Summon Power Suit

Summon Power Suit

in Asura

Posted by: Tilarta.9812


I’ve been dabbling with testing Elite Transforms on the characters who can do it.

Currently, this is only Norn and Asura.

This is the rather disappointing result of my test involving the Summon Power Suit skill:

I chose to test it against the Skritt Pilotless Suit Thingy (it’s a Golem the Skritt have made or repaired).

I could barely scratch it.

Then I found a mission which is a “Golem Smackdown”.

The Golem you get into is the same as the one you Summon, even down to the powers.

The significant difference is no timer.

Also, the thing wreaked carnage on a large scale.

I didn’t die once inside it, even when it came to the final tough fight.

So, this mission Suit inflicts more damage then the one you can use personally, even though they are the exact same thing?

Something is horribly wrong there!

Like the Norn transforms, I think the problem here is the lack of damage and the timer.
For both, Damage needs to be increased and the timer removed.

These are Elite Skills, they should live up to their name and allow you to do significant damage!

Summon Power Suit

in Asura

Posted by: Weirwynn.2390


While I agree that the power suit is completely useless and desperately needs to be made so that it has at least one redeeming feature, comparing it to veteran/champion enemies and event transforms is complete nonsense. You’re not helping.

But yes, my survivability actually goes DOWN when you get in the suit. I’ve been meaning to test if it’s even capable of killing a level 80 risen 1v1—I’m not enthusiastic.

Edit: Personally, I don’t think the timer is a problem. It’s fairly long at one minute; long enough that I’ve never seen it run out instead of die. Most elites in the game have long timers; they’re meant as an “oh kittens” button rather than something that you rely on for every battle.

(edited by Weirwynn.2390)

Summon Power Suit

in Asura

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

One big problem I see with the summonable suit that the golem in your story didn’t have, was a global cooldown on every single skill. The story one you could at least spam the auto-attack, and yes the damage on it was ok, nothing epic. I think the golem suit needs to be seriously looked at and reworked along with the norn elites, however, keep in mind they can only go so far with them. They purposely made racial elites just kind of “meh” skills because that way no one race could be considered more powerful than the other (like some OTHER games that shall not be mentioned lol). But I will take what I can get as far as these kinds of skills go, the norn ones just need polishing up, but I do believe the golem suit needs a rework somehow. Definitely removing that global cooldown would be a good start.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…

Summon Power Suit

in Asura

Posted by: Flyfunner.2093


IMO the biggest problem is that the suit health is YOUR health. If the suit dies, you die. I think the suit should be seperate armor, so once it dies, you just jump out still at full health.

Summon Power Suit

in Asura

Posted by: Chainer.3901


IMO the biggest problem is that the suit health is YOUR health. If the suit dies, you die. I think the suit should be seperate armor, so once it dies, you just jump out still at full health.

Indeed. I would use the suit more often if that were the case. I have gotten used to using the suit. Using it in WvW is unwise in my opinion because you become a slow moving target for all enemy fire.

Summon Power Suit

in Asura

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

IMO the biggest problem is that the suit health is YOUR health. If the suit dies, you die. I think the suit should be seperate armor, so once it dies, you just jump out still at full health.

Kinda like how they led us to believe in the trailer videos where the asura was fighting a charr in the suit and got sniped down, only to jump out and pwn the charr with some fire lol.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…

Summon Power Suit

in Asura

Posted by: Xolo.3580


It should at least have a Jacuzzi and alcoholic beverages.

Summon Power Suit

in Asura

Posted by: Kopipoki.3542


From what I understand they purposely made the racial skills weaker so that way they wouldn’t have to worry about race balance.

Summon Power Suit

in Asura

Posted by: Mathog.3157


Can’t they just delete Golem Suit and defence golems’ cooldowns and make it even weaker? Also, golem suit should have an option to leave it without destroying it. At least RolePlay asura would have his own golem. Right now golems are just useless.

Summon Power Suit

in Asura

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

From what I understand they purposely made the racial skills weaker so that way they wouldn’t have to worry about race balance.

Racial skills are supposed to be weaker, but in it’s current state, it’s not just weaker, it’s unusable. it needs some work to be a viable skill for any situation. As it is, you run the risk of getting downed by regular trash mobs.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…

Summon Power Suit

in Asura

Posted by: fixit.7189


Used robot suit a few times while leveling up and every time I got owned by simple trash mobs. It’s incredibly weak. Only thing I can think that it is good for is roleplaying….for 60 seconds.

Summon Power Suit

in Asura

Posted by: Svarty.8019


I am awaiting better reviews of the Power Suit before sinking 10 points into it. Hoping for a buff in patch notes so that I can look up said reviews.

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

Summon Power Suit

in Asura

Posted by: Professor Sensei.2941

Professor Sensei.2941

My first toon was an Asuran. I’ve wanted to play one since GW1 when GWEN came out. And learning that I could use the golem suit sounded even more appealing. It was actually the first elite I got but I was instantly disappointed in it and only ever used to skill once. Now its something I use almost as a joke in world boss fights or in WvWvW to try and get some people to jump me.

I would really just like to see the suit have a tiny bit more dmg and it be an over shield much like what necros use. As of right now the attack golem elite seems to be the best option because it’s like have someone using the suit and you get to keep attack as well.

Professor Sensei – Thief
Everything Purple