Crushed Back Syndrome

Crushed Back Syndrome

in Asura

Posted by: Twitch.4635


Couple days ago I made a asuran Thief and got him to about lvl 30ish and I just now realized that whenever I run with my weapons holstered her back sinks into the pants and its INCREDIBLY irritating now that I noticed it, has anybody else recognized this? Is this just because of the armor combo I have or the way I created my character?



(edited by Twitch.4635)

Crushed Back Syndrome

in Asura

Posted by: Twitch.4635


with weapons out:


Crushed Back Syndrome

in Asura

Posted by: Harnel.6810


I have a semi-similar problem, though it’s not related to weaponry. whenever a new area is loading, my asura looks scrunched from the waist up, being about half as tall as she should be until the area loads, and then she’s back to normal.

Crushed Back Syndrome

in Asura

Posted by: kurtosis.9526


I have a semi-similar problem, though it’s not related to weaponry. whenever a new area is loading, my asura looks scrunched from the waist up, being about half as tall as she should be until the area loads, and then she’s back to normal.

Yes, I just came here to comment on this, I recently noticed it too.

However, mine seems scrunched in both the legs and upper body, b/c once the loading is done and she “elongates” back to normal height, both the legs and torso expand.

Crushed Back Syndrome

in Asura

Posted by: Zorby.8236


Mine just gets his head displaced a bit down. Yeah, it is annoying.

~This is the internet, my (or your) opinion doesn’t matter~

Crushed Back Syndrome

in Asura

Posted by: Esplen.3940


All I can say is to get a better machine. It only happens when your character loads before everything is rendered (and then you move and the game tries to render ground before finishing models).

With that said, I haven’t upgraded my computer and just try my best to ignore it. It hurts to look at, but I deal with it since I’m most likely about to run into a herd of people at the bank, anyways.

Crushed Back Syndrome

in Asura

Posted by: Dante.1508


I get this too, its weird because early on in GW2 this never existed now it happens 24/7 and Anet don’t seem to care to fix these bugs.