Fractal lvl 80 – 126 AR
i cant wait for the gasmask :D
Desolation EU
Fractal lvl 80 – 126 AR
Fractal lvl 80 – 126 AR
What is the mask called and how do u get it?
And can it be worn by Charr? It looks awesome on the Asura. Wonder how it will make my Charr look, too.
“People don’t hate Scarlet the way Game of Thrones
fans hate Joffrey. They hate her the way Star Wars
fans hate Jar Jar Binks.”-not a direct quote, but still true.
fans hate Joffrey. They hate her the way Star Wars
fans hate Jar Jar Binks.”-not a direct quote, but still true.
Just got mine for my thief yesterday and I love it!!!! Works surprisingly well with the T2 armor.
I always suspected that Darth Vader’s suit was influenced by Superior Asuran technology…
Why do those that know the least know it the loudest?
Master Chief reporting for duty
with Zojja.
Makes me so happy, can’t stop staring at him hehe.
(edited by Thermite.3598)
The Gas Mask got me playing my Guardian again. Thanks ArenaNet!!
Why do those that know the least know it the loudest?