Melee animations question

Melee animations question

in Asura

Posted by: Zaylo.8072


Greeting, So I was playing on my ranger alt who I had gotten to 50 without ever using a sword and when I decided to try one out the extraordinary happened. I turned into a better looking version of Yoda, the way I was jumping around my foe and swerving with every skill was amazing. (couldn’t stop laughing)

Since Asura rarely venture outside of their lab let alone Rata Sum I was wondering if Some of you who follow other disciplines that can use melee weapons also have such animated ways of attacking. I want to try another profession.

Melee animations question

in Asura

Posted by: Btox.4083


I have 4 Asura, my main is an Engi, my second is a warrior. I do like how he smile while inflicting pain =P and the stand by animations, for my warrior I do like the mace – axe animations (check 5 on the axe).

Asura are pretty cool characters, you should try a mace, hammer, long sword, rifle, shield…. well just try all of them.

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Melee animations question

in Asura

Posted by: WyldKat.4712


My lil necrodemic asura looks like she’s putting EVERYTHING she’s got behind swinging that scepter, and she’s not even actually physically hitting! It’s inspiring and terrifying at the same time. Sorta like how’d it be like if a chihuahua grinned at you while pulling out a machete.

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