There is over 1000 different languages in the world and a lot more different dialects and there is also slang. I can bet that every word (or same part of it) you can think of is offensive or have meaning associated with inappropriate things in one of these languages.
Personally, I find letter “s” pretty offensive. Just look at these curves.
BTW There is option for profanity filter, and you can set it to none. I think it uncensor chat, as i saw sb saying kitten on it without censorship. So it’s not working on censored names?
I mean if you name your char and it will get censored, the name change to censored one in database, or the game simply censor it ad hoc on screen but in database it’s still original?
In second case, the censor is client based so everyone can have different censorship words depending on their language. And there is propability to disable any censorship. I mean button like: “My heart is hard as rock, and i declare to take no offence from any kitten words either from my language or foreign ones”
Well default control is not the best. I just wonder who uses A and D keys to turn right/left? But i can’t even imagine how would you control your char in battle (or underwater) which out changing how fighting works.
Why I don’t want that option? Because making it would require a lot time and resources(in comparison to it usefulness or rather lack of it) Anet could spent on other things. Like bug fixing, adding new content etc.
I do not remember any quest requiring to teleport to them. Just go to them on foot.
And transport between major cities is already free.
Cost of repairing armour is cheap, and there is no other death penalty.
If i remember correctly if you have no money on you(or not enough) when you die, teleporting to revive is free. Never run out of money myself, so i don’t know.
I always wonder, if it’s not possible to make same automatic anty-bot program? It would scan players activity and if sb would do the same thing repeatly or other bot behaviour, It would for example freeze players until they say on chat same massage sent to do them.
I think female version looks like Heavy Ascalonian Armour (dungeon armour).
(edited by mapokl.3167)
Invisible belly when putting “pillaging scale legs of warrior”. It’s crafted armour and bug was there before putting rune into legs.
Race: Human Female
Class: Warrior
Headpiece: Precise Chain Helm
Shoulder: Malign Chain Pauldrons
Armor: Pillaging Scale Coat of Vampirism
Gloves: Mighty Chain Gauntlets of Strength
Pants: pillaging scale legs of warrior
Shoes: Vigorous Scale Boots
I thing there is also issue with how thin her waist is in comparison to belt of pants. It seems that when equipping that part of body disapear, but legs don’t cover it. The problem can be seen also on craftable chain legs (first tier of crafting) but is harder to notice (4th image).