map chat spammer, siege lover/hater, and, well, I care bears.
League of Ex-Siegers, nonetheLEXS, for now, still Rest on Stormbluff Isle
I lol’ed and just +1 the pervious post.
Fifteen Charrs.
This thread is old but it still holds valuable information and insight for people interested in SBI.
Don’t forget to check our community site and forum!
You can always find SBI regulars there and ask us questions.
Hooray~ Bump!
BTW, Stash and Bippity have a guild recruitment thread on SBI’s forum.
I’m back! sorta.
Bumping~ XD
Today we fight!
(I changed and used different YouTube clip here.)
I see in your eyes the same fear (of yet again another transfer)
…that would take the heart of me.
A day may come when the courage of men (and women) fails,
when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship,
— but it is not this day.
An hour of wolves and shattered shields,
when the age of men (and women) comes crashing down,
— but it is not this day!
This day we fight!!
PS. We’re at SBI, Stormbluff Isle, not at the Black Gate.
(No offense to BG! and hello to Iorek and [VP] if you’re seeing this q:)
Good morning, (July 4th already in Asia q:)
Today, we fight!
PS. I’m aware that Stash is from Canada. Just that… I can’t really use this clip in OCX/SEA recruitment thread. It would be pretty weird. XD
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SBI has taken a bumpy route back to the game of WvW and still need more bumps!
Recently it has been a hell of a lot of fun even fighting a orange swords zerg with my barely 4-man havoc party during late NA Pacific or OCX/SEA prime. (I moved from Vancouver, BC, Canada back to my hometown in +8 time zone.)
Tagline of SBI — Log on, rock out, skrw the scores!
( ‘_>`)y-’~~~
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Bippity had redefined the ranger class in front of my eyes in Obsidian Sanctum fighting another old-time SBI’s ele who was then “bandwagoned” (jk, not really, lol) to HoD. I think that ele is going to be back on SBI and reunite with us.
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[LEXS] had got more WvW regulars and few more commanders during her growth. Blodeuyn also offers you some nice British or Irish(?) tea accompany with cookies, cakes, pies, tricks or treats. A lot of love and laughs on TeamSpeak. Sometimes LEXS even give out gold to aid poor siegers.
Come to join us on SBI! Hey! Oops, I mean, [LEXS] on Fort Aspenwood.
Bloodywynn, check your regular e-mail inbox! q:
— That’s an order from the shiny noob rear commander Deko*
Sigh, have fun in blobs wars then. It’s built-in laggy already, few know what hits what, who hits whom, everyone spams the keyboard like monkeys dropping AoE and DPS all around, and low FPS on even decent hardwares. EotM FTW.
There is seriously no room to improve in Guild Wars 2’s World vs. World. GG, I guess.
You have a choice as to whether or not you participate in zerging in WvW. I run a havoc guild and we run anywhere from 5-15 man groups on any given night and generally avoid the zergs. You couldn’t be more incorrect when you say “few know what hits what.” Even when a zerg hits a zerg, the most important AoE skills need to be placed correctly for effect. If it was truly as mindless as you think than fights would last considerably longer than they do.
There is plenty of room to improve WvW, but apparently you’re so shallow as to think that only YOUR ideas can improve it. That is not the case. Just because you thought of it, does not mean that it is a great idea. Try think of a better suggestion to mitigate blob sizes other than simply screwing over your own server’s players with a friendly fire mechanic of some sort. That will never be implemented.
I do havoc and BL defense with 3~8 (10 if we’re lucky) back on DR and now on SBI. Most of the time, my in-game friends or guildies don’t join our zerg — I or we found that you have to commit yourself to the guild group raid or the zerg, sacrifice your own independence and space of thinking. We’re siegers running around sieging, refreshing, scouting, defending, dying… and guess what we have met so far since 2012?
We did partnered up with regular commanders, medium-sized (5-15) fighting squads and hardcore WvW guilds, one of which had held fight clubs on our old server and their new server. We called them if we spot a large enemy group or tight enemy havoc and guild group beyond my defenders/siegers party. We both know we have different type of fun in-game and have fun helping and knowing each other.
However, frequently it seems that things won’t change even you know your kitten better, you just lost to the sea of red. (overrun or they keep rezzing people have downed) Quite a fun game mode, rally numbers seems the only answer in the battle and the war. It seems to be designed and even encourage to be that.
There is little or no risk for a big zerg ball now on the field, and I want to give them some disadvantages to compensate the effect of numbers.
I’m not against players with different playstyles, but sometimes, a single zerg would be better off spliting into 2 or 3 groups doing things that needed to be done.
I have more questions than answers, I picth my silly idea and shape my stupid solution for that. I don’t know everything in-game, maybe a lot of things in-game, but I’m willing to listen and learn, having a healthy discussion instead of shutting it down totally. (I guess that now I learned.)
Well, anyway, have fun, folks. Thanks for teaching me something.
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Sigh, have fun in blobs wars then. It’s built-in laggy already, few know what hits what, who hits whom, everyone spams the keyboard like monkeys dropping AoE and DPS all around, and low FPS on even decent hardwares. EotM FTW.
There is seriously no room to improve in Guild Wars 2’s World vs. World. GG, I guess.
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Well, later I realized maybe it should not be called Firendly Fires, maybe it’s better to be called Friendly Backfires, and there are 2 different scenarios up there:
1. Direct hit by friendly fires.
2. Empower group A to put some kind of vulnerability, +1% extra damage up to 25 stacks, on group B, depends on the enemy numbers on the scene. Instantly 25 stacks for popping up orange swords(? but it counts both sides bah)
About hitting by real friendly fires, it happens if you select the ally by the mouse (not likely by using the keyboard in common default configuration, you can set a hotkey for “targeting” the nearest ally tho) or by even Ctrl-Click to call the target on your ally. Maybe you give him certain % of damage of your raw damage. 10%? it can be discussed and tweaked, just like once OPed ACs.
Also maybe we should introduce the PvP-like “dishornored” status and system here. Ban griefer(s) from WvW automatically if they kill several allies (or maybe judging by certain accumulated damage whom did to the allies) in some period, starting from an hour to 3 hours or even more, for current match-up before reset or even the next matchup (have to wait 2 WvW resets), if repeatedly and reported. (Maybe the dishornor status applies to Alt-F4 scrubs or unfortunately DC’ed just like the dishornored stacks in PvP.)
The 2nd scenario – empower group A to put some kind of vulnerability, +1% extra damage up to 25 stacks, on group B… and vice versa. Both groups can receive and apply the same stacks on the other side. It will still be the same epic zergy fight if you choose to and people will probably down faster for the next round on WvW’s field. (One thing is that… maybe it will cause problem while sieging, I mean attacking a WvW fort, give the one sitting on the sieges too many advantage??)
And it should not kick in maybe for skirmish or GvG scene fewer than 25 people, an orange swords. I think it will also help to ease the epic lag.
EDIT: My own server mate said that, instead of weakening them by vulnerability, maybe applying crippled to them, "Make blobs move like actual blobs. "
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My own server mates metioned the griefer(s) issue, however I argue that there is a % limit and others can take him or her or them out or report it. (check your combat log, and maybe ANet can make it stand out by using a different color. You can kitten if the “group” play is working or worthy)
And, if someone called the target and few or everyone just jumped in to “help”, blindly… isn’t that sarcasm?
BTW, hilariously, even GTA V has some kind of system to prevent or label or “group” in-game trolls. Also my friend had recently earned his dishornored status at least twice from PvP due to DC’ed…
But, yea, in the world of Guild Wars 2’s World versus World, everything can be abused and yes everything will be abused. Oh, well, what a wonderfer world.
Wow, the word , to make a judgment, become kitten on the forum…
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That crossed my mind and I’m here to ask some thoughts and inputs. Sorry for being silly, but I used a lot of question marks in my first paragraph. Also you missed some of my suggestion. I know that direct damages from friendly fires by AoE will cause some problem. (even 1% or up to 5%, 10%??)
Maybe I shouldn’t say “as a Penalty on Zergs”, that sounds quite negative. Probably because I hate blindly 11111111111 (or 2222222) and simply race to die with the counter party. Then, how about simply a different vulnerability condition stacks on enemy?
PS. “A lot of players playing together”? Please try EotM! LOL (it can be discussed that if EotM will not affect by this kind of setting, currently clearly it’s not fully classic WvW — guild claim and buffs and such)
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Something just crossed my mind maybe yesterday — How about friendly fires causing maybe 1% damages or grant enemy 1% extra damage? Especially if your server mates target the wrong person!! Or make it some kind of condition(?) stacks up to 25??
In real world and real war, friendly fires are serious issues. q:
Ah, the driver of small or guild group not tagging up have to find another way to lead your group, other than Ctrl-Click calling you leader the target like now… Or guildies will deliberately and happily put the driver down? Hee hee, it’s a real test on the human nature and coherence of the guild. Oh, wait, others can also put the trolling guildie or party member down then. XD
Expecting a boon on commander tag market and commanders all over the map? Then maybe using squad that no one is actually using now?
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I’m an old DR and [HoD] (1) has been always on DR through its low and high. They’re a solid guild having good people to play with.
Gonna have my alt from the April sale (ANet did it again in May…), a Lv.3 rallybot , visited them and DR soon!
PS. There’s also an official Devona’s Rest recruitment thread with more info and situation about DR at You may wanna take a look and talk to others.
1 Oh, and [HoD] Hands of Divinity must not be confused with HoD the server, Henge of Denravi, or HoD’s server guild (if they got one). You may easily see different [HoD] now that ANet has implemented Megaserver in PvE and EotM. — the guild name is unique but not the guild tag.
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I don’t know how many people or guilds on DR still knowing about me, a Devona’s Refugee. I do know and still love DR, and DR had trained me very well — fighting against big enemy numbers with so few, by smart and essential defensive sieges in WvW forts. We or they (usually) don’t do open field sieges. We roamed, we havoced, we outmanned, we trolled, we lol’ed, we yolo’ed and fought to the last stand , and/or, by standing together defending our home map or even camps.
DR along with those native and old respectful guilds are definitely growing and coming back to the game. I have heard that some of my DR/SBI fellows had just transferred back to DR.
Devona’s Rest, is always the home for heroes. Just click the link in my signature and most of my posts (oh, how shameless q: ) to learn about DR and what DR had done. I really really had fun and made tons of friends there. I still miss and love you folks!!
Remember me to people in [havc], [OHai], [BRL], commander Zeroskillz the actually skilled and tanky kitten mesmer, Ashley Fox the thief, Theo the unbelievably high ranked warrior!!!!!!! — I think Theo is just like DR’s Chuck Norris , I believe no one on DR will argue about that plain fact.
Edit: Wanna adding some fun memories here…
Those fun people are still there, at home on Devona’s Rest.
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Hello, people who are watching and searching for a new home out there, please check this out as well.
We’re right here waiting our new friends and old family.
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Bump! KT running without or with X are both awesome!
I’ve been on SBI for over 2 months, and I must say it’s a great community to be a part of. When I got here, we were very dominant in WvW and then about a month ago we saw a large exodus of WvW guilds that were bought off by other servers. Even with that happening though and against the overwhelming odds of facing DB and FA week in and week out, SBI is still out there in force everynight, and it inspires me (and a lot of others) to come out and do the same.
SBI also has a very strong PvE community for those of you who aren’t 100% WvW-centric (like me). Tequatl is successfully beaten everynight at 8pm est, followed by the Karka Queen, and sometimes the world event train goes on for several other events as well. If you happen to stay for the whole thing, the loot is amazing lol.
There’s a server-wide Teamspeak, which is one of the huge plusses for me, originally coming from a very fractured server (Sorrow’s Furnace) where a 3rd of the community used Mumble, a 3rd used Teamspeak, and the other 3rd used… something else, Idk. But being able to just hop into a channel with 30-40 ppl and just do something, at anytime, is awesome.
If you’re looking for an awesome overall community with a winning attitude that doesn’t quit, SBI has it all.
This! SBI has a server-wide TS and which is also used for server PvE events
— Teq EVERYDAY 5pm server/NA Pacific time. Teq got its own channel just like our WvW operations on SBI TS. lol
— Weekend Temple Runs! (Every Saturday, 5pm right after daily reset, I think)
— Monday Mapping Mondays
Plus, seasonal silly goofy events in WvW and/or PvE!!!
Although ANet has implemented the Megaserver, still, SBI empowers you more than you think by offering a community and server-wide TS.
Last night in WvW’s map hoppers channel, some guildie from a guild (his guildies confessed later) is drunk and laughter bursted out loud during and after the conversation among maybe 15+ people, NA Eastern time around midnight. — SBI is a server, a community with a sense of humour.
Please immediately book you place on SBI or always keep an eye on transfer fee for SBI dropped to normal or lower. We’re right here waiting and welcoming you!
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Some of them were in the queue earlier, but some of them aren’t, IIRC, and you cannot add it back for it being already queued supposedly.
The +5 supply buff in the last screenshot works fine, we have built the buffs and saved them for a while, but I think earlier this afternoon I was and am building +5% swiftness for that guild.
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For the love of the Six, if you and your guildies spot some, please report those players on your server in-game and notify your own server mates and/or friends on the other server. We on opposing server are probably busy fighting you guys behind and on the gate, trying to save our upgraded keeps and can’t get a clear view on what and who’s doing this. Few of us had to suicide rushing out the gate to check and get the screenshots.
I once saw a flying golem over Hills south gate with only a handful of our people while facing 10+ red tags there. Later I posted about the event and provided the time and place on the forum and players on the other side replied nicely and said they had reported it immediately. I didn’t have some screenshots handy then, didn’t even mention or remember the guild tag involved there, and ANet infracted that post after others quoted and replied me. (for some reason, they were okay with the follow-up post……)
There is not much we players can do about cheating, but both side should not ignore the wrongdoing. (eyeing the Dev)
Ah, well, may the Six watch over you.
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It wasn’t a case of hacking a gate. It was a pretty well known, illegitimate method to remove all defensive siege from the gate area, essentially regardless of its placement.
Honest question: what is this “known method”? I’ve never seen something like this before.
All I or we can say is that ANet did this — trying to fix that…… but in vain(?) -_-
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What server are you currently on? If you’re looking to move to a middish tier I can suggest HOD.
Blod, sad to see you and LEXs move. If you had stayed you would have seen the fruits of your labour. People sieging and refreshing, people scouting, people dedicated to defense.
Without a doubt the example you and LEXS set was a good one and others followed.
I am glad our example paid off and SBI is doing so well! It was time for me to move on however (for several reasons), and I’ve been enjoying my time on HoD. Best of luck to you! <3
O-M-G, I’m still struggling with my new laptop (GOD KITTEN IT LENOVO!!! This is my first ThinkPad! KITTEN YOU LENOVO! :x) and I’m one of the few LEXS still on SBI~ I’ll probably log on tomorrow (Fri 24 Jan) to take a peek at SBI and the new homeland defence guild [Zeal](?). Someone in [Zeal] kindly messaged me on SBI TS weeks ago. I saw some familiar faces in there, too.
I can be reached through official or SBI forum message. See you around~
PS. Please save LEXS channel for me XD
PS2. And what happened to the match-ups sub-froum……
We had fun in SBI Borderland tonight. Thanks to the BEAST and TE guys that were there, along with the other guilds.
LEXS. We love you guys, sorry for taking anything you might have missed.
Hey! I think you forget about [DR]!
Thank you for kindly sparing our NW tower! As for others, no hard feelings. ANet’s new build took more from me… :~ It was fun to fend you all off in the lord’s room of NE tower.
I did see one of you waving at another LEXS guildie near Hills… I lay there near SE tower thinking about life. I showered your group of 10 or more with tears from the arrow cart earlier at Hills treb site and scared you off. Fair enough, I think. q:
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I don’t think we are worth that much. Was that you Daevryk and I kept running into near the ruins and south camp? If so, why you no fight me?
1g per! Final offer! And yes, that was me. I was more after him than anything because emotes. I wanted revenge. REVEEEENGEE.
Daev waved and I bowed at NE camp next to the body, you know… it’s so SWEEEEEEET, don’t you think?
Not for sale. End of discussion.
Was that you??? The Squire engi at our NE camp earlier this morning (Pacific/server time)? Is the Major mesmer Swinder, the most loved target for old-time DR?
I told our PuG to target that Major first, learned from my death or near-death experience. Sorry for keeping you or two of your people waiting up there. <3 ( <- heart, or… fart?)
I was actually the mesmer in the camp. The engi was Dia, our lovely Aussie. I got bored and upgraded that camp to full because you guys took so long to come get it :<
Oh. I pulled out the old screenshot of your engi Vandéne, and thought I might be wrong then deleted my first, orginal post. q:
Yea, I noticed that. But don’t blame us, blame BP. They had 4-5 people on our map, plus 3 [VP]. You should definitely direct your anger or something else towards them!
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I’ll buy LEXS. 1c per member. Discuss.
I don’t think we are worth that much.
Hear that from our bossy boss… <(;_;)
I’ll buy LEXS. 1c per member. Discuss.
Not for sale. End of discussion.
Was that you??? The Squire engi at our NE camp earlier this morning (Pacific/server time)? Is the Major mesmer Swinder, the most loved target for old-time DR?
I told our PuG to target that Major first, learned from my death or near-death experience. Sorry for keeping you or two of your people waiting up there. <3 ( <- heart, or… fart?)
Later spotted 3 BP [VP] near our SE tower… dunno if there is any acquaintance in that group. One of them shot or beamed me! Ouch!!
SBI, stop trying to take our keep in EB. How many times have you tried to storm in? First trebs, then ram power (did you use rams that time?), there was once when you brought three golems, and a mesmer port (we’re lucky we spot him/her just in time), through the back door, circling around and flanking….give us a break! Go bug BP for their keep!
…I do have to admit I’m very happy to see CD outmanned, and still holding onto our keep. <3
So instead of spending our Saturday Night Drunken WvW time happily re-capping and fortifying CDBL, we spent three hours squabbling over Hills, completely failing to dent Bay, and then expending blood, sweat, and tears to pull off an epic Garrison defense against both enemy zergs. How many Omegas was that? It looked like 10?
Good fights and good fun.
Aww, that sounds fun!
I’m on SBI but GO! Crystal Desert! Fight the good fight!
O, great. Now I know I will get killed tonight
… I keep missing you guys! (Actually I run away as fast as I can) Hope to see you tonight
Oh cool, we were wondering where you transferred to:)
Are you on IOJ? Good to see another realm defender doing well:D
Nope~ [BOA] and [FOCK] are with us. q:
(and I too ran away a lot from vicious guilds I had known so well.)
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IoJ is winning… FASHION WARS! O YEAH!
No funny screenshots1 or GIFs from [BUNS]?
1 Screenshotsbut not too mean, specifically.
Great small man fights today in IOJ and SBI and keep/tower takes. We had a blast and hope to continue tonight as well!
Did YB have 2 different groups, both 10-man or more, on SBI BL this morning or around noon? Few of us fought YB at Bay’s outer N gate and inner north while you’re trebbing our Garrison from NE tower. (earlier fully upgraded, full supply NE tower Q_Q ) Had to call Alkmst and BEAST to help. Did you see them? I was running around and yelling. XD
Heh, one of those two was me:) Yeah we were screening for the other group. But mostly trying to pull you guys from other bls and eb, and start draining your supply. It actually worked pretty well.
Yea, you people really made few of us running around and yelling intelligence like crazy. Initially we had less than 5 people at Bay so we couldn’t fight your 10-man group there (with 1 ram and 1 golem). We just kept repairing the outer N gate, and that held the gate for a while. lol
They are not the same IoJ we met weeks or months ago. Knock it off, please.
You can post on your guild’s forum or SBI’s forum. (I started a thread on the private server sub-forum 2 weeks 4 days ago.) …and you should have someone check the private sub-forum ASAP.
Great small man fights today in IOJ and SBI and keep/tower takes. We had a blast and hope to continue tonight as well!
Hehe… /wave
I’m the LEXS legend ranger on Garrison’s NE wall near NE gate waving at one of you two [SoCo]. Oh, and full disclosure here, I also friendly fired the cannon on you two. q:
You would probably never know and couldn’t even possibly guess what happened to us then…
Did YB have 2 different groups, both 10-man or more, on SBI BL this morning or around noon? Few of us fought YB at Bay’s outer N gate and inner north while you’re trebbing our Garrison from NE tower. (earlier fully upgraded, full supply NE tower Q_Q ) Had to call Alkmst and BEAST to help. Did you see them? I was running around and yelling. XD
Also noticed some other people from EB, YB or IoJ BL came to help. Thanks for coming to save our land.
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MOS updated!
NA servers/leagues –
DB-FA-SBI WRC (Wagon Rally Championship)
GW2 Score is okay but still has some minor issues. is not working properly.
Folkswagon kitten, T3 …
(Why is there a “kitten” again!? This browser game is so kitten broken!!!)
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It seems that is not working,
try ->
kitten.We’re bandwagon now? lol
We’re bandwagon now? lol
Fort Aspenwagon vs. SuperBandwagon Isle vs. DragonBandwagon
I just wondered where is the “kitten” coming from… lol
If youre a real wvwer the you wouldnt be so terribad.
Please define your, our, or their “WvW”.
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I miss having you guys on homeland defense :<
GO!! CD!!! GO!!!!! lol
-> CD-FA-Mag
This entry will be expired after the group of death determined. XD
I would love to lead some homeland tours, party up with puggles and show them all the shortcuts to camps or sneaky path to avoid being spotted on the borderland maps. It will depend on the situation of our home map and/or our match-up. I’ll reply and bump this post then.
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I would have hoped SBI would learned that this is all ~a video game~
Impressed…. Some mags actually know GW2 is a video game. lolol
Is it not a web game or browser game?
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3) SBI needs to stop chest thumping and saying look at the ppt. Not sure if it’s new transfers or other, but it looks bad. SBI is about the fights, not the points.
I would like to point out once again that some of those ppt-watching posts are from our spectators, and it seems that most of them (if not all of them) don’t really like Maggie. (Ex? Once got involved into a bad marriage or romantic relationship, too. )
I wouldn’t take it as a compliment – I would take it as more of a ‘no one likes your kitteny attitude’ kinda sorta thing…
7) Maggie is the most loved and cherished one among all. Everyone just plainly likes Maggie for her friendly and cheerful personality, and admires her unmatched skill (at least on certain aspect, certainly hands down the best)
I wouldn’t take it as a compliment — a lot of people posted in this thread aren’t even in this match-up. :-/
(edited by playard.6035)
Also I have no idea what the person who replied to me is trying to say.
Maggie the Mom flipped everything (at least every keeps) in FA BL and SBI BL, yesterday (Monday 7 Oct), during 10:00~14:00 NA Pacific / server time (13:00~17:00 NA Eastern Time). They finished FA BL first, then came to SBI BL.
We have a coverage gap at around 9 AM – 4 PM every day yet every day SBI acts like it’s our job to win during our gap.
Please read the following posts and the posts followed up…
Mmm, turned to next page…
…and , move your mouse on the income evolution curve, first check yesterday (Monday) morning and afternoon, then maybe Sunday morning as well. (look for where blue curve stands out)
The following screenshots are before Mag inviding our borderland yesterday (didn’t follow the that up :-/ waiting for testimonies from our extended Asia/Oceanic play time / EU prime time / NA daytime krewe)
There’s really no need to hide a skill-less bar
It’s actually an old screentshot I posted somewhere on the forum. We were all from small guilds then, and there were and are so many elite players (or simply forum trolls) out there hunting for us for some easy bags.
I actually pressed [K] to call out the pets panel and switched to my polar bear hastily for taking that screenshot.
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I’m willing to teach some of these SBI rangers man. Put away the kittening longbow and bear pet. It makes me sad everytime I see it. Christ, I even saw a [CAT] ranger with full zerker gear and a pig pet. Really? :|
I know right sooo many bears what are these guys doing out there?
Having fun, slowing you down (a bit), trolling ourselves and enemies with lovely bears and piggy! (our options are limited, other pets just lack certain charm)
I still walk my Paula, Charlie Brown, and Kevin Bacon (or Pinky) occasionally.
BTW, shortbow was nerfed a bit and longbow was overhauled, just for your information, you elite fine players.
We’re having fun too…. too bad bears don’t give bags too. I like SBI’s style. I’ve never gotten so many bags in so many different ways. Rangers are still garbage everyone knows it, but we on the other side are enjoying it so thanks for running so many.
Yea, that just makes you such a superior player and person. Congrat!
So i take it you want us to prove it to you on the field with all that sarcasm? Guild and Timezone? I’ll try to arrange an in-game lesson.
Sarcasm? No, the only sarcasm coming from and after you people.
Rangers are still garbage everyone knows it.
So… you beat those rangers. Good job! Some of them might be just casual players, who have no exotic weapons or armours, food and utility buff. What’s wrong with them having fun in WvW? They might not be able to defeat you but they may slow you down and thus save a camp. Wanna prove yourself? Why don’t you go actual PvP?
Duel? No, I’ll save you and me some time. Please read my signature. I’m afraid that I’m not your type. I’m a shameless carebears lame ranger. However, I do know some competent rangers on different servers.
Good day!
(edited by playard.6035)
I’m willing to teach some of these SBI rangers man. Put away the kittening longbow and bear pet. It makes me sad everytime I see it. Christ, I even saw a [CAT] ranger with full zerker gear and a pig pet. Really? :|
I know right sooo many bears what are these guys doing out there?
Having fun, slowing you down (a bit), trolling ourselves and enemies with lovely bears and piggy! (our options are limited, other pets just lack certain charm)
I still walk my Paula, Charlie Brown, and Kevin Bacon (or Pinky) occasionally.
BTW, shortbow was nerfed a bit and longbow was overhauled, just for your information, you elite fine players.
We’re having fun too…. too bad bears don’t give bags too. I like SBI’s style. I’ve never gotten so many bags in so many different ways. Rangers are still garbage everyone knows it, but we on the other side are enjoying it so thanks for running so many.
Yea, that just makes you such a superior player and person. Congrat!
This is what a
LB rangerany SBI player looks like to me:I’m a SBI LB Ranger and I support this message.
Could you enlighten me in detail here, on ranger’s forum, or SBI’s forum?
I dropped LB long ago, thinking about trying it again… there’s always some trade-off between your choices tho. And, why are you still playing ranger and using LB??
(edited by playard.6035)
This is what a LB ranger looks like to me:
Why did you edit that out? Anyway, personal choice and taste, NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. Thanks.
EDIT: trolling it right at the first place, please!
(edited by playard.6035)
I’m willing to teach some of these SBI rangers man. Put away the kittening longbow and bear pet. It makes me sad everytime I see it. Christ, I even saw a [CAT] ranger with full zerker gear and a pig pet. Really? :|
I know right sooo many bears what are these guys doing out there?
Having fun, slowing you down (a bit), trolling ourselves and enemies with lovely bears and piggy! (our options are limited, other pets just lack certain charm)
I still walk my Paula, Charlie Brown, and Kevin Bacon (or Pinky) occasionally.
BTW, shortbow was nerfed a bit and longbow was overhauled, just for your information, you elite fine players.
Fellows of FA and Mag (and maybe SBI as well), if you did something great and extraordinary, please give us some screenshots or streaming videos! Huge thanks!!
I think it’s more positive and authentic by doing so, instead of relying on raging or torlling text. (I don’t speak troll’s language very well >_< )
Mmm… a screenshot taken in Mount Maelstrom, Maguuma Jungle.
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