make every racial skill available to every other race at higher skill point cost
e.g. Skills that cost 10SP on Asura would cost 30SP on other races, 30SP -> 50SP, etc..
- Continuously updated leaderboard of the most popular trait/skills combination in the current patch
So we can see the top specs (e.g. top ranking spvp/wvw players) and what the “current meta” really is. We know ANet has and is looking at this data already with the “build diversity” push.
- Allow new players “one-click” to pre-draft into one of the popular or ANet pre-built specs
Kind of like auto-drafting in fantasy football.
- Make up-lvl character less likely to rally enemy invaders.
Right now some players (and maybe you say elitists or guilds) don’t like to run with up-levels because they become rallybots for the zerg. This should ease the pain. e.g. < lvl 30 50% less chance to rally, and < lvl80 30% less etc.. (maybe even < 100 wxp rank 10% less)
- Reset hour (or day) by “league” to avoid skill lags (need to check CPU usage graph across servers).
That way we somewhat load balance the servers better.
- Outmanned buff increases magic find to 300%.
I understand the stands on no-stats buff, but even the magic find, karma buff etc..aren’t attractive enough right now. I suggest making them each 10X better.
- Make teamspeak builtin part of the game. (slightly bigger idea)
Maybe with gem cost for guild channel and some kind of community police mechanism if we have public ones.
- Toxic PvE integration is a good try, but can be more integrated to the lore. (slightly bigger idea)
I always loved the fact that in other games WvW is integral part of PvE and part of the “lore”. I like the fact that ANet is venturing into this by adding the Toxic events in WvW, but right now its done in a way that feels unintegrated. Frankly, a lot of players feel that its an annoyance.
Perhaps better events and lore can be developed for the Ogre/Frog/Dredge camps in EB and the Harpy/Skrits in the BL’s.
Lvl80(Rank) – Eng(362) Necro(245) Mes(245) Thief(131) Guard(131) Ele(29)
(edited by hints.8036)
I may not be able to get my guild proper rallied cause they’re lazy
Yet, I can still chill out and hang w/the PuGs of JQ
Nice video. Why do you keep your inventory opened? So you can drop siege faster or do you switch food type in combat often?
Lvl80(Rank) – Eng(362) Necro(245) Mes(245) Thief(131) Guard(131) Ele(29)
Tons of fun at TC BL on reset night. TC held up their side of the map for the most part and SoS is very relentless. Personally, I gave away plenty of bags to both TC/SOS. Special thanks to CNB/AGG/EP (SOS) + PINK/STUN (TC) – hope I didn’t miss anyone.
Included is also plenty of our own fail footage – all from my stream.
Here is how it went down tonight (lead by SG):
We started by pushing Garrison:
Failed Garri Push – 2.5 min
TC is very persistent and this will be a repeating theme for the night:
Wiped TC @ Hills – 2.5 min
Wiped TC @ Hills Part 2 – 1.5 min
At this point, we decided to give SoS side of the map a try:
Failed Bay push – 8 min
Take SOS Spawn Tower – 5 min (CNB)
But TC still wants to focus on us so we go back to them:
Take Bay + Keep Hills – 2.5 min
Wiped SoS @ N camp – 3 min
Failed Garri Push Part 2 – 4 min
Wiped @ N Camp by TC – 4.5 min
Failed Garri Push Part 3 – 8 min
SoS doesn’t seem to want to take their territary back and out looking for a fight:
Wiped SOS @ NE Camp – 3.5 min (EP/AGG)
Wiped at SoS Spawn – 3 min (EP/AGG)
At this point we focus on TC a bit more and SoS is pretty much pushed out of the map:
Wiped TC @ Hills Part 3 – 2.5 min
Cap Bay from TC – 6.5 min
Wiped TC @ Bay + NW Camp – 5.5 min
Cap NE Tower and Wiped – 3.5 min
I also have ~1 hour of footage from EB (lead by SF), but there wasn’t much fight going on when my queue finally pop’d.
Lvl80(Rank) – Eng(362) Necro(245) Mes(245) Thief(131) Guard(131) Ele(29)
(edited by hints.8036)
Guardians is obviously the answer.
LOL! VR had much larger numbers than our guild had on the map. Condition removal is the answer guardians are best at that. Please Keep in mind it took VR and INC just to take on NS or HzH alone with any success. VR had more of their guild out than either of ours.
I was only going to post these in on the Mag forums but since HzH feels the need to chest thump about winning after Mag goes to bed, and now saying that somehow your full Q is smaller than ours… This is what happened for the first 4 hours of the reset on Mag Bl.
Part 1 –
Part 2 – entire 4 hours I was downed once and died 0 times, this was the first night I’ve ever gotten over 1k kills. You didn’t lose due to numbers or conditions, you lost due to standing in MS’s all night, NS lost due to 11-12 Necro’s blind spamming, chilling and boon stripping them all night.
Those are GREAT videos! What map were you at? (I was only on Mag BL briefly so I didn’t get much footage there).
Lets leave the forum warriors aside for a moment :-p Do you twitch? I was hoping to find other streamers from the other servers and we can merge our videos into a multi-perspective view (kind of like having many different camera angles in a NFL/NBA game).
It would be fun :-)
Lvl80(Rank) – Eng(362) Necro(245) Mes(245) Thief(131) Guard(131) Ele(29)
Never sure why folks post videos of themselves wiping other people while having a significant numbers advantage. Perhaps I should post a collage of our group slaughtering solos.
I posted plenty of JQ fails above ^^
As for #‘s, I don’t think we had more last night (and often times less). The full 6 hour uncut footage is on my
All the videos but one returned an error for me, in that one I got to see you zerg down a smaller force and go on about zerker gear in voice chat. All in all a couple mins of my life I will never get back.
Opps 4 of the links were bad and I just fixed them. Let me know if you see any links that are still bad.
Lvl80(Rank) – Eng(362) Necro(245) Mes(245) Thief(131) Guard(131) Ele(29)
I want to thank you Mag/SoS for the great reset night last night. We had a lot of fun – collected a lot of bags and gave away plenty (hopefully a precursor for someone lucky at SoS/Mag!).
Some of the videos I recorded below (note: first time streaming on reset night and I got 6+ hours of footage – if anyone knows a more “automatic” way of finding great highlights let me know..)
SoS BL – Led by SF – This is what happened for 6 hours..
We started by rushing a few things.
- JQ’s first cap of Garrison right after reset – 3 way battle (~26 min)
- Mag wiped JQ (~3 min)
- JQ’s 2nd “failed” garrison push – had to retreat to protect our side of the map (~2 min)
At this point we started wondering why we keep seeing Mag around because this is SoS BL afterall.
- Wiped Mag at Hills (~5 min)
- Wiped Mag at SE Tower (~2 min)
- Wiped Mag at hills again (~3 min)
- JQ’s 3rd “failed” garrison push – stolen by Mag (~6 min)
By now we are getting the memo that Mag wants to play. So we start focusing Mag more.
- Mag wiped JQ at buff point(~2 min)
- JQ wiped Mag(~3 min)
- JQ wiped Mag/SoS(~1 min)
It seems that Mag has more or less gave up and map hop at this point and its left with JQ and SoS (see Mag BL video below):
- Failed 3rd garrison push (3 min)
- Wiped SoS at Bay (1 min)
- SoS Wiped JQ at NW Tower(8 min)
Mag BL – led by HzH/MERC
EB – led by Ge/RQ
- wiping SoS (3 min)
Hey man just a little error I saw in your information. Mag BL was lead by HzH and NS* Not MERC even though they did tag with us.
But agreed was a lot of fun and good fights all around.
Aha. Yeah I was at Mag BL late because of queue..and I didn’t see NS at all (kind of strange that the “night” shift was missing at night!). Woks definitely did good work there (as you can tell from the video!).
Lvl80(Rank) – Eng(362) Necro(245) Mes(245) Thief(131) Guard(131) Ele(29)
(edited by hints.8036)
Never sure why folks post videos of themselves wiping other people while having a significant numbers advantage. Perhaps I should post a collage of our group slaughtering solos.
I posted plenty of JQ fails above ^^
As for #‘s, I don’t think we had more last night (and often times less). The full 6 hour uncut footage is on my
Lvl80(Rank) – Eng(362) Necro(245) Mes(245) Thief(131) Guard(131) Ele(29)
I want to thank you Mag/SoS for the great reset night last night. We had a lot of fun – collected a lot of bags and gave away plenty (hopefully a precursor for someone lucky at SoS/Mag!).
Some of the videos I recorded below (note: first time streaming on reset night and I got 6+ hours of footage – if anyone knows a more “automatic” way of finding great highlights let me know..)
SoS BL – Led by SF – This is what happened for 6 hours..
We started by rushing a few things.
- JQ’s first cap of Garrison right after reset – 3 way battle (~26 min)
- Mag wiped JQ (~3 min)
- JQ’s 2nd “failed” garrison push – had to retreat to protect our side of the map (~2 min)
At this point we started wondering why we keep seeing Mag around because this is SoS BL afterall.
- Wiped Mag at Hills (~5 min)
- Wiped Mag at SE Tower (~2 min)
- Wiped Mag at hills again (~3 min)
- JQ’s 3rd “failed” garrison push – stolen by Mag (~6 min)
By now we are getting the memo that Mag wants to play. So we start focusing Mag more.
- Mag wiped JQ at buff point(~2 min)
- JQ wiped Mag(~3 min)
- JQ wiped Mag/SoS(~1 min)
It seems that Mag has more or less gave up and map hop at this point and its left with JQ and SoS (see Mag BL video below):
- Failed 3rd garrison push (3 min)
- Wiped SoS at Bay (1 min)
- SoS Wiped JQ at NW Tower(8 min)
Mag BL – led by HzH/MERC
EB – led by Ge/RQ
- wiping SoS (3 min)
Lvl80(Rank) – Eng(362) Necro(245) Mes(245) Thief(131) Guard(131) Ele(29)
(edited by hints.8036)
Did JQ/SoR get hoodwinked, punk’d, and deceived by BG? Or is BG the new top dog of Tier 1? To be continued..
This sounds so exciting I wish we don’t have to face T2’s next week..
Lvl80(Rank) – Eng(362) Necro(245) Mes(245) Thief(131) Guard(131) Ele(29)
To my JQ friends – to channel Churchill – “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”
Some videos of BG/SoR vs JQ from Day 7. All led by a Ge commander and mostly JQ PUGs – we wiped BG again, again, and again. I didn’t get much footage of SoR because they were mostly playing off BG’s advance (ninja a tower here and there and spawn camp reinforcements etc..).
JQ’s keep in EB: (~ 4 min) (~ 9 min)
JQ BL Garrison: (~ 7 min)
Given that BG is the victor of this week they are probably the top dog in this tag team relationship (or shall I say has now established themselves as the new, current #1 Tier 1 server).
Somehow we wiped BG repeatedly though.
Maybe BG didn’t send their core guild to us and instead have their best people station at SoR/BG BL?? I wasn’t there – would love to checkout any videos you guys have!
Lvl80(Rank) – Eng(362) Necro(245) Mes(245) Thief(131) Guard(131) Ele(29)
One hour ago, JQ (led by SF and pugs) paper’d SoR’s Bay WP in JQ BL. We had help from BG, but they are trying to backstab us in the end. (20 min – this time I’m on my engineer to provide a more “grand overview” of the battle).
Lvl80(Rank) – Eng(362) Necro(245) Mes(245) Thief(131) Guard(131) Ele(29)
Footage from earlier today. JQ pugs led by MERC commander Tarkus.
Death of BG (3 min)
Our fail attempt at SoR’s hill in BG BL (didn’t wipe though! 20 min)
Lvl80(Rank) – Eng(362) Necro(245) Mes(245) Thief(131) Guard(131) Ele(29)
About 2 hours ago JQ BL lead by small group of SF and a bunch of PUGs wiped FEAR repeatedly. (22 min)
Video of a 50 min long bay fight with BG’s help (though sometimes its hard to tell, BG! with your AC and camping in the back of lord’s room!)
Lvl80(Rank) – Eng(362) Necro(245) Mes(245) Thief(131) Guard(131) Ele(29)
(edited by hints.8036)
JQ just papered SoR’s Bay WP in JQ BL 30 min ago. Thank You BG for helping out. We shall be friends..for 1 tick :-p
Here is the footage before the new build where we had 10+ omega golems rushing it. (~8 min). You can see the /cheer spam from SoR when the new build counter ticking down..
I don’t have the video of us actually capping it after the new build because I messed up my twitch (still trying to figure this out).
Lvl80(Rank) – Eng(362) Necro(245) Mes(245) Thief(131) Guard(131) Ele(29)
This was recorded 1 hour ago in EB. JQ helping BG taking SoR’s keep.
If anyone in NA time (especially SoR/BG) wants to collaborate on streaming let me know or PM me in game. It would be fun to see what happened on the other side.
I’m new to streaming and plan to do it more often. I ran this on my 13" macbook pro so I limited the resolution/quality to save on fps :-(
Way too long for me, or anybody else most likely, to watch that entire thing. Any reason JQ decided to hit SoR instead of BG (who is in first)?
I’m new to this so the video is definitely too long. The short version, in the beginning of the video, we were fighting BG (knt commander?) and we wiped them a bunch of times so BG decided to push SoR instead. At that point, we decided to push SoR too.
Lvl80(Rank) – Eng(362) Necro(245) Mes(245) Thief(131) Guard(131) Ele(29)
This was recorded 1 hour ago in EB. JQ helping BG taking SoR’s keep.
If anyone in NA time (especially SoR/BG) wants to collaborate on streaming let me know or PM me in game. It would be fun to see what happened on the other side.
I’m new to streaming and plan to do it more often. I ran this on my 13" macbook pro so I limited the resolution/quality to save on fps :-(
Lvl80(Rank) – Eng(362) Necro(245) Mes(245) Thief(131) Guard(131) Ele(29)
1. “2v1” didn’t we had enough flame wars about these conspiracy theorys? no thanks
2. not a bad idea, i’d like to see this
3. JP should be JP not DM
4. no thanks, it’s fine as it is
5. absolutly no! get some scouts for your garrison if you want to keep it!
6. don’t you think its easy enough for a spy to level up to 30 once?
No no – they don’t just level up “once”. Right now, that person would delete all the characters on the 2nd account and get a “free” (without gem cost) transfer every week based on the matchup. And then create a new level 1 character as a spy. With this chnge, they would have to level up a level 30 character “every week” (if matchup is random enough). Level 30 is chosen because its low enough that its not a barrier to a legit player, but annoying enough that you don’t want to do it weekly.
To stop that, we either 1) limit accounts with only one new level 1 characters getting into WvW or 2) limit someone from transferring to another server immediately after deleting all the characters.
I think #1 is a better solution.
Lvl80(Rank) – Eng(362) Necro(245) Mes(245) Thief(131) Guard(131) Ele(29)
Here are some ideas that should take very little developer’s time but could have big impact to WvW.
- /o outmanned map chat. If two servers are both outmanned by one server, they can use this “temporary” map chat channel to coordinate a 2v1.
- Remove Orb effects in EB JP. This should allow GvG folks to go there.
- Make the JP into a giant death match where the center chest is a capture point.
- Revert EB JP change so that they share the same map again. The JPs right now (BL’s included) are mostly a ghost town (might conflict with #2).
- Yellow message in PvE when your home borderline garrison has orange sword. Similar to how we get PvE announcements in WvW, we should get WvW messages in PvE too.
- You can only enter WvW if you own at least one level 30 character (not necessarily the one you use to enter WvW). This should solve the problem of spies with 2 accounts and keep transferring to a different server on each matchup.
Feel free to post yours. The only requirement is that it should take very little work on ANet’s part to do so it doesn’t distract them from their current roadmap.
Lvl80(Rank) – Eng(362) Necro(245) Mes(245) Thief(131) Guard(131) Ele(29)