(edited by Lox.1089)
Asuran cultural armor: Heavy - Not loving it.
Light cultural armor looks fantastic. All 3 tiers were fun must-haves for my elementalist.
However, when I started out my warrior, I had a look at the cultural armors and was very disappointed. I couldn’t find a single one of them that I liked, and believe me… I tried really hard to like them. I tried mix and matching, I tried just looking at them without the horrible helmets. I really just couldn’t get enthusiastic for any of them.
Am I in the minority? Does dye make it better?I hope more options are forthcoming, because really these remind me of awful mighty morphin’-Tron-Gundam suits. The savant hat (Zojja’s hat -light armor tier 3) looks sleek and futuristic and nothing about it says “light armor”. That’s the look I want, not “Heavy Armor must = Robot Suit”.
(Sidenote: I also think that cultural armor choices should not be restrictive by type you can wear because right now I have light armor envy, and want my Zojja outfit.
I feel the opposite i love the heavy sets and I don’t hate but dislike the light ones. and i think the heavy sets dye really well i mean really really well.
as for your side note pvp says hai.
The heavy armor is actually my favorite of the Asura cultural armors, especially tier 3. I like tier 3 of the light armor a lot as well, but I found tier 1 and 2 pretty underwhelming. The medium cultural sets are the ones I’m disappointed with the most though; I don’t plan on buying any of them for my Ranger. :[
as for your side note pvp says hai.
To be honest, I don’t think this should matter. Every class has a specific color scheme (for the most part) so it’s really not hard to tell what’s what. Someone’s casting shiny purple spells on you? Mesmer. Blue spells? Guardian. When someone’s moving around, I notice their spells a lot faster than I notice their armor.
To be honest, I don’t think this should matter. Every class has a specific color scheme (for the most part) so it’s really not hard to tell what’s what. Someone’s casting shiny purple spells on you? Mesmer. Blue spells? Guardian. When someone’s moving around, I notice their spells a lot faster than I notice their armor.
The problem with that is that spell effects are only a viable give-away in a small-scale, 1v1 ~ 3v3 situation. Anything above that, say, proper 50v50-200++ WvW combat, and you need to go by armour type + weapon + animation. Lacking armour would be a serious blow to that.
T3 is my favorite heavy armor set in the game. I could do without T1 or T2.
All 3 tiers of the light cultural armor are amazing though. And I LOVE the T2 and T3 medium armor.
I really like the T1 cultural set. I use it on my guardian, I skip on the shoulders and helm though, I hide helm anyways because my bald head is glorious, and my conquerors pauldrons well… they fit the rest of the set perfectly and they have so much sentimental value to me.
The other 2 tiers looked pretty good too, but I don’t think they look as good as the first tier for me.
Isle of Janthir
Super Ultra Mega Awesome [SUMA]
oh man I love T3 heavy
i love the heavy cultural armors