Are legendaries a waste?

Are legendaries a waste?

in Asura

Posted by: Acension.9270


I was just wondering if legendary weapons are a waste of time on assurance because do they look to small and can you hardly see the detail. If you have any screenshots they would really help, also leave your own opinions.

Thanks in advance

Trolls :)

Are legendaries a waste?

in Asura

Posted by: Alys Florent.1359

Alys Florent.1359

Personally, I’ve decided not to try to craft my favorite legendaries (Bifrost and Meteorlogicus) for this very reason. I’ve seen various asura toons with both and it’s kind of sad – for the person with the scepter, I had to double back, zoom in, and make sure I was actually looking at Meteorlogicus, which isn’t the kind of thing you want when you make a legendary weapon (and I play the game on max graphic settings). You want to show it off as much as possible >:] but on asura this just isn’t feasible. I pity whoever makes Incinerator or Quip of course, but even big two-handeds like Bifrost are practically unnoticeable while sheathed.

Are legendaries a waste?

in Asura

Posted by: nakoda.4213


yes they are.

Boundaries are for the effortless.
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.

Are legendaries a waste?

in Asura

Posted by: Acension.9270


Personally, I’ve decided not to try to craft my favorite legendaries (Bifrost and Meteorlogicus) for this very reason. I’ve seen various asura toons with both and it’s kind of sad – for the person with the scepter, I had to double back, zoom in, and make sure I was actually looking at Meteorlogicus, which isn’t the kind of thing you want when you make a legendary weapon (and I play the game on max graphic settings). You want to show it off as much as possible >:] but on asura this just isn’t feasible. I pity whoever makes Incinerator or Quip of course, but even big two-handeds like Bifrost are practically unnoticeable while sheathed.

I recently started levelling up a mesmer Asura and when I get to 80 I was gonna craft bolt because I really like it, but then I started to think it was going to be way to small, should I change to like a human or sylvari to get it seen?

Trolls :)

Are legendaries a waste?

in Asura

Posted by: Kain Francois.4328

Kain Francois.4328

Predator is not a waste because of the projectiles and sfx. Both of which are very appropriate for Asura.

Are legendaries a waste?

in Asura

Posted by: nakoda.4213


unless you are an engie, in which case predator is a huge waste because you almost never see it.

Boundaries are for the effortless.
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.

Are legendaries a waste?

in Asura

Posted by: Causic.3798


Yes it is a waste unless you just want the walking effect of the weapon.

Are legendaries a waste?

in Asura

Posted by: Kaizz.7306


Getting a 1H weapon or off-hand on an Asura, with the exception of Flameseeker Prophecies (depending on your Asura size) is a waste. A mesmer Asura in our guild is working on Bolt, but it will look good, because it’s Bolt. It’s big enough on an Asura to tell what it is, and he’s not playing a super small Asura. My Guardian is the biggest Asura you can make. He’s almost as tall as a short human female. I’m getting The Juggernaut (most likely), because it looks awesome, but I HIGHLY advise you to preview the weapon on TP first before you go for one. I ran around WvW a long time ago and saw this super small Asura running around with The Dreamer…. I only knew it was the dreamer because of the footsteps. Couldn’t see his bow at all lmao

Are legendaries a waste?

in Asura

Posted by: Frosty and Frosty Law Firm.4981

Frosty and Frosty Law Firm.4981

I will never go for a legendary(unless the process is changed) mostly because of the stupid, stupid, stupid grind involved that shouldn’t exist in this game.

A legendary is not a commodity to be sold or a goal to lock yourself in Orr for months on end over. It should be an epic process that involves fun, choices and difficulty, but not luck. A legendary should be a test of your devotion and your love of the game and the choices you make getting there, -NOT- how lucky you are with the mystic toilet and drops you got from autoattacking a faceroll dragon.

…That, and half of the Asura weapons are too tiny to even show. They should be larger to show off their looks. But I’m sure Anet will fix this on the same day that they fix legendaries and openly admit their responsibility for the stealth drops nerfs we’ve been seeing.

Grind Wars 2: Heart of Tears

Are legendaries a waste?

in Asura

Posted by: Fildydarie.1496


All terrestial legendaries are a waste because you can’t see them while swimming.
All aquatic legendaries are a waste because you can’t see them while on ground.
All legendaries are a waste once soulbound because any attempt to recoup the cost is guaranteed to result in a loss.
All legendaries are a waste because they are so common nobody really notices them anymore.
All legendaries are a waste because the value they represent is virtual in nature.

If the size is an issue, zoom in or get the size buff from the SAB. It won’t make them any less of a waste.

FWIW, I’m working on one, and I spend almost no time in Orr. I’m just playing the game the way I want to and aggregating resources for a goal. It doesn’t have to be a grind, it can be a byproduct of natural play. I don’t need people to notice my gear to validate my playtime, I just need to enjoy that playtime.

Hutchmistress of the Fluffy Bunny Brigade [FBB]

Are legendaries a waste?

in Asura

Posted by: Mercenary Higgins.1807

Mercenary Higgins.1807

Hey guys. I got incenerator. I was worried that it would be, but it turned out not to be. Not as flashy as a big norn, but it is there

Mercenary Higgins: D/D
Fort Aspenwood

Are legendaries a waste?

in Asura

Posted by: Level Ioo.2497

Level Ioo.2497

If the legendary is one of the flashier ones it’s not so bad. I equipped a Sunrise on my Asuran guardian because it’s my favorite character, no regrets. You do seem to get hidden when there are a lot of skills effects going on around you though, unlike a Norn with a Sunrise where it would be the only effect you’d be able to see. It does feel underwhelming when standing next to a Norn who is also using one.

In summary I would only equip one if it’s flashy enough to be noticeable. If you really love your character I would just go for it.

Are legendaries a waste?

in Asura

Posted by: RainbowSyrup.4130


I have 2 guardians, 1 sylvari, 1 asura. If I got a legendary for 1 of them, I would give it to my asura. I couldn’t care less wether or not other ppl could see it, I love my asura to death

’’I’m sad hanar can’t wear sweaters’’

Are legendaries a waste?

in Asura

Posted by: Carighan.6758


It’s also quite noticeable. Especially the ones with trails, because so many of our animations use so much movement.

Best seen on a Mesmer or Warrior fielding one of the 2Hers.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Are legendaries a waste?

in Asura

Posted by: Mif.3471


Predator is not a waste because of the projectiles and sfx. Both of which are very appropriate for Asura.

But ironically the glowing projectiles and pew pew laser sound effects don’t suit Predator!

They would be a much better match for Super Hyperbeam Alpha, which is also a much better fit for an Asura


Tarnished Coast | Best cookies in all of Tyria

(edited by Mif.3471)

Are legendaries a waste?

in Asura

Posted by: Carighan.6758


Now that just looks like a portable ion cannon. Does it come with an EVA voice?

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Are legendaries a waste?

in Asura

Posted by: Nickthemoonwolf.1485


I may or may not be going for quip on my engineer. As much as I love the weapon, I also happen to really like The Moot. I’ve been internally debating on quip, or making a human or norn guardian to get the moot on. (The fact that The Energizer is cheaper is also not helping me here)
Edit: Forgot to mention that I already have an asuran guardian, I just dont want to be disappointed with the effect. Quip on the engineer is forgivable.

Lunar Fighter
Tarnished Coast, Hammer guy of [NOPE]

(edited by Nickthemoonwolf.1485)

Are legendaries a waste?

in Asura

Posted by: skinnyb.5920


I’m planning on getting Juggernaut for my Asura warrior. Does anyone have pictures of their Asura holding Juggernaut that they’d like to share?

Are legendaries a waste?

in Asura

Posted by: Nickthemoonwolf.1485


I know of one yes…

Lunar Fighter
Tarnished Coast, Hammer guy of [NOPE]

Are legendaries a waste?

in Asura

Posted by: Molonlabe.3761


Personally, I’ve decided not to try to craft my favorite legendaries (Bifrost and Meteorlogicus) for this very reason. I’ve seen various asura toons with both and it’s kind of sad – for the person with the scepter, I had to double back, zoom in, and make sure I was actually looking at Meteorlogicus, which isn’t the kind of thing you want when you make a legendary weapon (and I play the game on max graphic settings). You want to show it off as much as possible >:] but on asura this just isn’t feasible. I pity whoever makes Incinerator or Quip of course, but even big two-handeds like Bifrost are practically unnoticeable while sheathed.

I have Meteorlogicus on my human character. Due to its lack of special foot-print and attack animation, even with its little-to-none purple-ish color wave effect while you move, Meteorlogicus doesn’t really stand out much on a human character. (ANet, are you ever going to update the animation of Meteorlogicus???)

However, after seeing another Meteorlogicus (and a Bifrost too) in action on an Asuran Guardian, I have to admit, the purple-ish wave effect actually become more noticeable on an Asuran.

While we are at it, yes, you can clearly see the effect of Bifrost on an Asuran too. However, the weapon skin detail may be a bit difficult to see if you don’t zoom in.

Are legendaries a waste?

in Asura

Posted by: Dog.1472


It’s Asura, not Asuran. God that bugged me.

To say one is an Asuran implies that there is a place called Asura, for which there is not.

“Please, you can look down on people without having to be physically above them.
As an asura, I do this all the time.”

Are legendaries a waste?

in Asura

Posted by: Vi Au.8341

Vi Au.8341

YES! legendary are always worth it on asura.
fyi as an asura u can see your legendary really well. if u dont care if other ppl dont see the detail as well than i stick with my original answer, yes


Are legendaries a waste?

in Asura

Posted by: Um Abbas.5693

Um Abbas.5693

I have crafted the silly gun and love it.
True, I am small, but it doesn’t have much effects like Twilight anyways, and the purple glow (and that sound) is rather noticeable.
I crafted it for myself mainly anyways – gun shooting flowers and confetti just couldn’t be passed on.


Midget Gadget * Branch of Wood
Aurora Glade ~ Army of Forgotten Souls miniguild [AoFS]

Are legendaries a waste?

in Asura

Posted by: tubi.9021


How can we make developers notice this problem? I think it’s pretty huge problem, and there are many topics about it. Also it would be very easy to fix. I love Asura and I don’t want to play any other race, but this makes me so sad All weapons and shields , even shoulder armor are way way too small

(edited by tubi.9021)

Are legendaries a waste?

in Asura

Posted by: Acsoj.4061


I have crafted the silly gun and love it.
True, I am small, but it doesn’t have much effects like Twilight anyways, and the purple glow (and that sound) is rather noticeable.
I crafted it for myself mainly anyways – gun shooting flowers and confetti just couldn’t be passed on.

I totally agree with you. Got the silly gun for myself too and have no regrets.


Are legendaries a waste?

in Asura

Posted by: tubi.9021


that pistol looks ok sized, atleast when wielded, but the melee weapons and shields are ridiculous!