Greetings from Asuran Army Corps of Engineers

Greetings from Asuran Army Corps of Engineers

in Asura

Posted by: ifiwereyou.6325


I, Winry Rockabell, sub commander of the Asuran Army Corps of Enginners (AACE) and Asuran Army Infantry Corps (AAIC), have been ordered by the supreme allied commander to issue a public statement. He sends his greetings to all members of the Isle of Janthir server. In response to rumors and allegations that AACE and AAIC only accepts Asurans as members, he has issued me to provide the necessary information that proves we offer positions to other races beside Asurans.

Below is a contract issued to all INFERIOR races who join our guild.

AACE & AAIC Contract for Draftees of Inferior Races

I, (insert character name here) agree to serve the Asuran Army Corps of Engineers (AACE) and Asuran Army Infantry Corps (AAIC) under the good will that I and the mentioned parties fulfill the listed conditions specified below.

  • I swear complete and utter fealty to the AACE and AAIC.
  • I am unfortunate to be born as a race other than Asura and only wish to serve the superior Asuran race.

Servitude to the superior race include, but is not limited to:

  1. Following the orders of your superior Asuran commander(s).
  2. Honorably sacrificing your life (Assuming the role of a beef-shield) for your fellow superior Asuran comrades especially your Asuran officer(s).
  • I will create a superior Asuran character if I am initially drafted as an inferior race.
  • I will mobilize alongside AACE and AAIC in the honorable fight between servers (World versus World) as a faithful combatant of Isle of Janthir.
  • I will obtain the maximum level in Tyria (Currently Level 80) with guaranteed assistance from my superior Asuran comrades and fellow inferior races of the AACE and AAIC.
  • In behalf of the superior Asuran race, I may receive financial in-game assistance from AACE and AAIC for the sake of my eternal fight in World vs. World.
  • In order for this contract to be binding, the signer must proudly proclaim (over Skype or in-person) the contents of this document to at least one AACE and/or AAIC commander and two other fellow comrades.

I understand that if I do not complete and/or maintain these conditions, dishonor will be upon me. In order to redeem myself, I must resign myself to doom by falling on the highest apex in Rata Sum where my life will be at the mercy of gravity.

(Sign) ___________________ (Date) ______________

We hope this information will serve to remove all doubts that we are open to all races.

Greetings from Asuran Army Corps of Engineers

in Asura

Posted by: Dog.1472


What are you, skritt? It’s asura, not asuran.

“Please, you can look down on people without having to be physically above them.
As an asura, I do this all the time.”

Greetings from Asuran Army Corps of Engineers

in Asura

Posted by: cubone.8354


Either works. Asura is used as a noun, while Asuran is used as an adjective in this context — assuming people care to be judgmental when it comes to grammar.

(edited by cubone.8354)

Greetings from Asuran Army Corps of Engineers

in Asura

Posted by: Istarien.3147


Suggestion: You might use “Krewe” instead of “Corps,” in accordance with Asuran practice in the game.

Isti (Engineer) | Niphredyl (Guardian) | Istra Ironfang (Necro) | [LotD] | Blackgate

Greetings from Asuran Army Corps of Engineers

in Asura

Posted by: Jigain.8231


What are you, skritt? It’s asura, not asuran.

Asuran: of, or pertaining to, asura, either as an individual, or as a community. Examples:
The Infinity Ball was made by an asura. It is of asuran design.
It is scientifically proven the asura are more intelligent than any sentient race yet discovered on Tyria. Asuran superiority is therefore confirmed.
The College of Synergetics houses the foremost asuran thinkers.

This post may contain a high concentration of sarcasm and irony.
If you are allergic to these ingredients, do not consume.

Greetings from Asuran Army Corps of Engineers

in Asura

Posted by: Dog.1472


Either works. Asura is used as a noun, while Asuran is used as an adjective in this context — assuming people care to be judgmental when it comes to grammar.

No, it cannot be used either way.

What are you, skritt? It’s asura, not asuran.

Asuran: of, or pertaining to, asura, either as an individual, or as a community. Examples:
The Infinity Ball was made by an asura. It is of asuran design.
It is scientifically proven the asura are more intelligent than any sentient race yet discovered on Tyria. Asuran superiority is therefore confirmed.
The College of Synergetics houses the foremost asuran thinkers.

….In response to rumors and allegations that AACE and AAIC only accepts Asurans as members, he has issued me to provide the necessary information that proves we offer positions to other races beside Asurans…..

Is what I was referring to.

“Please, you can look down on people without having to be physically above them.
As an asura, I do this all the time.”

(edited by Dog.1472)

Greetings from Asuran Army Corps of Engineers

in Asura

Posted by: Jigain.8231


What are you, skritt? It’s asura, not asuran.

Asuran: of, or pertaining to, asura, either as an individual, or as a community. Examples:
The Infinity Ball was made by an asura. It is of asuran design.
It is scientifically proven the asura are more intelligent than any sentient race yet discovered on Tyria. Asuran superiority is therefore confirmed.
The College of Synergetics houses the foremost asuran thinkers.

….In response to rumors and allegations that AACE and AAIC only accepts Asurans as members, he has issued me to provide the necessary information that proves we offer positions to other races beside Asurans…..

Is what I was referring to.

Then you are entirely correct.

This post may contain a high concentration of sarcasm and irony.
If you are allergic to these ingredients, do not consume.

Greetings from Asuran Army Corps of Engineers

in Asura

Posted by: Hax.8701


Either works. Asura is used as a noun, while Asuran is used as an adjective in this context — assuming people care to be judgmental when it comes to grammar.

I am Asura, I personify genius.

I am Human, I personify genius.

I am Norn, I personify genius.

I am Sylvari, I personify genius.

I am Charr, I personify genius.

You don’t see “I am Asuran….” or “I am Charrian…” Asura is the group name of the race.

I am a human, these are human people. Look at all those humans.

I am Asura, these are Asura people. Look at all those Asuras.

[Bae] Baewatch
Hax Shot

Greetings from Asuran Army Corps of Engineers

in Asura

Posted by: Jigain.8231


I am Asura, these are Asura people. Look at all those Asuras.

Not quite… The first part of the sentence is a reference to the asura as a community, and as such would be asuran. If it were “I am an asura”, however, it would be correct, because then it does not reference the asuran people.
The middle part, again, references the asura as a people, making the term “asuran”.
The last part, I always cringe at. There’s no such word as “asuras”. The plural is the same as the singular – asura.
Finally, the capitalization is just as unnecessary as it is to capitalize “Humans”.
So the correct example would be:

I am asuran, these are asuran people. Look at all those asura.
I am an asura, these are asuran people. Look at all those asura.

Don’t get me wrong, I understand grammar is hard and normally I wouldn’t point it out, but since the subject already is the use of the word “asura” in all its forms, there it is.

Le edit: As an addendum, I should add there is some basis for the reasoning that “I am asura” is a valid statement. The question is whether or not “asura” in this case is used as a descriptive noun (in which case “asura” is correct) or as a reference to the person’s kinsmen (in which case “asuran” is correct"). Theoretically, in a situation where the interpretation could be either or, both would be correct. However, as the former use – the descriptive noun, making the correct word “asura” – should for grammatical correctness’ sake be preceded by the word “an”, I by default (and encourage everyone to) interpret the lack of “an” to mean the word is a reference.

This post may contain a high concentration of sarcasm and irony.
If you are allergic to these ingredients, do not consume.

(edited by Jigain.8231)