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[NA]LF Low-Rep Relaxed Raid Training Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Caitmonster.9036


Giving this a little nudge in the hopes some cool raid progression guild is looking for fresh meat new recruits.

[NA]LF Low-Rep Relaxed Raid Training Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Caitmonster.9036


As the title says. I (and a friend of mine) are looking for a low stress place to learn raids and maybe have a bit of fun as we throw our bodies against them over and over. Ultimately, to get pr0 enough to go for legendary armor. The kind of guild who’s willing to yolo raids with non meta stuff for funsies and practice just as often as they insist on running the ‘meta’ builds. Preferably with a low-rep requirement because one of the social guilds I’m in has a huge strict rule about rep. >.>

Since power necro is kind of out right now I more or less main a condi tempest (soon to be a weaver ;D) for raids, fully ascended in sini+viper, balthazar runes, and malign infusions. Also a condi reaper but the build is a little outdated. I have a full exotic heal druid, power PS war, commander/durability rune chronomancer, an auramancer tempest healer, and condi druid too, all I’ve never gotten the chance to practice or use. Definitely plan to look into PoF specs for raiding later on. My friend mains a DPS dragonhunter, full ascended zerker.

My friend and I have limited raid experience, 1 clear on VG, 1 Gorse, 2 escort, 3 Mursaat Overseer, 1 clear of Samarog, and 5 clears of Cairn. ;-; Willing to learn everything. I have discord but rarely use it, I also have teamspeak. Will use either if need be, but I’m not much of a talker. Most of my playtime is on weekends or weeknights up until about 11 pm EST.

If you’d like a few shy nerds who want to learn to raid slowly but surely in your guild when schedule permits and maybe even do some relaxed regular pve on the side (PoF for sure) while hopefully making some new friends, please drop me a line here or mail in-game. Thanks o/

(edited by Caitmonster.9036)