Showing Highly Rated Posts By Devildoc.6721:

2nd birthday experience scroll

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


So.. do people even have characters under level 20 when they have 2 year old characters on their account? Seems to me like they should have been level 25, or level 30 scrolls, or something, but more level 20 scrolls? I have 13, I have a character of every single class, actually I have a duplicate of 1 class because I didn’t like Charr Warrior but that character was an ascended crafter so I couldn’t bring myself to delete it.

But a real problem is… this years scrolls do not stack with last year’s scrolls, so if I wanted to save them on the off chance.. it’s another bank slot. can’t we at least have them stack?

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

Did Living Story writers play Nightfall?

in Lore

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


Cause I mean, correct me if I’m wrong, but I seem to remember that the Elonian Centaurs were ENSLAVED by the Kournans, not persuaded to work under an alliance. In fact, Zhed Shadowhoof blackmails you into staging a prison break for his people and killing the slavemasters. They had a staunch resentment of “two legs” and it took that selfless act to get Zhed to trust you.

Is that what we’re calling slavery now? An “Alliance”? I bet a great many people would object to you referring to the Israelites in Egypt as “Allies”, or the African Americans of the pre-civil war South as “Allies” “convinced” to work under the whip.

This is a 2 fold offense. #1 it’s inaccurate to GW1 events, #2, it’s rather discouraging about how you view a portrayal of slavery in a game.


Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

Lightning Pull.

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


Can this skill’s behavior be fixed, or can waypointing in labyrinthe cliffs be free? Currently spending a few gold because of the wonky behavior of this skill just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It sometimes way overshoots the targetted area, and sometimes you hit an invisible wall mid air and rubberband backwards and drop like a stone.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


So, back during the cutthroat politics update, a lot of people claimed that the Abaddon fractal was “something we already knew” and that the Thaumanova Reactor was a “mystery” and we didn’t know what caused it.

Well surprise surprise, just as people who actually had critical thinking skills already told you it was Inquest, and that the Thaumanova reactor experiments were a predecessor to the Infinity Coil/CoE dungeon… they were right.

Guess what the Thaumanova Reactor fractal is according to the livestream?

You play as Inquest Saboteurs.

Just like you play the Charr in the searing fractal.

Sometimes I hate being right.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

Worst event since Ancient Karka

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


Now mind you the Ancient Karka remains the worst because it was buggy and laggy and a FPS slideshow.

This event kills my desire to play GW2. Why? Here’s the reasons:

1. If you log on to do an event and it’s past 10 min after, just give up, you won’t be able to get into an overflow with an active invasion. Yes, you can just “wait an hour and do something else” but realistically, an hour is not enough time to do anything actually productive and fun, but too long to just sit around waiting for the next invasion. It makes me just want to log off instead and say screw it.
2. AFK’ers in the overflows often cause failures to the event, which don’t progress your achievements so that you can do the gated content or work towards the tonic.
3. The lack of a schedule to the maps means whenver I log on to see what zone is being invaded, it’s often a zone I’ve already done. I have sparkfly, harathi, fireheart, and dredgehaunt cliffs done. That’s always what I see up running, I’ve already done them, so it doesn’t progress achievements, so why bother, again, waiting an hour for the next one just makes you want to log off and do something else.
4. The funhouse is gated behind doing these invasions successfully, which afker’s can prevent from ever happening if you constantly get in an overflow. So if you keep getting the same freaking maps, and get in overflows that fail constantly, you’re pooched from ever seeing a good chunk of this update’s content.

The hourly invasions should happen on all 13 maps, or at least 3-4 maps at once every hour until Sept 3rd when this event is over, and THEN when they’re permanent invasions it can go to 1 map per hour. Either that or have a predictable schedule so that people who need certain maps can work in what time they log in.

This current system just doesn’t work unless you play ALL DAY and poopsock this event. Play a couple hours a day? You’re betting on RNG to get different maps and hoping not to end up in fail overflows.

This event is a 2/10.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer

This zone needs to be permanent.

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Devildoc.6721


This is my favorite zone outside of Super Adventure Box, the environmental artists really went to town with this place and it’s a real shame to me that it’ll be gone after 4 weeks, I also can’t get enough of those aspect skills (in fact I wish they weren’t limited charges so I could just sanic hegehog all over the place all day).

The only real flaw is that waypointing costs a lot, it should be free within the zone so that you can not feel discouraged from trying for some of the really out of the way and hard to reach crystals, and sometimes you find yourself stranded high up without any crystal power left.. fork over 1s40c to get more.

Zapp – 80 Asura Afromancer