Asura Skill Size Difference?
Yes, they are smaller.
Oh so much do it does not matter what race you pickXD
If this is true then this needs to be fixed asap. I wonder if only the animation is affected.
I have the same problem with my mesmer. I think my Phantasmal Warden have smaller aoe then other bigger races and it might also be with Phantasmal beserker’s whirlwind attack.
I feel like this should been fixed in Beta it was like this in beta. im sure if we looked we would find there are a lot of ability’s the Asura have that are smaller across all class types
please fix soon AN, TY
Is this still an issue? Do Asura skills sometimes have smaller areas? The difference seems massive and totally unfair.
I’ve had Asura guardian for over a year now – never noticed
You are smaller than others, therefore you have smaller area to cover.
No big willpower or anything will change that.
A Charr
If it’s like other skills like the flamethrower then it’s only the animation that’s different. Not the area of effect.
It’s only smaller visual animations. Your actual effective area of each skill is the same no matter your race or size.
This is the same for character hitboxes. Asura and norn have the same size hitbox, despite their vast size difference.
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
Though there is actually one thing about Asura skills I have noticed which makes it harder for them: if you’re a ranger and use piercing arrows you have to target the one you wish to hit in a distance. Otherwise the size and the position of the bone the skills are trying to hit make the Asura shoot in a roughly 45 degree angle for normal sized enemies, which makes it unable to hit any target after the first. (Doesn’t happen for the engineer’s rifle shots as these are ground aligned)
Seras.5702 Exactly i have tested it and the bubble covers those outside of it as long as they are with in the ACTUAL one that a normal sized toon would place