little asura guardian OP!

little asura guardian OP!

in Asura

Posted by: snarfrificus.4230


in PVP a very very tiny asura girl winning from 2 warrior giant charrs and 2 guardian Norns, yes the LOL about this part.

and also in game i sometimes noticed that i am way to small to get hit by some people LOL!

little asura guardian OP!

in Asura

Posted by: Killacam.2064


wow. I think it’s best I leave it at that.

little asura guardian OP!

in Asura

Posted by: Zerdand.5308


Every race has the same sized hit box…

As for wining it is all skill based not because they are Asura..

That said in WvW it is nice to try and hide behind the massive norns.

little asura guardian OP!

in Asura

Posted by: Riellan.2590


Yes trolls wont admit it but being little has huge advantage in this game.
Geez i really wonder why everyone makes smallest asurans in game ?
They will whine with pathetic arguments how hit box is same ,how size does not matter but at the end of day they will roll little rats.
To all rat fans here ,try hiding a huge charr in grass and then tell me that you dont have advantage ,also in battle human eye will easy focus on big charr but i need to spend 2-3 seconds to find little rat,especialy when they hide behind combo fields and animations. I wont eaven talk about charr dodge and asuran dodge.
And then you have uber trolls that make smallest asurans and then post how weapons should be bigger.
For conclusion animations and hitbox might be same but human eye cant focus on small rats like you can on big charrs or norns ,and thats where asuran advantage is. This game should have human size characters only like gw 1 had.

But we can only dream about it,or if you cant beat them or change them in this case roll a little rat by yourself.
Hope arena net will see that they made a big mistake.

(edited by Riellan.2590)

little asura guardian OP!

in Asura

Posted by: Kita.7819


“Geez i really wonder why everyone makes smallest asurans in game ?”

Jesus christ this. I remember making my Asura a tick below the max height and I have never seen any other Asura as tall as mine. People defiantly do this solely for the competitive aspect.

Kita – Guardian
Server: Darkhaven. The Besthaven.

little asura guardian OP!

in Asura

Posted by: ozymandias.5317


“Geez i really wonder why everyone makes smallest asurans in game ?”

Jesus christ this. I remember making my Asura a tick below the max height and I have never seen any other Asura as tall as mine. People defiantly do this solely for the competitive aspect.

Yes, only for the competitive aspect, not at all for how we feel our character should look and be portrayed. Just like every Norn or Charr make the largest hulking figure for competitive play, not because they want to look a certain way, but so they can intimidate other players. I really don’t get this argument, as there is perhaps a fraction of a percent of people who play this game that roll a tiny Asura simply for a misperceived ‘competitive’ pvp advantage.
or follow me on twitter @trikktheasura
Trikke <Sorrows Children> [SRRW] — Sea of Sorrows

little asura guardian OP!

in Asura

Posted by: snarfrificus.4230


this is fun xD, i wasnt standing in grass or anything, i just stood before them. or was i to small to be seen xD. no i just max buffed myself with might and killed them all of like it was nothing :P.

little asura guardian OP!

in Asura

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


Not true! I didn’t make my Charr a Hulked beast :’(

On another note, I remember that some of my skills with my riffle were getting canceled when little Asuras were realy close to me. Wich is not a problem I have when I fight the other races.

little asura guardian OP!

in Asura

Posted by: Frosty and Frosty Law Firm.4981

Frosty and Frosty Law Firm.4981

Made a small-ish Asura. Funny thing, I still get targetted as much as everyone else, and it’s just as hard to hide as it is for everyone else because Tab still auto-targets me and my name is still BRIGHT NEON RED in WvWvW.

I see no advantages aside of jumping puzzle camera.

Grind Wars 2: Heart of Tears

little asura guardian OP!

in Asura

Posted by: Zonzai.2341


@Frosty and Frosty Law Firm.4981

You’re smoking something dude. It’s harder to see the animations that let people anticipate what you are doing and counter you effectively. For a norn, this is a huge problem (pun intended). For an asura, it isn’t as big of a problem as long as there are other players around. If you cannot understand the advantage of having your animations be smaller, go watch some Sesame Street before Romney cancels it. Elmo will teach you the difference between big and small.

You’re right about the name but it isn’t about spotting you in the distance, it’s about countering you in the flurry of animations going on all around you. If you play a ranged character it won’t make much difference but for melee, Asura are superior to norn and charr, simply because they are more difficult to read when standing in a pile of characters, their various animations and graphic effects. Comprende?

The camera is lower to the ground for asura, which can make it extremely difficult to navigate jumping puzzles. Human and sylvari are actually probably the best for those.

little asura guardian OP!

in Asura

Posted by: wumpusrat.4769



“Geez i really wonder why everyone makes smallest asurans in game ?”

Jesus christ this. I remember making my Asura a tick below the max height and I have never seen any other Asura as tall as mine. People defiantly do this solely for the competitive aspect.

I made my two asuran characters minimum size because they’re cuter that way. Had absolutely zero to do with any sort of advantage in pvp.

little asura guardian OP!

in Asura

Posted by: Rottaran Owain.6789

Rottaran Owain.6789

Made my asuran as short as possible for role-playing purposes, and because it makes my character feel like he’s moving faster, even if he really isn’t.

little asura guardian OP!

in Asura

Posted by: Cinder.4865


I made my Asura the shortest I could because they fill out better at that height, in my opinion.

little asura guardian OP!

in Asura

Posted by: Dustfinger.9510


My engineer is just below mid level and my necro is tiny, thin and sickly.

……. with a giant head.

little asura guardian OP!

in Asura

Posted by: chocomamma.1539


I tried to make a tiny Asura and I got a headache trying to find her all the time so now mine is at the max height so I get to be a giant but tiny at the same time At least I can see her now lol

“Insert enemy name here” eat lead pew pew pew :p

little asura guardian OP!

in Asura

Posted by: Tortun.5946


Oh the long leggers of Tyria are banging their clubs against trees again and hoping gold falls from the branches.

Tis best not to entertain long legger complaints, their inferior intellect is a cause for concern and the Asura do not hide behind the long legger races, the Asura plan, wait and assess the number of long legger deaths that appear before them.

This gives us time to fight or run… long legger is an expendable asset but an Asura mind and skill on the battle field is not

Tortun – Protector of Gandara and Bessie!
WvWvW Player Who Doesn’t Have Much of A Clue

little asura guardian OP!

in Asura

Posted by: monepipi.5160


I’ll be honest, when I first started this game, the sole reason for me creating and playing smallest asura is to be small and irritating in PVP, that was what went through my head. I didn’t pick asura because they are cute or whatever (although my asura has grown on me after so much play time) Now, if you go PVP, its very common to see tons of asuras. Even if hitboxes are the same, just being visually small helps. The human mind subconsciously locks onto the biggest target. If you are big and brightly coloured (as is everyone in pvp), you’ll get picked on.

Of course people are going to play smallest asura for other reasons. If they wanted a bigger character they most likely would have gone for another race. Also, smaller = cuter so most people will have it on smallest. Same reason why you see max sized Norn all the time. (big = bada­s­s)

(edited by monepipi.5160)

little asura guardian OP!

in Asura

Posted by: Seras.5702


Made my Asura as tall as possible so I could see myself. If I’m going to spend money on armor I wanna see it.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

little asura guardian OP!

in Asura

Posted by: Gibbel.5734


Made mine as little as possible so i could make all these emo kids cry more !

Totally screwed me though when trying to do the clocktower puzzle with these gaint emo NORNS blocking my few aaargh ..


little asura guardian OP!

in Asura

Posted by: Gryphon.2875


My Asura ranger is tiny and I don’t even play PvP
I just wanted him to be smaller than his Cave Spider pet