Dawn Of The Valiant[DoV]Is rebuilding [EU]

Dawn Of The Valiant[DoV]Is rebuilding [EU]

in Looking for...

Posted by: pospiech.6501



Dawn Of The Valiant[DoV] was once a very successful PvX guild with a incredibly large and friendly community of 150 strong and active members. We did weekly Guild events with tournaments, Gold Prizes(Up to 100g) and guild missions.

Due to the fact the management team of the guild was based in EU time zones but the guild was stationed in NA this finally led to its demise. However, the guild has returned and now is in EU.

We are looking for a new management team ( Officers ). To assist us in recruiting and hopefully bringing back the guild to its old active self.

Why Join ?

If you enjoy a small active community then you will love [DoV] the old guild was busting with activity and entertainment.

What Will I get out of it ?

We have a level 400 scribe with an endless supply of money to create decorations. We have the Lost Precipice guild level 28 with some nodes. Along side this we have private Team-speak which will always be available to your use ( unless under monthly maintenance ). Lastly joining us will let you become a part of a fun and growing community. Also if you enjoy achieving things as a guild then there is plenty of opportunities for this.

What will I have to do ?

Nothing if you wish, simply becoming a part of our community is greatly appreciated but if you wish to become a Officer the option is there as we are just rebuilding.

Why did the Guild Not work out last time?

The significant time difference from Europe to America led to bad communication and people unable to play together which eventually led to separation; hints why the guild has relocated to EU to solve this problem.

Will there be any rewards?

For effective and active officers and members gold rewards are possible. Plus if the community grows old events with massive gold prizes will return.

If you require any additional information please do not hesitate to message me here or in game at Aungarh Black Fang.