Showing Posts For polarbear.2497:

Veteran players are too hostile to newbies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: polarbear.2497


This has just been my experience as a returning (but still fresh-faced) player. In all game modes, there are people screaming at new players, becoming frustrated with them for not having optimal build, for not knowing things they couldn’t possibly know (sometimes the game does a poor job of making certain things clear, some things you only learn from failing), having a horrible and rude attitude in general, never making an effort to be polite.

There are also a lot of kind and helpful players (in my opinion, the majority). If you’d like to hang out with some, feel free to contact me for an invitation to my guild. We enjoy teaching/advising/helping new and returning players – in fractals, dungeons, raids and other PvE content .

Amalyra (polarbear.2497)

How to break into fractals?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: polarbear.2497


Having a hard time trying to find a full group to start breaking into fractals and work my way up.

Any suggestions?

Join a guild that runs fractals regularly. If you are interested, my guild is happy to invite people who want to learn fractals. We run them at all levels.

Contact me in-game at polarbear.2497

The evasive FOTM Ascended chests

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: polarbear.2497


Yes the T4 fractals.

@ Polarbear, but that shows the inefficiency of the random number generator. If you say you are seeing one every night, and I haven’t seen one in 3 weeks.

It could be another 3 weeks until I see a box, by these rates.
Rather disconcerting.

I believe it does not show inefficiency, but rather fits in perfectly with the concept of randomness! There is no predicting when you will get one, and no guarantee how many you might get or even if you ever will get one.

Still, I would keep trying – as my own experience leads me to believe that the drop rate is not terribly low.

Good luck!

The evasive FOTM Ascended chests

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: polarbear.2497


After returning to the game a few weeks ago, and having done my daily T4 Fractals every day since, I’m becoming increasingly annoyed that I haven’t received one Ascended armor/weapon chest.

I know it has been stated by Anet then the drop rate has increased (I remember it also being stated from changes prior to HoT, and then again during HoT).
I seriously do not feel this is the case though. Never before did I have trouble getting Ascended armor, back when it was just FOTM 50 and 40 daily, I was swimming in armor boxes.

Can you look into increasing the rate, or doing something? It’s pretty absurd that I’ve done the dailies for 3 weeks, and only received a majority of uninfused rings. I know people will state RNG, but if it is working this poorly in reality, surely it’s not efficient.

My guildies and I run fractals almost every night, and almost every night someone in the party gets an ascended chest. I myself have too many to use (will probably be salvaging the contents). I don’t think the drop rate is a problem at all.

And as you’ve said – yes it’s random and “efficiency” is not a feature of randomness

Keep trying!

[NA] PvX Guild MoAR recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: polarbear.2497


Misfits of Anvil Rock is looking for members of all levels / experience. We’re a helpful and fun guild and do guild missions, dungeons, fractals, WvW and PVP. We have a twice-weekly raffle where we give away 150+ gold and exotic weapons, and Black Lion weapon skins on some days. We use TS3 (TeamSpeak) to help with communication in dungeons and fractals (and to have fun chatting to each other) but we don’t require that people get on. We ask people to represent the guild as much as possible, but don’t have a specific requirement. We have full upgrades and buffs (magic find, gathering, karma). We do teaching runs for people who need to learn how to do various encounters in the game. For an invitation, please mail or whisper polarbear.2497 (in-game name Amalyra) or reply here with your username.

Suggestion: Make Multi-Guild Optional

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: polarbear.2497


Become a better leader and fix your superiority complex and you wont have problem with people not representing your guild.

100% Agree

[Suggestion] Home Instance Gatherer NPC

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: polarbear.2497


Here’s a problem with this though, this item’s value would depend 100% on wether or not you have a bunch of buddies ingame with the most valuable stuff in their instances, offering “advantages” to those in guilds with a lot of these people compared to those who aren’t.

No because you can only gather from one home instance per day (technically, each node can only be gathered from once per day regardless of which instance it is in).

Legendary vs Ascended

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: polarbear.2497


Legendary is only for fashion wars not so much for accomplishment and showing off.
At least in my opinion…

Well, “fashion wars” = showing off

connection error detected

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: polarbear.2497


I was getting that too, and then got in, but the lag was horrible. This is almost a daily problem now. Now I am in game, but cannot go to the guild hall or switch maps.

Black Lion Chest service drops

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: polarbear.2497


Yes! This is a great idea.

Guild Quality of Life

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: polarbear.2497


As to the recruiting troubles, I’d suggest you continue to search outside the game for folks. It’s a pretty big gamble, in game, that you might find someone. If you really do want to go that path, though, shouting in the starter zones is probably the best bet.

This comment is surprising to me. My guild has recruited in-game exclusively and I would not describe it as a gamble. We’ve built a strong roster of good members – people who are friendly, helpful and active – and skilled (or becoming skilled as we help them to learn). I can’t imagine finding a couple of hundred people like that outside the game! I don’t recommend recruiting exclusively in the starter zones – we get some people there, but we also like to balance with experienced players, and we find those in all zones.

70g to make basic exotic insignias.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: polarbear.2497


The gossamer patches are a killer, even for basic insignias. I feel for any of you guys that use medium armor.

It only costs 13g to make a Berserker’s Intricate Gossamer Insignia. Not 70g.

what's the point of SAB

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: polarbear.2497


First time SAB came i hated it, cause i hate ‘indie games’. Second time, i rushed for it, cause i wanted the achievements. And apart from the last (ice) level, i had a very fun time in SAB, it’s ‘something different for while’, wich can be a great thing to prevent boredom in a game. Maybe op should try it.

Well, SAB has nothing to do with “indie games”, so I’m not sure what you mean by that. If anything, it’s a tribute to mass-market (decidedly non-indie) console games.

In the end, however, I agree with those who say SAB is there for the people who enjoy it, and can safely be ignored by those who do not. I am one of those who does enjoy it!

Courtly Dicourtesy?

in Living World

Posted by: polarbear.2497


I can’t figure out how to make a guard laugh…

Helpful and fun guild looking for new members

in Looking for...

Posted by: polarbear.2497


Misfits of Anvil Rock is looking for members of all levels / experience. We currently have members ranging from very new up to very experienced.
If you’re new to the game, we can help you learn and grow. If you’re a veteran, you’ll find like-minded players who enjoy tackling challenging content as well.
We’re a helpful, inclusive, friendly and fun guild and do guild missions (twice weekly), dungeons, fractals, world bosses, PVP, WvW, HoT meta events and more.

  • We have a twice-weekly raffle where we give away 160+ gold, exotic weapons and Black Lion weapon skins.
  • We use TS3 (TeamSpeak3) to help with communication in dungeons and fractals (and to have fun chatting to each other) but we don’t require that people get on.
  • We ask people to represent the guild as much as possible, but don’t have a specific requirement.
  • We have a level 68 Guild Hall and full upgrades including all 24 hour buffs.
  • We do teaching runs for people who need to learn how to do various encounters in the game (dungeons, fractals, living world).

For an invitation, please comment here or send in-game mail or whisper to polarbear.2497 (in-game name Amalyra) or keith.9108 (in-game name Grayfist Draugrbane).

Incredibly low player skill population?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: polarbear.2497


Fractals : At least, Fractals needs to be 80 to participate…

Just for accuracy, in fact you DO NOT need to be level 80 to participate in fractals. The player is automatically scaled up to level 80 when entering the Fractal lobby.

Returning player in need for some answers...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: polarbear.2497


You don’t need to unlock the story seasons to access Bloodstone Fen, Ember Bay and Biterfrost. You only need the story if you want to enter those zones by following the story. If you don’t care about that, you can certainly use a teleport to friend to get you into those zones.

Guild Slots & Silverwastes shovels

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: polarbear.2497


I just want to say i have made a guild and invited friends but they cant join because they didnt have nough guild slots and to be quite honest 5 just isnt enough lol maybe its time gw2 updates this? because it isnt the first time i have heard of this topic <3
on that note, having a new guild hall requires upgrades such as silverwaste shovels sometimes 50-100 at a time per upgrade, these are rare drops in Silverwastes; they should be easier to come by as a high demand req. guild hall upgrade material

Well I have to say – shovels drop pretty commonly – and it’s meant to be a guild-wide effort – so have a group of guildies run Vinewrath a couple of times and you’ll have more shovels than you need. In addition, it’s pretty easy to find someone willing to donate the shovels as a temporary guild member (for a relatively small fee). I know most of my guildies have at least 2 stacks of shovels just sitting in the bank.

Also, I would not agree with making things easier – the challenge in the game is half the fun!

dungeon tokens for legendary, how to get?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: polarbear.2497


How am I supposed to finish a legendary when I cant get a party for a dungeon that no one seems to do anymore and the reward tracks in both pvp and wvw are locked? This is really frustrating. Is it really necessary to have certain tracks locked for so long? Its a month until CoE is available. Trying to solo CoE on condi nec and I get stuck at the oozes.

Hi, if you’d like, you can join our guild and we’ll take you through any dungeon as many times as you need. You can reply here or message me in-game at polarbear.2497.

What is ANET doing about the AB multimap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: polarbear.2497


I’ve never made 50g per hour in a multi loot, even if I multiply up the total in the 30 – 40 minutes that it takes.

And that’s the point. You can only run one multi-loot every two hours, and there are times where there are not many maps available. I did one on Sunday where there were only two successful maps across our squad. Still more than one but barely “multi”.

The number of maps available is not very relevant. You could have 8 maps, and loot on 1 character, or 2 maps and loot on 4 characters. Same number of chests. Efficient looting (clear bags, speed boosts, etc) will lead you to the kind of gold the above poster was mentioning.

I’d say it’s very relevant to those folks who only have one toon in HoT
Swapping toons is the exception, not the rule. But this discussion is kinda pointless because the big-endians and the little-endians are never going to agree.

But really, it’s trivial to get more characters to Auric Basin. And no, swapping is pretty common. That’s why you’ll constantly see people writing “swapping” in squad chat…

What is ANET doing about the AB multimap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: polarbear.2497


I’ve never made 50g per hour in a multi loot, even if I multiply up the total in the 30 – 40 minutes that it takes.

And that’s the point. You can only run one multi-loot every two hours, and there are times where there are not many maps available. I did one on Sunday where there were only two successful maps across our squad. Still more than one but barely “multi”.

The number of maps available is not very relevant. You could have 8 maps, and loot on 1 character, or 2 maps and loot on 4 characters. Same number of chests. Efficient looting (clear bags, speed boosts, etc) will lead you to the kind of gold the above poster was mentioning.

Please stop nerfing PVE!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: polarbear.2497


I agree with you that PvE has for the most part become too easy. I think it was done to keep newer players satisfied with the progress they can make without too much effort. I definitely think that scaling needs to be looked at – the larger a zerg, the harder the encounter should be. This is not generally happening to the extent required to make the fight challenging (Fire Ele is a good example). In this regard, I’d prefer that mechanic timing and number of additional enemies is adjusted on the encounters, rather than simply increasing the health pool / toughness of the boss. In this way, zerg size also produces some variety in the fight.

Concerns about ANet development behavior

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: polarbear.2497


I’m not, but i might be that one single guy who’s thinking “dropping my money into gemstore?….i dunno”. Unless i clearly see the money not only gives me virtual (let’s keep that in mind) items, but also is used for the growth of the game i spent it on, rather then feeing another project i don’t care about or fattening shareholder’s wallet for his new mercedes..

Did you possibly misunderstand how for-profit businesses work? The company earns money from gem purchases so that it can have income which translates into: 1) funds for development of this game; 2) potentially funds for any other project they see fit to pursue; and 3) profit (which certainly is intended to fatten the shareholders’ wallets).

Without 3), you can be sure there would be no motivation to keep running the business.

If this doesn’t sit well with you, then you should probably not buy gems – it’s 100% up to you to choose whether you do or not.

Untradable weapon skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: polarbear.2497


Everyone keeps saying it’s a “money-grab” by Anet – but my feeling is that a lot of people will buy less gems as a result – all the people who buy the skins as an investment / guild reward / present. That’s certainly the case for me. Anet missed out on a gem purchase from me yesterday as a result of this.

Untradable weapon skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: polarbear.2497


I agree this is a really bad decision. I am worried that they will make this the new norm for BL weapon skins. If so, it would be an even worse decision.

I’m not sure if they think this will cause people to buy more gems, but, in my case, it will have the opposite effect. In the past, when new weapons came out, I went and bought a lot of keys so I could buy the new weapons, which I keep for future re-sale mostly. Now, I am not going to buy any for this current set, as I cannot sell them, and I don’t really want them for myself – if I did get any for myself, it might be max 1, where in the past I usually got 5 to 10 of them.

(edited by polarbear.2497)

Guild Investigation: Guild Race Rewards

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: polarbear.2497


Fault of providing a lack of information I’ll mention what happened to me a little while ago.

I was running the ghost wolf rush on it’s last active day (so a bit over a week ago I think). I noticed that if I get downed by a mob (a bat in my case) and not traps; I returned to character form, but never left Rush mode. This put me in an interesting scenario where as an asura I still got hit by traps and rockfalls, while having access to all my skills.

Now as great as this seems, I didn’t have my wolf skills anymore, so no seeing the traps. Additionally all the Waypoints remained contested until I walked through a zone portal (relog did not fix). If I crossed the finish line I would not get credit.

Were you playing on an Engineer at the time? This seems to happen often to Engineers in my guild.

frac limiting

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: polarbear.2497


Soo since this seems to be the place to drop some opinions on the new patch for fractals, i’ll just drop my opinion here:

So i’m actually new to the game.
I’ve been playing GW2 for about 1 Month now and it’s been a lot of fun. I quickly found a guild and joined the fun. So far so good. Fractals were always possible and I played them as dailys pretty often. Not always, but often. When the guys from my guild went to play the lower daily fractals I was able to join in without any issues.

So, now after the patch I’ve got a problem: Nobody wants to do the lower fractals anymore because the loot is bad and they are able to do the higher ones without any problems thanks to their agony resistance. And I can’t blame them, because…i mean I wouldn’t either if i could just do the highest ones and get all the loot.
But I can not, as I now have a agony resistance of 10 or so, not very much to say the least.
They now drag me along in the higher fractals (76 and up), which is fine for me, but its no real fun for me, nor for them (at least thats what I guess).
So while the patch made the fractals definetely better for those who have been playing fractals for a longer time, it is now problematic for new players to join in, at least for those in a guild and who want to participate in said guild, as the seasoned players now lack the motivation to play the lower fractals.
Although I can not offer any advice on how to solve that problem, I would just like to mention this here. I personally had more motivation playing the Fractals before the patch, since I was able to actually help the group, not be an obstacle.
Since I really enjoy GW2 and playing with my guild, I don’t have the motivation to do lower fractals with pugs.
Which then again seems to be a must now if the new fractal system focuses more on people with more experience in them. Sadly, this leaves the newbies out of the equation.

I can offer you the same advice I offered someone else: join a guild that does regular fractal runs. If you don’t know one, feel free to contact me via in-game mail. My guild does regular runs of low and high levels and also we’re happy to help you with any levels you wish to do and get you your AR. We have a variety of experience levels amongst our members, so it’s really not a problem for anyone to find a group. There are other guilds who will do the same. Newbies are definitely not left out – in fact we take care of them!

GW2 is a social game, and guilds make up an important part of the experience – so it’s great to make use of them when they can solve issues such as this.

(edited by polarbear.2497)

frac limiting

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: polarbear.2497


I honestly don’t see how you can see it as not forced? I can no longer access rewards I want unless I now play maps I have no desire to play. Before I could choose what I wanted to do to get the reward. Before if you personally didn’t want to do swamp, there was nothing forcing you to do it, you could’ve tried to make your own group, but the fact is you had a choice. Now there is zero choice. I spent 3 times as much time doing this new system for the same rewards as before. It was far more frustrating, I had to keep kicking people without AR since swamp was nearly the only one that AR didn’t matter, and I had to wait a lot longer to even get a group started. The entire time every single person in the group was complaining about being forced in to content we didn’t want to do. As I said before, if they wanted people to play other maps there are better ways of doing it than content locking rewards like this.

As an an after thought I had today, I also noticed nobody was doing the maps below t3 last night and this morning, so wouldn’t this also make it prohibitive for new players or casual players to actually get groups now since nobody is going to do “t1”, “t2”, and “t3” when they can just do t3?

There is a very simple solution to the problem you describe. Join a guild that does regular fractal runs. If you have trouble finding one, let me know (send me mail in-game) – my guild does, and we do both low and high tiers for people with varying experience / AR. We also do “custom” runs for people who want to do specific, non-daily levels.

Is Ascended Gear too Hard to Get?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: polarbear.2497


That’s correct. Ascended weapon chests drop at a pretty decent rate in fractals, world bosses, and PVP.

Fixed that for you, as far as I know, doing daily fractals and WB I got 0 ascended box so far.

Yeah… definitely thinking a player confusing personal experience with the norm.

I know players who have thousands of fractal runs, thousands of hours in PvP, and couldn’t even count the number of world events they’ve completed, who have never had a single ascended drop. And not just one, but a noticeable sample.

Obviously they drop, but the the drop rate research more than supports that they do so at a low enough drop rate that it is very plausible to play the game for any amount of time and still never get one. And that’s just not okay in my opinion.

No, not confusing personal experience with the norm – I am basing my opinions on empirical evidence gathered from a large guild. As with all RNG-related issues, however, your mileage will vary.

Is Ascended Gear too Hard to Get?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: polarbear.2497


That’s correct. Ascended weapon chests drop at a pretty decent rate in fractals, world bosses, and PVP.

Fixed that for you, as far as I know, doing daily fractals and WB I got 0 ascended box so far.

To be fair, just because you haven’t seen a drop does not make my statement incorrect. I get one every week, at least, as do most of my guild members.

And by the way, it’s poor etiquette to edit a quote of someone’s post.

Sales tax on gem purchase? [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: polarbear.2497


You guys have no idea, haha.
I’m from a country where 30-33% of our Income goes away as tax.
Though we have free education, free healthcare and so on, but still.

I buy gems in Euro, even though it’s not my currency. 10€ / 800 gems. It doesn’t say tax at all. Suppose thats included.

In the US, many people pay even more than 30-33% (when including all Federal, State and Local taxes) yet there is not free healthcare… go figure.

Sales tax on gem purchase? [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: polarbear.2497


$100 USD worth of gems actually costs ME ~$141 AUD.

I tried looking in stores for gem cards but couldn’t find any, sadly.

That’s an interesting statement – you’ve just stated what $100 USD is worth in AUD – what’s the relevance to sales tax?

Is Ascended Gear too Hard to Get?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: polarbear.2497


Ascended gear is in a pretty good spot as far as acquisition. There is one problem, though: The only real way to get a weapon is to craft it. You don’t have other alternatives. In a game that’s otherwise as open and freeform as this one, that is not good.

That’s incorrect. Ascended weapon chests drop at a pretty decent rate in fractals, world bosses, and PVP.

Do accounts have "luck", and is it right?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: polarbear.2497


First off, no RNG ever made can be truly random. To ask for true randomness will be like asking roll a zero or seven(or any number that’s not 1~6) with a standard six face dice, which you know it’s impossible due to limitation of the tool/device.

… most of us know that computers cannot actually create random numbers, and there must be a ‘random seed’ based off something.

Several people have commented on the “impossibility” of generating truly random numbers. Those statement, such as the ones above, are incorrect. First of all we should note that the random numbers generated by pseudo-random number generators are so close to true random for our purposes, that it’s really not a relevant argument. But, for argument’s sake, it is indeed possible to generate true random numbers from sources such as atmospheric noise and background radiation – essentially using nature’s entropy to arrive at randomness. There’s a wealth of information about these methods available if you’d like to look it up. It should be noted that these methods would be accessible from code, and therefore could be used in GW2 – however given that the difference between this and pseudo-random methods is not important in this environment, I again point out that it’s not really relevant.

(edited by polarbear.2497)

World Boss graphic glitch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: polarbear.2497


It happens when Revenants use Jade Winds. Has been a bug since HoT was released.

What's the deal with Ranged weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: polarbear.2497


I wish you could turn down effects from other players. Blizzard have acknowledged it and turns it down so you can actually can see what goes on at a boss, without being completely blinded.

Don’t you mean Arenanet?

No, he/she means Blizzard. Arenanet has not dealt with this; Blizzard has.

TP bots?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: polarbear.2497


I’ve been noticing way strange TP behavior too. Normally it’s no big whenever stuff takes longer than usual to sell but prices taking a serious dip the same day says something. Why all of a sudden is the value of something an entire 50s or more lower sometimes within hours?

Can you put that in more context? A price dropping by 50s doesn’t give enough information to imagine what could be happening. Can you give examples of items and their before/after prices? There are many reasons for a price drop – the most common being simple undercutting.

Let’s say you have an Elonian leather square that sells for 11g 50s then someone immediately undercuts by 1c then 20 other guys undercut them by 1c then someone undercuts them by 30s with a big stack. I don’t mean a precursor which wouldn’t be unusual but this much undercutting never usually happens in such a short timeframe. If it continues then people will simply sell mats for things individually as it’s lost money making the finished product eventually.

Thank you for the clarification, and yes that would be absolutely normal. I don’t think there’s any indication of something strange going on.

TP bots?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: polarbear.2497


I’ve been noticing way strange TP behavior too. Normally it’s no big whenever stuff takes longer than usual to sell but prices taking a serious dip the same day says something. Why all of a sudden is the value of something an entire 50s or more lower sometimes within hours?

Can you put that in more context? A price dropping by 50s doesn’t give enough information to imagine what could be happening. Can you give examples of items and their before/after prices? There are many reasons for a price drop – the most common being simple undercutting.

TP bots?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: polarbear.2497


I can imagine a clever programmer doing exactly this, hundreds of small transactions every time leading to enormous profits as it runs 24/7.

Whether someone is actually doing it or not will never be admitted by Anet in any event, so it’s pure speculation.

But if someone was running one, this is the sort of thing they would target rather than any of the more obvious higher ticket items.

a programmer working at a bank did exactly that at some point in the past, of sorts.
he transfered the fifth digit after the decimal point of each transaction to his own account. he got busted some time later though, as it was odd for a programmer to have something in the million range on his account.

2 comments on this:

1) That is an urban legend (see numerous myth-busting articles about this).

2) It’s not the same at all. The TP scheme involves taking advantage of prices, and the embezzlement scheme (known as the Salami technique) is theft.

Glass cannon strategy: exploit?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: polarbear.2497


I won’t treat you like an idiot, but I will agree with the people who say this is clearly not an exploit. It’s playing as the game was designed – it’s been this way since the beginning, and if it was not acceptable to the developers, something would have been done by now to prevent the behavior (such as preventing waypointing to nearby waypoints, for example).

Nevermore IV - Ascalon Dynamic Event Problems

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: polarbear.2497


I believe this was fixed. I submitted a ticket and the reply was that they were addressing it in a patch soon. Shortly after, there was a patch and the very next time I tried, I only had to wait around 10 to 15 minutes for both events to spawn, as well as the one to protect the drake eggs in Wayfarer.

KDB Daewoo: sales warning for HoT

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: polarbear.2497


Is HoT going on sale soon then? Might pick it up for the hell of it if it does. I wouldn’t touch the pve stuff in it though I don’t think…just get my elite specs and loot for legendaries and that’s it.

A little honest advice: knowing the skewed level of negativity on the forums, I would at least give the PVE content in HoT a try – a lot of people really enjoy it – unfortunately the people who do spend less time posting postive comments.

I volounteered to leave an empty map...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: polarbear.2497


The maps are empty because the game is dying. It really is that simple. The HoT maps are so boring that they failed to attract enough player to populate the maps without extensive taxi play.

Winner of Troll of the Day Award…

Shared Inventory Slot Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: polarbear.2497


It would be very helpful if the location of the shared slot could be moveable. Perhaps it could be dragged to another location in the grid?

Can you retrieve lost decorations?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: polarbear.2497


You can eventually find them with the removal tool – look in places you don’t expect. The tool changes color when it’s hovering over a hidden decoration stuck in the ceiling etc.

Why this game will never have Legendary armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: polarbear.2497


Legendary armor… the rest of the legendary weapons… LS season 3… Storybook for season one… SAB… All when it’s ready. :o

I’d rather them not be in game forever.

It’d only mess up the leather/ scrap price even more.
I’d expect it’d cost something equivalent to other legendary weapons, something like 100 Elonian Leather and 100 Bolt of Damask…

Mark my word, it’d be another huge gold sink that’d destroy the market once more and makes all the regular player suffers. (leather and scrap price tripled or quadrupled anyone?) It’d be a fail project like all the precursor crafting, which inflate the ascended weapons/armors price even more and make regular players who’re not interested in legendaries suffer. This is the trend and the current direction of GW2.

Far from destroying the market and making the older players suffer, things like leather prices going up has made many older players much richer! We have accumulated so many of the mats that used to be almost worthless. Bring on the price increases – make me some more money…

Nope. I’m a head-start old veterans and I spend much more money because of this patch. I didn’t play with TP like some of the TP flipper did. Not everyone sees through future that Anet would add huge material/gold sink.

If you play regularly, you wouldn’t get too many t2~t4 leathers/woods/ores anyway because of the level issue.
Truth is if you, like me, do craft my own ascended gears for multiple characters before the patch, you’d have dried out most of your t2~t4 materials already just from regular ascended crafting, unless you’re a future readr and TP flipper I mentioned earlier, which represent less than 1% of GW2 community.
The other 99% suffered because of this.

The impact of legendary armor would be even greater than weapon one because t2~t4 leathers/scraps are much more limited because they come from low level salvaging. You cannot gather them unlimited like woods and ores. Their t5 material also cost way more than woods and ores per craft. It is also a new market that was never existed before, that the richest individuals will do anything to get them regardless of price. (For legendary weapons, no matter how many new one Anet adds, it would be considered old feature)
The inflation will be greater than anything we’ve seen before if Anet keeps up this attitude and direction. (Maybe 30g per Elonian leather and Bolt of Damask, 100 of both equates to 6000g, and that would ONLY be the PRECURSOR ARMORS, not the completed object, which could easily take more than 10000g if they ask for more leathers and scraps)

Well I suppose we can agree to disagree. I have never had an issue making gold in game, and the new economic trends have only supplemented my income. I don’t “flip”, and I don’t buy gold with gems. Most of the people in my guild have similar experiences. It comes down to play style and research, I suppose. But I do understand that everyone has a different approach.

Why this game will never have Legendary armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: polarbear.2497


Legendary armor… the rest of the legendary weapons… LS season 3… Storybook for season one… SAB… All when it’s ready. :o

I’d rather them not be in game forever.

It’d only mess up the leather/ scrap price even more.
I’d expect it’d cost something equivalent to other legendary weapons, something like 100 Elonian Leather and 100 Bolt of Damask…

Mark my word, it’d be another huge gold sink that’d destroy the market once more and makes all the regular player suffers. (leather and scrap price tripled or quadrupled anyone?) It’d be a fail project like all the precursor crafting, which inflate the ascended weapons/armors price even more and make regular players who’re not interested in legendaries suffer. This is the trend and the current direction of GW2.

Far from destroying the market and making the older players suffer, things like leather prices going up has made many older players much richer! We have accumulated so many of the mats that used to be almost worthless. Bring on the price increases – make me some more money…

Why this game will never have Legendary armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: polarbear.2497


If you want grind, gw2 is actually the game for you if you dont want to spend real cash.

I would normally say raids take effort but you can buy progress with that too if you find the right group to carry you.

gw2 is Gems for the Win squared.

I think you and I are playing different games. Gem store purchases mainly provide cosmetic and convenience items. Gear crafting and, for example, legendary collections, require nothing from the gem store whatsoever. Neither do going through the story or experiencing instanced content such as Fractals and Raids.

I believe Towatha is talking about turning Gems to Gold to buy a lot of the stuff you need from the market.

Well I stand my point. Buying Gold with Gems is simply not necessary to progress in the game – I’ve never felt the need to do it and I’ve had no problem earning the gold through game-play.

Why this game will never have Legendary armor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: polarbear.2497


Why are you playing gw2? This game is about grind locked behind gem store, and no, not grind that most people would be able to do without gems but grind that gems are encouraged to be bought for whatever reason.

This game is less and less about the story but more and more about gem purchases. Almost no progress can be made without some kind of trading-post transaction which is backed my gems.

If you want grind, gw2 is actually the game for you if you dont want to spend real cash.

I would normally say raids take effort but you can buy progress with that too if you find the right group to carry you.

gw2 is Gems for the Win squared.

I think you and I are playing different games. Gem store purchases mainly provide cosmetic and convenience items. Gear crafting and, for example, legendary collections, require nothing from the gem store whatsoever. Neither do going through the story or experiencing instanced content such as Fractals and Raids.

It is quite the opposite of what you state – there is no gems for the win. Please tell us what items you can buy on the gem store that will help you to “win”. Let’s exclude XP boosters, as they are not really game changers – just a helpful convenience boost.

For clarity, I have full ascended, and am about to make Nevermore. I have done the Raid successfully and high level Fractals. I’ve experienced just about everything in the game. I have, however, never purchased gems for anything but cosmetic items.

Carapace Coat Box

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: polarbear.2497


To those that will argue that all accounts are created equally and that RNG is RNG… I can tell you 100% for sure that is BS. I know too many people that have crazy successful luck with things like forging precursors, and it is far too consistent to be a coincidence or a statistical anomaly.

In an interview some time ago John Smith spoke about account RNG, and “outliers” and basically explained that there will be people that will consistently be rewarded with premium loot more often then the average player, and that there will also be an equal and opposite group that will basically never be rewarded as well as the average player. Not only did reading that make me cringe and think it was an absolutely terrible way to deal with “RANDOM Number Generation” but also, that it is not really random if the outcome is somehow manipulated to create these “outliers”.

I think people have misunderstood the quote mentioned above. What he meant was that, as a natural result of randomness, there will always be some people who experience the “outlier” phenomenon (both positively and negatively), however this is not to say that it has been manipulated – simply that this is the way the dice roll some times!