Showing Posts For wetwillyhip.7254:

Fused weapon drop rate data

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: wetwillyhip.7254


150$ worth of gems.. all on chests… not one fused ticket… that’s got to be like 60-70+ chests

Gem store gambling

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: wetwillyhip.7254


ok, i understand you run the risk or chance with gambling. I understand the fact that fused weapons are a luxury item as they are just skins.

But I have spent 200$ worth of gems on BL keys alone to get ONE fused weapon. Still haven’t gotten it. Doesn’t anyone think this is a little ridiculous and outrageous?

Why I'm not happy with the Halloween event

in Halloween Event

Posted by: wetwillyhip.7254


Personally.. im getting tired of the whining on these forums and in GW2Guru forums… either make constructive criticism and give some ideas or suggestions that will help the devs… or move on. I like figuring things out and I don’t think everything should be spoon fed to you like an instruction manual… If I want that, I can go read instruction manuals for all the appliances my business facility uses… I come here to escape and explore. That’s what these events are, they are to be discovered and explored. As for the black lion chests, they dropped the ball but they have responded and will be compensating people who spent lots of $ on the keys to reward them with the rare items soon.

[BUG?] Music fails to play in high level areas

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: wetwillyhip.7254


i also have this problem in lions arch.. no music whatsoever… I have nothing in my "Guild Wars 2 " Folder in the documents… and i have correct audio settings.. dunno what’s up.

Strange Ringing Sound When Fighting

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: wetwillyhip.7254


still getting this during dragon boss fights…. anyone can confirm they are too? this hasn’t been fixed…. any work around besides restarting client?

Stop deleting my nicknames!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: wetwillyhip.7254


Regardless Jia. it’s a bug and nicknames get wiped just about every update/patch.. IT IS ANNOYING! FIX IT PLEASE Anet, thanks.