Rate the Asura Name Above You!
Hm, you didn’t include your name, so I’ll say that “Azzrael” is a pretty nice name. Sounds like a pretty, but serious name if it were for an Asura
My little Warrior is “Soxsura.” Here’s a picture to go with the name
My name was above his, Chlojja a little female Asura Ele
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”
Chlojja good especially if you’ve a link to your daughter.
My main is a Super Necro named – Nphect.
I didn’t follow any asura guidelines. Just liked it due to the fact that its short and explains
him to the core and also i listen to D’n’b nufsed
Hmmm I like how Nphect is unique but is a little non asuran so 7/10.
My little sneaky thief is Operative Pipp (Pipp alone was already taken)
Pipp, i like it, I imagine a little cute asura here
My name is Tzokk
I like Tzokk lol sounds just weird enough to fit the whole Asuran theme, but not so dumb that everyone’s like wth?? lol
My Guardian is Saint Kaizz
Been using Kai since my GW1/WoW days, and seeing as he’s Asuran, it feels right to add to consonants at the end.
Pretty good!
Mine is Symmi
I like Symmi. Sounds Finnish to me, maybe thats why I like it. Good name, top score from me.
My Asura Necromancer is Krye
My Asura Mesmer is called Kwye
Both female and almost duplicates of each other, tiny details differ, like greyness of eye color, lips, and so on. Both wear exactly the same armor as well, with different colors though.
I like both names, though they don’t exactly fit the lore of the Asuran, would say 7/10 and 8/10 for Krye, because it reminds of “cry”, which fits a Necromancer. ;-)
My Asura Necromancer is called “Synergist Zonkk”.
I wanted to go with the lore of the Asuran (double consonant, possible title). Also I thought of an old German TV-Show, where people had to chose between three gates. Behind one of them was a great price, behind the others were "Zonk"’s, a mean little red plush-animal…
Synergist Zonkk – 9/10
I like that you kept within the lore and the title in front, don’t often see that!
The double ‘k’ at the end reads a bit weird imo.
My Asura guardian is called Sholto.
The mysteries dissapear and life stands explained.”
warrior: Minos Bladehand
mesmer: Minae Menace
engineer: Gadgeteer Mexxi
Keepers of the Forgotten Wisdom [WISE]
Seafarer’s Rest
^ sounds good
Asura Thief: Pyreeaz
Elementalist Mesmer Ranger
Sea of Sorrows
Its okay I guess, sounds like a buncha letters for me though
Mine’s a mesmer named Zapp The Unstable.
Mentally unstable, or unstable on his feet, you be the judge. Probably both.
Aw, that’s adorable Jazz! Well, in a twisted way. I also think pit vipers are cute, so I may not be the best judge… 10/10 Regardless as it fits very well with lore.
My Asura’s name is Heemi. (Female, obvs.)
Nice name. I think. Not a fan, though. It sounds skittish to me. I have no idea why. Actually, just ignore me…
My mesmer asura is Pellerina. She’s a female.
My asura male mesmer: Rifey
My asura male warrior: Junioré
Ok names I suppose. I prefer names that fit the lore/ naming conventions of the Asura.
Asura male warrior: Warrt
I prefer names that fit the conventions, as well. Warrt is a good name. My engineer is named Xykka.
Dakka Warforge- Level 80 Charr Engineer
Xairro – Level 80 Asura Revenant
Xykka sound cool, 9 out of 10 if it’s a she.
My Necro, cute as she is, is called Leeda Lyn. The Lyn part she added herself as a token of respect for the humans she works with who have this as their last name: the concept of an extended family rings well with her.
Awesome name Leeda Lyn!
Mine is Cryptician Zetti, bureaumancer of necrotic efficiency. I don’t break codes as much as enforce codes in the workplace.
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast
10/10 love the name
Master Obb – Vigil engineer who looks scientific yet vigilant.
Obb sounds cool.
Zadaa – He is a very spunky and spiffy dude. He likes to keep things elegant yet entertaining with his captivating garb and adorable quaggan packpack.
I was thinking about Investigator Zopp or maybe Agent. Something along those lines. Do you think those are good or should I pick a more “asuran” (ie quirky) honorific?
Techtician maybe?
me is sir pownzor, dont realy care about names.
It’s not very creative, but I can’t really complain. I wasn’t too concerned with naming convention either.
Necromancer – Si I [DOE] (Sido).
Came from a GW flashback when someone thought I was trying to emulate sewer with C E W [AUR].
Sido is kinda cute.
I have a mesmer (male) named Krizzirk. It’s a palindrome, so I thought it would be fitting.
Krizzirk is a cool name! 9/10. It makes me think of him coming from a different mirror dimension of sorts where he can shatter himself in and out of existence.
My Asura Thief’s name is Mini Little.
Mini Little is cute, but it isn’t really a /name/. I’ve never liked names that weren’t names; could you imagine calling “Mini Little” to dinner? 4/10, just because of that bias.
My Asuran ranger is named Methionine, which is a giant biology pun.
He only uses bird pets, and his main bird is named Augur.
An augur is a type of priest who uses birds to predict the will of god.
AUGur, AUG is the mRNA codon responsible for creating the amino acid methionine.
Methionine also kind of sounds like a name, so while it doesn’t follow Asuran naming standards, I couldn’t resist.
7/10 for Methionine (though not sure I’m pronouncing it right)
I like how you actually put thought into your name and not just named it silly like ‘mini range’ or ‘x hunter x’ which a lot of people do.
My Asura is a scientific genius engineer called ‘Merrdin’
+5 win points if you can guess who inspired that name :P
I like it! 8.5/10
I am Squid Squid.
This follows all asura naming conventions.
Squids are cute. :)
Lydaa – Mesmer – Female
(Don’t know if it’s good enough.)
(edited by Mistaken.3910)
I like it 9/10
names Mazziri, I thought it sounded Asura like.
10/10 It sounds Asura! You all have soo much good ideas! Awesome!
My mesmer : Crystalmancer Soona
10. Cool theme, suitably asuran name, adorable.
Boogiepop – Engineer (Alchemist) – Female
Grizz the Great – my engi
I’m not completely sold on it though.
I like that “Aevvi” has a nice ring to it.
I have an Asura engineer who likes to mainly use the grenade kit. I named him “Phragg Grinaid”.
At least as far as I understand it, there are rarely surnames, but Phragg does definitely fit the male pattern. And with X million people all making names on accounts, it does make it very hard to get 4-5 characters, with a double letter and not conflict with something already chosen. So 8/10 :-).
I have three:
Male Engineer: Laika Drum (created before I knew more about Asura)
Female Elementalist: Tryxxi
Male Guardian: Defender Tekks
At least as far as I understand it, there are rarely surnames, but Phragg does definitely fit the male pattern. And with X million people all making names on accounts, it does make it very hard to get 4-5 characters, with a double letter and not conflict with something already chosen. So 8/10 :-).
I have three:
Male Engineer: Laika Drum (created before I knew more about Asura)
Female Elementalist: Tryxxi
Male Guardian: Defender Tekks
I like the name Tryxxi, but I think it would be more suitable for an engineer. Tekks is cute though. Laika Drum sounds very original, so I’ll give it 8/10
My thief is Sylk, a loose reference to a book character. She’s so cute she’ll steal your heart :P
Ha, I like Sylk. It fits.
My elementalist is female and known as Agnixi.
My Asuran ranger was named Pet O Phile, before aNet banned me for 48 hours and forced me to change the name.
Haha, that’s interesting. What name did you fall back on?
I named my Asuran Mesmer Selnee. I like names simple and Asuran names are short anyway.
Carrying enemy team since 2012
“Multiclass implies you can actually play the class” – a certain royalty
|| 10/10 seller of knees, your opponents won’t be so tall without them.
Name: Poor Excuse
Race: Asura
Proffession: Thief
Specialty: LIFE . . . and getting bit in the bum by Karka spawn
(edited by Ameno.6813)
Your name is a poor excuse (pun intended) for an asura :P haha It’s not really an asuran name tbh. Btw, you have a karka on your leg…
My engy asura’s name is Boq Clumsyhands. He periodically detonates turrets prematurely, and explodes on his own bombs.
My main is a male Asura and his name is Tolbiaq
My alt is a female Asura and her name is lady Tolbiaq
They’re twins. Their genitors were brilliant scientists but terrible parents. They couldn’t care less what their progenies would be named :p
(edited by Edell.1286)
I think it’s really funny that you have a male and female Asura with the same name, especially funny with the twin backstory. I have a female twin myself (and I’m male) so I can imagine how confusing and ridiculous that would be.
The name itself is good, especially if it’s pronounced Tol-bak, since the two syllables would make it more Asura-like. I also think it would be great if the male was named “Sir Tolbiaq” or “Mister Tolbiaq” or something of that nature to make more of a contrast to “Lady Tolbiaq”. But, nonetheless, good job. Overall: 9/10 for the sound and backstory of your name(s).
I have two little Asura that I waddle around with xD
Anjiol (Pronounced An-jol, though most Inferi-EHEM “Non-Asura” pronounce it An-ji-ol). He’s an Elementalist that, somewhat unusually, likes all the elements equally. He seeks the higher truths (being a Synergetic College member) and doesn’t care much for ordinary, day-to-day things. I gave him his name because it sounded like an Asura name and because his ears look like wings (Anjiol – Angel).
Festt (Pronounced just the way it looks) is a different minded (though some would say “mad”…simpletons…THEY JUST DON’T UNDERSTAND MY GENIUS!) necromancer with a passion for fire, due to the fact that his face was burned and his lover immolated by Destroyers. You’d think that would make him afraid of fire but…. that’s Festt for you. I gave him his name because it sounded like an Asura name and because it is part of two words that fit him well: In-Fest (hinting at his necromantic side) and Fest-ival (hinting at his playful, psychotic-in-a-good-way nature).
- Shakespeare
My list of names:
Mesmer – Torqiz
Thief – Fleese
Engineer – Cogniix
Warrior – Eddgirf
Necro – Vesttieg
I like Torqiz, it doesn’t fit common Asura naming but it has a nice ring to it, also feels like Eddgirf fits the profession and race pritty well. 9/10
I can’t deicide on a profession for my Asura but my saved named is E Gadds.
7/10. I like that gadds sounds like “gods” but i didnt really like the “E” at the beginning
Mine is: Necromancer thats called “Zokeer”
Doesn’t follow the rules exactly but still sounds Asuran and Necroish to me… 7.5/10
As a Physics student… I created my Mad Scientist in the image of my hero (Surprising how well his face works for an Asura!)
My Engineer (Mad Scientist!) is Professor Feynman (Youtube him if you don’t know him, he was a brilliant scientist and storyteller, helped create Quantum Electrodynamics, The Atomic Bomb and things like Feynman Diagrams, there so Asuran!)
I was planning on making the name more Asuran but I couldn’t do it and keep the identity I was going for…
9.7/10, 0.3 off for not being lore-based, but justified so it’s ok
My engineer is called Zixax. Nice and silly asuran name lol :P