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Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jdkentucky.2871


Ya there is many ways of earning coins but I have noticed my drop income is not what it used to be. Sorry to say when the platform changes people do notice those changes.. There are players that like to only kill NPC’s for income if they wanted to skill there are many games that offer that and most of them are finding it difficult keeping players interested in grinding. Many of the inital reviews of GW2 stated people loved the non grinding style of this game. When people see there drops decrease it will raise a few questions. I tend to think that the company is not seeing its gem sales going up. And when these sales do not stay constant they will do things to see if they can make them go up. Basically when it comes down to it they really want use to trade our gems for gold. I cannot blame them for that they want to make a nice profit. I still think they went a little far in decreasing the drops but there is nothing we can do about it.

Guildwars 2 player base...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jdkentucky.2871


I doubt the game will just completely die but there are some issues facing it.. Difficulty of events at lower levels less people playing on entry now. There is the gold issues some say they find it harder to make cash .. I seen a few posts from GW1 players like myself that do not like the way the game is set up. I like the game but find a few things a challenge being I am pretty much a solo player. And I know there are guilds ect ect but at times I am anti social :P

Then there is the fact that its the holidays less people around or busy in real life to play. Basically there is a ton of reasons of people not playing. I think GW2 needs to make a few changes to make it a a fun long term project..

Are we not allowed to earn gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jdkentucky.2871


Earning a income is becoming harder and so is the game play for entry players. Less people doing events on the lower end of the player lvl. It is slowly turning into a group player game and solo players will find it harder to accomplish many things… The repair costs are crazy at times and teleport costs are also. As we all know they increase as we increase levels. I am a little dissapointed in the way its going but when I get frustrated with it I will move on to something else to occupy my time.

enough is enough

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jdkentucky.2871


GW1 was a great platform for its time and yes GW2 is much different and truthully will become a group game at the rate it is going. Solo players will find it harder to play it at starting because of the fact less players are starting. It is nothing like the start up date where there was plenty to complete events. Many areas will become dead and less and less daily awards will be earned. I miss many of the features that made guild wars 1 a great platform but developers thought it best to leave out most of them . But I never seen anywhere that GW1 would be just like GW2…

event difficulties

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: jdkentucky.2871


Is there any plans to make events easier now since less player are now not playing in the lower level stage. At game start up there was always lots of players and players could complete events. But now if you are starting up a character most events cannot be completed with one player. What is the long term plans on this issue? Should I just say the heck with it and play my 80 level till I hit boredom.

21 Bots in one place, Ehmry Bay

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jdkentucky.2871


They can be very bad in a few areas. I have reported some and the GW team did get rid of them. I do hope the bots will not get any worse because they do disrupt how many kills and drops I get in the events at times.. Plus half naked players running in a straight line takes away from the game image :P