One problem with Asura... Tiny weapons!
I knew what I was getting into when creating an Asura, which is why I made my Mesmer a Sylvari, so I can care for fancy looking gear when playing her. Still, I’m a bit jealous when I see Human Elementalists with the nice looking Citadel of Flames daggers… and they’re clearly visible from afar. Scaling should definitely increase.
Asurans have a TON of clipping issues – just take a screenshot of your character actually swinging a sword/firing a bow/etc. and look at the hands or places where the weapon gets close to the body. Fingers pass through the handles, blades clip through ears, etc. It’s so bad that I’ve stopped shooting new shots of my gear (which, for ME is very unusual – I typically love shooting pics of my characters – almost like a minigame for me). They DEFINITELY need to re-rig the Asuran models and completely overhaul all this weapon scaling stuff, I agree.
I don’t think they’re small at all. Many already clip the ground, so how would you want to have them believably larger? Why would I equip a weapon which I can’t walk around with?
I already look like a Final Fantasy reject with most 2Hers!
I agree completely. Many weapons seem to be misaligned but the scaling is also off. Hammers are by far the worst on Asura.
I don’t think they’re small at all. Many already clip the ground, so how would you want to have them believably larger? Why would I equip a weapon which I can’t walk around with?
I already look like a Final Fantasy reject with most 2Hers!
There is a known issue with Asurans and their weapons. They are put on their back much lower than with other races. This means they have to be shrunk more so they don’t clip the floor and some still do. If you look at other races the Sword hilt is in the upper shoulder area whereas with the Asuran it is in the small of the back. Hence the reason you see things like the GS/Staff/Hammer only peak over the back of the Asurans. I wish they would fix this as it was pointed out to them near the beginning of the game and this would fix a decent amount of complaints on weapons with Asurans.
Fix this Bookahs!!!
So freaking Norn Female Got thier GS animation Changed twice already.
And we can’t get item scaling a bit different ?
How harder difficult is to change some numbers for weapon scaling from creating whole new animation for female norn ?!
I totally agree with you, i want bigger pistol and rifle for my engi!
please increase weapon and armor size and animations…
Try having pistols… I’ve pretty much stopped playing my Engineer because of this because I really have no desire to get better looking weapons because they’re hardly noticeable as is.
Same issue for my Asura engineer.
Why bother saving for legendary weapons, let alone legendary pistols for the Asura when most stowed weapons, pistols especially are all but invisible (meshing near entirely into your armor+being extra tiny). I see no point. Anet went out of there way to make weapon differences more cosmetic than statistical, but stowed weapons on an Asura appearance wise are all but un-seeable.
I agree with this, the weapons are too tiny and there are a lot of clipping/placement issues! Also, as an Asura warrior my axes get placed inside my wrists instead of in my hands.
Please fix these things.
The weapons look large on the other taller races. They do not look large on the Asura in proportion to their body size. That’s what the problem is.
The hammers have plenty of room to increase the size and still look right. For example, The Order of Whispers hammer is detailed, but looks more like a nail hammer in size.
Good news everyone!
ArenaNet will be looking at weapon sizes according to Chris Whiteside’s AMA on Reddit.
And it only took them three months to acknowledge the problem? Heh.
At least they ARE looking at it…
I really hope they do something with it, would be nice to have the weapons scaled up a bit so we can actually show them off.
At least make them the same size on our back, when they’re on our hands. If you use a staff on Asura, you can clearly see it growing in scale between holstering it, as documented in screenshots at page 1.
I agree with weapons and armor. When i started looking at the armor for a lvl80 it felt like a last minute lazy design to rush the game out.
(edited by brandon.6735)
The weapon scale thing happens with my Norn Warrior and Necromancer as well. It’s most noticeable on my Necromancer. His staff shrinks a ton when it’s holstered.
It would be nice if my Asura’s weapons were big enough to actually look at. Right now the pistols are laughably small, especially some of the skinnier ones. They look like they’re about big around as a drinking straw.
Would be nice if the Asura weapons were all twice as big as the player models themselves! Or at least a option to change weapon sizes via the Gem Store. I want a huge honken rifle that blasts me on my kitten
Idk, I don’t think all the weapons look bad on an asura. I mean check this one out? It is absolutely, positively, supercalifragilisticexpialidociously cute.
I love that mace and shield combo on this asura and I really, really want them to make lionguard cultural armor.
P.S. Here is an informative video on how to pronounce that rather long word in case you don’t know how.
(edited by PlagueParade.7942)
There are tons of ways to make Asura armor fit their body type and also look just as cool and flashy as the other races armor. True since they are smaller they can’t really have long flowing skirts like female humans, but they can still have cool headgear, shoulders and boots! And the skirts can still have those pretty, layered looks to them. But for some reason when I put a skirt on my Asura it turns into a crappy, paper thin…sheet.
I mean look at this!
To just kinda…this….
While the detail is nice the cloth and trail itself just looks like paper. The human one though look beautiful and layered and all kinds of 3d, like it really has a texture and base to it. Seems like less work to cut the bottom a bit and shrink down the model then to completely remake each outfit just so it looks less…sexy? on the asura. Cover the front? Give her small shorts or something? Tons of options really.
Let’s also not forget that they just expose the chest on some female character armors! Giving them no shirt at all! I mean come on! I get that the race doesn’t really care for the difference between male and female but really? The girls are just not going to wear a top? Maybe I’m just a little creeped out by the fact that my girl asura is running around topless :/ the Charr look like animals and they don’t even do it! Slyvari are plant people and still know the importance of a shirt! It comes off as looking lazy honestly.
That’s just slightly sad. I can make all the adjustments needed to make sure the Asura female doesn’t look ‘sexy’.
1.Rather then the middle of the skirt coming into a bikini like bottom, have it come down to the knee. 2. Pull the middle of the top around to make it a full top. 3. Flaten the chest into just a shirt or leave it as is, just for a flat chested character. Done. Your asura female is no longer sexy, but also doesn’t look like her dress was made for Ellen.
And if you really want to go with the ‘Oh well they don’t do the whole gender thing’ then get rid of the bows, bun pigtails, ribbons, hair clips, and headbands because if the females don’t want to look girly they aren’t about to spend time doing their hair all nice and pretty.
And it would really be nice if I could see my weapons I A. spent money for a skin on. or B. Spent hours crafting..
PS: To those who say they CAN’T make pretty dresses on asura; the fancy winter dress outfit proves that they can. It’s very nice.
Lvl 50+ | Norther Shiverpeaks | Cook/Artif
(edited by Rooen.5317)
The weapons are too tiny. Also, they have a lot of clipping issues. I can’t even see my daggers on my elementalist because the robe is in the way. Also, my staff kind of keeps getting stuck IN my head.
One of the reasons I picked Asura as my first character was because I wanted to wield a HUGE rifle. It wouldve been comical and awesome.
I can see why weapon scaling is done but small weapons are darned near invisible on Asura.
The only asura I have right now is a low level alt I’ve barely played, but even on my other character this issue is pretty apparent and has put me off wanting to spend much time with the alt. More or less anything an asura is wearing will never be seen because it’s hard enough to see them, and their weapons are so scaled down and misaligned that they often look invisible to uninteresting. I don’t want to see them with comically oversized weapons, but readjusting them so they look positioned better at least (like the photoshopped pictures) and maybe scaled up a bit more would be a good start.
I don’t mind the great sword size or shield + mace on my guardian. Paradoxally I don’t use the hammer anymore because I would like it to be bigger for a more goofy effect on that same guardian.
I’m ok with the rifle size on my engineer but wouldn’t be against having it a tad bigger.
For my Mesmer The one-handers I have no problem with. I’m a little underwhelmed about the staff.
The real problem is on my thief : I use Pistol/Dagger and Dagger/Pistol and really think they’re much too small, especially since the skin I want to use at end-game when I’ll have exotics is the pirate pistol (the one from the hidden zombie pirate karma vendor in L.A.) => amazing looking pistol skin but so ridiculously small…
Another problem I have with medium armor user, especially the thief, is not only his daggers and pistols are too small, but on top of that they hide in the chestpiece because they clip inside it…
A new “little” problem : when replacing a Shortbow by the Slingshot skin, (haven’t done it yet but it’s how it shows in the preview window) : the slingshot is like hovering 10 inches (so to speak) from the back of the character.
Don’t get me wrong I absolutely love the game and Asura is my favorite race (4/5 of my characters are) it just is I feel I want my Asuras to look perfect and those are the only thing that I would like to see change and adressed, the rest is really perfect
I wholeheartedly agree. There’s nothing more enjoyable and simply hilariously awesome than a tiny Asura swinging a Freaking gigantic meat tenderizer or Great sword kicking some butt. I want bigger swords!
To make it fair for everyone, how about an option to adjust weapon scaling during character creation, or on the fly in the dye interface?
All I want for Christmas is a GIGANTIC FLAMING SWORD to hit Charr in the ankles with
There are tons of ways to make Asura armor fit their body type and also look just as cool and flashy as the other races armor. True since they are smaller they can’t really have long flowing skirts like female humans, but they can still have cool headgear, shoulders and boots! And the skirts can still have those pretty, layered looks to them. But for some reason when I put a skirt on my Asura it turns into a crappy, paper thin…sheet.
I mean look at this!
To just kinda…this….While the detail is nice the cloth and trail itself just looks like paper. The human one though look beautiful and layered and all kinds of 3d, like it really has a texture and base to it. Seems like less work to cut the bottom a bit and shrink down the model then to completely remake each outfit just so it looks less…sexy? on the asura. Cover the front? Give her small shorts or something? Tons of options really.
Let’s also not forget that they just expose the chest on some female character armors! Giving them no shirt at all! I mean come on! I get that the race doesn’t really care for the difference between male and female but really? The girls are just not going to wear a top? Maybe I’m just a little creeped out by the fact that my girl asura is running around topless :/ the Charr look like animals and they don’t even do it! Slyvari are plant people and still know the importance of a shirt! It comes off as looking lazy honestly.
That’s just slightly sad. I can make all the adjustments needed to make sure the Asura female doesn’t look ‘sexy’.
1.Rather then the middle of the skirt coming into a bikini like bottom, have it come down to the knee. 2. Pull the middle of the top around to make it a full top. 3. Flaten the chest into just a shirt or leave it as is, just for a flat chested character. Done. Your asura female is no longer sexy, but also doesn’t look like her dress was made for Ellen.And if you really want to go with the ‘Oh well they don’t do the whole gender thing’ then get rid of the bows, bun pigtails, ribbons, hair clips, and headbands because if the females don’t want to look girly they aren’t about to spend time doing their hair all nice and pretty.
And it would really be nice if I could see my weapons I A. spent money for a skin on. or B. Spent hours crafting..
PS: To those who say they CAN’T make pretty dresses on asura; the fancy winter dress outfit proves that they can. It’s very nice.
you’re not making a fair comparison here. the thing about asura gear is that it is exactly same for males and females. actually, it just uses male skins. just like charr.
i see nothing wrong with that and i know a lot of people welcome it.
i know for a fact that anet originally had plans for female asuran armor versions, however, due to extensive clipping and the fact that all models would have to be built from scratch to eliminate the “sexiness” of other race’s female armor – it was simply scrapped and male models are being used instead.
i love it and i welcome it. it suits the race. while i admit that wintersday (albeit too victorian for my taste) outfit was nice there is actually little reason to have it. asuras, after all, do not conform to human social values. and thank god for that.
there is no need to make every race to have different male and female armor sets. i chose asura for a reason – because i am sick and tired of blatant sexism in my games. i wanted to play a race that puts no emphasis on “girls club” and “boys club”. i don’t want to play a race that thinks there has to be a clear line between “girl toys” and “toy toys”, “girl clothes” and “boy clothes”.
no thanks! i see enough of this sexist nonsense in our society as it is. please let me escape it in the games at least.
Totally agreed. Especially daggers and pistols should be bigger cause you can barely see them.
I do, however, see a problem with greatswords here. they cant be bigger becaue some of them already reach into the earth.
the thing about asura gear is that it is exactly same for males and females. actually, it just uses male skins. just like charr.
i see nothing wrong with that and i know a lot of people welcome it.
there is no need to make every race to have different male and female armor sets. i chose asura for a reason – because i am sick and tired of blatant sexism in my games. i wanted to play a race that puts no emphasis on “girls club” and “boys club”. i don’t want to play a race that thinks there has to be a clear line between “girl toys” and “toy toys”, “girl clothes” and “boy clothes”.
no thanks! i see enough of this sexist nonsense in our society as it is. please let me escape it in the games at least.
Snipped a bit, but just enough so you get the point if you didn’t read his post and can scroll past if you want to read mine.
I have had absolutely NO problems finding gear that looks nice on my character. Although when previewing weapons (particularly ones I can’t wear, anyways), I may have to take off my pants to see them properly, I have no problem with anything on any of my Asura characters.
Both the clothing sets below are made for (the same) Light Armored Asuran and are worn by (the aforementioned) [a] female Asura character.
Totally agreed. Especially daggers and pistols should be bigger cause you can barely see them.
I do, however, see a problem with greatswords here. they cant be bigger becaue some of them already reach into the earth.
the reason it is the way it is, is because asura’s GS is placed lower then other races’.
it gets auto-shrunken to not clip with the ground. placing it higher on the shoulder – just like in other races – would reduce auto-shrinking effect without making it clip with the ground any more then it does now.
I don’t mind the weapon scaling, but the placement is terrible.
I think the weapons are fine. Lets look at this realisticly, could somthing that small hold a giant hunk of wood 3x its length and still be able to flip jump in midair? I don’t think so….
It’s not the size that matters it’s how you use it!
It’s not the size that matters it’s how you use it!
Trishka’s voice “Yeah, you go on believing that.”
Sorry, couldn’t help myself. But I agree with the idea that weapons scaling is ok as it is, but their placement is off. Staff clipping with the left ear, greatsword’s tip clipping with the ground…
Still no official word on this?
asura guardian with hammer, looks like a wand…
searched for other skins trying to find a bigger one, no result, all tiny.
This is definitely a big (aesthetic) problem. With proper weapon placement they could fix the scaling easily.. Currently a mace looks like a baby rattle / lollipop.
I agree with the OP. The scale of weapons on asurans are too small and my character doesn’t look as awesome as he would with his daggers and pistols scaled up a bit. The amazing attack animations deserve to be paired with weapons that can be seen.
(edited by shooofly.8915)
ya know, compared to humans asura /are/ kid sized (actually they are smaller than human children! – probably human toddler sized). so the fact that their weapons look like “kid’s toys” makes sense, doesn’t it?
how big of a weapon can a human-toddler sized warrior hold??
Smaller than human children and toddler sized, you say? Barely smaller than human children, undoubtedly heavier – at least my asura. Check my attached images.
Anyway, my asura is a ranger so I don’t get hit quite as badly, but the thing is, for their body size, asura have enormous hands, feet, and heads. They’re clunky by design, and that isn’t a bad thing, but it isn’t good when weapons aren’t made clunky to compensate. Weapons close to those big hands need to be made big, such as daggers and pistols. Swords, greatswords, and staves need to be thickened to look correct on them, too. And to avoid length clipping and hilts going through craniums, just tilt them sideways a little. I really don’t know why some of the items haven’t been pulled out from the body to avoid clipping, but a heads up to the art and design team: it looks lazy. I work in the art field too, I wouldn’t ever let something like that slip past me.
My slingshot skinned shortbow is so swallowed up by my big asura paws that it sort of looks ridiculous, even as enormous as my asura is.
(edited by Egon Vidar.9125)
really? you create a TINY character and want GIANT weapons?
really? you create a TINY character and want GIANT weapons?
it’s not about giant weapons, it’s about proper weapon scaling where they stop shrinking when holstered.
really? you create a TINY character and want GIANT weapons?
it’s not about giant weapons, it’s about proper weapon scaling where they stop shrinking when holstered.
well,they need weapons of its size
Think at a asura using a greatsword for a charr , its too big for him so its become weird
really? you create a TINY character and want GIANT weapons?
it’s not about giant weapons, it’s about proper weapon scaling where they stop shrinking when holstered.
well,they need weapons of its size
Think at a asura using a greatsword for a charr , its too big for him so its become weird
that’s not what it’s about! it’s about the fact that it SHRINKS for no reason when it’s on my back and GROWS again when i use it in combat. THAT’S what needs fixing.
The main thing I am disappointed in is that the asurans (which I dearly love) have their weapons set on the small of their back instead of being set at their shoulders like all the other races. The issue is that it then puts the weapon so far down it creates clipping issues and it also creates a sense they are holding a toothpick instead of a greatsword or a toothpick instead of a staff. Just have two characters stand side by side with a staff or a greatsword and you will see what i mean about the placement on the back.
Horrible design flaw and they know about it and it’s been 6 months and they haven’t said a thing about it since. Is it still on their list of fixes and have they made progress or is it on the pile on the ground they not longer care about fixing.
Seems it has been swept under the carpet.
I adore my cute little Asura Warrior, but am timid to craft sunrise on her. I may even make a guardian norn to give it too…It’s a shame because she is absolutely my favorite character, and i will never re-roll. And, if people say it may not be realistic that they carry that large of a Greatsword…have you seen the female human with a greatsword? I doubt that’s honestly realistic. All-in-all, i hope this is looked into!
Pinkiy – 80 Warrior
Stytch – 80 Mesmer
I’ve always been a little disappointing that I can’t really show my weapons off, no one can see them. Didn’t notice they got smaller when you put them away till a friend made an Asura :P
really? you create a TINY character and want GIANT weapons?
it’s not about giant weapons, it’s about proper weapon scaling where they stop shrinking when holstered.
This is the point. The shrinking is ridiculous.
may be a stupid question, but will my Asura GS have the same range as a Norn with a GS? In other words if I pop into some pve mobs at hit 100 blades, will my wee little swords not his as many as if I were a Norn?
Everything is balanced, don’t worry. Your Asura is just as capable as a Norn when it comes to being a Warrior, despite the absurdity of that from a lore viewpoint.
Do you even lift, bro?
I would add my support to this. I hope they get the time to do something about it.
It’s definitely not a game breaking issue, but it’s made me personally start to lose interest in the game. I was starting to save towards a legendary but part of the reason for that was a desire to look cool. With the weapon scaling as it is it feels like I look less impressive than other races.