I simply can't wrap my head around this.
Asura represent, bookah.
I don’t know about selfless, but Guardian does fit in that they’d do anything to defend their own and their Krewe’s technology and advancements. Factor in a desire for Asura to see their own race advance to the top as the ruling race, and Guardian’s an even better fit — giving of themselves to protect and defend their race’s (perceived) right to the world.
Who says they have to be selfless?
My own “guardian” asura is an expert on barrier and kinetics technologies and working on mass market applications of the technology (Shield generators, adaptive structures etc).
What better way to advertise the effectiveness of your product than to save someone’s life with it
The Ashwalker – Ranger
Garnished Toast
Garnished Toast
Haven’t really thought of it those ways… thanks guys.
Asura represent, bookah.