The Court-Supreme of Moralethicism - Meccal MAJORITY presiding.

The Court-Supreme of Moralethicism - Meccal MAJORITY presiding.

in Asura

Posted by: Jack Angelfoot.2697

Jack Angelfoot.2697

*Hear ye, hear ye! The Court of the Supreme – Meccal, Profound Fount of Moralethicism, is in session.
Meccal, himself presiding in his singularity as the acumenical MAJORITY. Harken! Harken unto his wisdom and let the illumination of ethics and the bright beam of morality guide your path.*

(By order of Meccal, the “Spoiler” tag shall be used to truncate length of opinions.)
The Reason for The Court – Supreme, of Moralethicism

It has come to the attention of many that, while Asura are widely known for their immeasurable intellect, we have also become known as immoral, amoral, unethical, and even monstrous.
This problem is twofold in nature.

  1. Most Asura have vast mechanical and scientific knowledge, yet pitiful comprehension of true moralistic philosophy. Thus, they are perhaps more susceptible then a member of a typical semi-intelligent race towards neglecting to take morality into account. Thus, of all the claims levied against Asura, amoral is probably the least errant.
  2. Even when moral and ethical decisions are made by an asuran, many members of the semi-intelligent races seem to misunderstand the asuran’s motives. Essentially, due to their preeminent perception, asura are capable of making a moral decision beyond common understanding.

Meccal, the MAJORITY, of The Court – Supreme, of Moralethicism, shall ameliorate these problems.

The Purpose of The Court – Supreme, of Moralethicism
Meccal, in his Supreme virtuosity has mandated the following:

  1. Upon solicitation and grant of review, Meccal shall hear, judge, and prescribe the appropriate determination of moral and ethical conduct in any given situation. Thus, asura – and other semi-intelligent life-forms alike – may solicit Meccal for the correct answer to any moral problem and have no fear of making the wrong moral choice. Provided the asura utilize their The Court – Supreme, of Moralethicism, they will soon be known as the most moral of races.
  2. Meccal shall publish the MAJORITY opinion so that all asura – as well as semi-intelligent creatures – may read and understand that when the parties involved follow the dictates of Meccal, they are, in fact, acting ethically. Further, onlookers shall be able to assimilate themselves to the righteousness that they read.

Addressing The Court – Supreme
Meccal, in his Supreme capacity as singular MAJORITY, may be petitioned in the following manner.

  • State the name (or pseudonym) of the party or parties.
    (A case will be known as: “Party in the First v. Party in the Second, or Party in the First v. Conscience or, when applicable “In Re Happenstance”)
  • Note what type of being you are. The Court-Supreme is only open to moral determinations by races that are either: intelligent (asura and dragons) or semi-intelligent (humans, charr, sylvari, norn).
    Petitions by Pseudo-intelligent creatures (Hylek (Simbifrogo-hopidus), Skritt (Rattus-talkatus), Quaggans (Delphinfollyus-leucas), or Tengu (Struthio-screachus)), psyco-intelligent creatures (Grawl (hyloba-tribus), Krait (Lepido-viciouso), Jotun (Dumbo-Thumpulous), and Ogres (Meano-Thumpulous)) or non-intelligent creatures (oozes, bovine, etc.) shall not be considered. (One cannot instruct those lacking the perceptive capacity to understand.)
  • State the question or argument of morality for The Court – Supreme to determine.
    (E.g. “I need to know whether,” “He says, but I think,” “Should I,” “Was this right that,” etc.)
  • Make a petition for The Court – Supreme to hear your case.
    (If you don’t care, Meccal don’t care.)
  • Include all due respect and flattery to This Court.
    (It will not affect the moralethicism of the issue, nor the judgment in question. But it is greatly appreciated. Meccal is an asuran.)
  • Absolutely do not repeat the same question.
    (If Meccal has already spoken, there is nothing left to be said.)

If The Court-Supreme has determined to hear your case, a notice will be published. Not later than Meccal determines appropriate, a MAJORITY opinion will be likewise published. DISSENTING opinions are not Meccal’s problem and do not reflect the opinion of The Court-Supreme.

- Jack Angelfoot -

(edited by Jack Angelfoot.2697)

The Court-Supreme of Moralethicism - Meccal MAJORITY presiding.

in Asura

Posted by: Jack Angelfoot.2697

Jack Angelfoot.2697

As first order of business,
The petition of Angry in Ascalon is heareby GRANTED.

Angry in Ascalon (female human) v. Fluffykins (male charr) Docket No. 12003-01

Dear Meccal,

I write to you today in the hopes of resolving a long-standing argument between myself and my husband (It’s MATE, woman!) husband, who is a Charr. He insists that the Charr were perfectly within their rights to use the Searing against Ascalon, seeing as how it was their land to begin with and the Ascalonians were “illegal squatters” who had stolen their land through deceit and murder. I contend that no war, no matter the underlying causes, could have justified using something as horrendous like the Searing on thousands of innocent people. (And the Foefire is a “different story”. Right, love?) This is my letter, Fluffykins. (YOU KNOW I HATE IT WHEN YOU CALL ME THAT!)

Ahem. Please help us resolve this one thorny issue in an otherwise blissful relationship, Master Meccal! Was the Searing a justified military act or not?

Angry in Ascalon.

The Krewe of The Court-Supreme shall research said case and seek Meccal’s MAJORITY determination. When that determination is made, it shall be published herein for the edification of all.

Dictated in his own voice by,
- Meccal -
The one and only vote; other titles unnecessary.

- Jack Angelfoot -

(edited by Jack Angelfoot.2697)

The Court-Supreme of Moralethicism - Meccal MAJORITY presiding.

in Asura

Posted by: Jack Angelfoot.2697

Jack Angelfoot.2697

Prior opinions of Meccal, in his capacity as Supreme Moral Arbitrator shall be published.
FURTHER, such opinions shall constitute binding moral authority upon any sentient being with enough sense to so understand. (Refusal to use a dictionary is not grounds to abrogate moral culpability nor deprive a life-from of the requisite sense.)

- Jack Angelfoot -

(edited by Jack Angelfoot.2697)