(edited by Monk.8407)
It's hard to be an asura in Tyria ;(
As amusing as I find the above exchange, you might want to blur out the names of the other players. It’s against the forum rules to “name and shame” other players.
Effective reverse psychology 10/10, will make an asura out of spite.
heh i got something around the same. Joined a group an was told that i am a kitten for playing asura. Honestly, what is with kids now days online mmos?
Yeah, I don’t understand it either. All my characters are Asura and I love each and every one of them.
‘Real man race’. Bet this guy is a hyper-masculine norn because he’s compensating for a lot.
Pfft. Bookahs. What do they know about their future lords and masters?
Oh and it’s instances like this that I form my own parties in dungeons instead of joining one.