Fractal lvl 80 – 126 AR
Hobo-Tron - needs help
Fractal lvl 80 – 126 AR
I want to punch that bard. At least the bard got rousted, too. Poor Hobo-Tron.
fans hate Joffrey. They hate her the way Star Wars
fans hate Jar Jar Binks.”-not a direct quote, but still true.
That’s what you get for not including nessessary modules to provide independant return functions on your golems. Always include a personal transportation device of some description or at least an emergency gate usage fund, I say. Statistically speaking it’s slightly cheaper than not doing so.
That being said, has anyone checked if there’s a price out for returning it? I’ve been experimenting on improved AI for my golems, and autonomous tasks like these are just what I need to gather more data.
Poor little unit, but with a few modifications he could be a useful banking golem!
That’s what you get for not including nessessary modules to provide independant return functions on your golems. Always include a personal transportation device of some description or at least an emergency gate usage fund, I say. Statistically speaking it’s slightly cheaper than not doing so.
That being said, has anyone checked if there’s a price out for returning it? I’ve been experimenting on improved AI for my golems, and autonomous tasks like these are just what I need to gather more data.
Isn’t gate travel between cities free? Gate to LA, then to RS. Free and free. I’m beginning to smell a scambot.
fans hate Joffrey. They hate her the way Star Wars
fans hate Jar Jar Binks.”-not a direct quote, but still true.
That’s what you get for not including nessessary modules to provide independant return functions on your golems. Always include a personal transportation device of some description or at least an emergency gate usage fund, I say. Statistically speaking it’s slightly cheaper than not doing so.
That being said, has anyone checked if there’s a price out for returning it? I’ve been experimenting on improved AI for my golems, and autonomous tasks like these are just what I need to gather more data.
Isn’t gate travel between cities free? Gate to LA, then to RS. Free and free. I’m beginning to smell a scambot.
Its free for players, but various NPC conversations seem to suggest its not free lore-wise. Aside from this one, I mean.
There’s an Asura and a Charr talking about gate travel in the gate hub of Lion’s Arch, and the Charr asks why it costs extra for oversized items (which implies that it costs anything at all in the first place) and the Asura offers free gate travel if the Charr provides a lifetime of free rifles “to protect her gate from freeloaders”.
There’s also an NPC in Lion’s Arch near the Gendarran Fields transition that mentions the cost of travel and suggests that maybe flashing the gatekeeper her most dashing smile would reduce the price, to which another NPC says “it’d be double, then”.
The portals do cost, but it appears famous adventurers like us get a 100% discount. I mean, lorewise our characters are a part of quite a few organizations (one of the three orders+ pact AT LEAST, not to mention any race specific things like charr legions), so it’s easy enough to imagine someone else paying our travel bills.
I can’t see order of whisper agents tapping into their own pockets when on a secret mission, for instance
That, or it’s possible everyone feels it’s best to let that scary necromancer surrounded by a horde of undead go undisturbed. My character isn’t the nicest fellow out there, and minions do need feeding every now and then :P
(edited by yski.7642)
Stupid bookah bard.
Its free for players, but various NPC conversations seem to suggest its not free lore-wise. Aside from this one, I mean.
There’s an Asura and a Charr talking about gate travel in the gate hub of Lion’s Arch, and the Charr asks why it costs extra for oversized items (which implies that it costs anything at all in the first place) and the Asura offers free gate travel if the Charr provides a lifetime of free rifles “to protect her gate from freeloaders”.
There’s also an NPC in Lion’s Arch near the Gendarran Fields transition that mentions the cost of travel and suggests that maybe flashing the gatekeeper her most dashing smile would reduce the price, to which another NPC says “it’d be double, then”.
“I got a discount on account of my imposing demeanor.” indeed. I suppose when one holds the unstable elemental forces of the universe at one’s fingertips people naturally afford one much latitude.
fans hate Joffrey. They hate her the way Star Wars
fans hate Jar Jar Binks.”-not a direct quote, but still true.
Gate travel costs money all around. Travel within the major cities is free, assuming that involves only the person and whatevers on them, excluding outstanding cargo.
Even that didn’t used to be free. I believe the asura made a concession there/offer of good will, lest they lose business.
Far flung places like Ebonhawk aren’t so lucky.
I assume Ellen Kiel struck some deal with the asura to lower gate travel for her backing of the thaumanova reactor fractal research.
… Back to Hobo-Tron, since he can technically be construed as cargo I would assume that’s why he needs money.
That, or he is indeed a brilliant little troll-bot. Poor starving bard.
Well, I’m sure it’s in good hands with the aether pirates now.
Alatum Interitum
Nooooo, save the silly bards! :O
Need moar hobo-tron and his crazy bookah side-kick that talks to and get angry with inanimate objects!
<3 hobotron, I wish I had an option to give him a silver. Sure, he’ll go spend it on polishing oil and crystal ointment, but that’s irrelevant.
I don’t know about you, but I installed Hobo-Tron’s personality matrix into my Salvage-o-Matic, so he now has a permanent job salvaging all my junk into usable materials for me.