"A buff's reappeared for the taking"...what?

"A buff's reappeared for the taking"...what?

in Audio

Posted by: Toemasher.8645


I will most likely receive some flack for this but every time I hear the line, “A buff’s reappeared for the taking” it makes me die a little inside.

What are they trying to say here? A buff IS reappeared for the taking? Or; A buff OWNS SOMETHING (which has) reappeared for the taking?

How hard could it be to just say “HAS” where it should be instead of creating some ludicrous abbreviation?

I know most of you will say that this is not important, but it bothers me that people who create such a fantastic game can get simple things so wrong. In the end the entire game effects your experience and your enjoyment so I would hope that more attention is paid where it is due.

"A buff's reappeared for the taking"...what?

in Audio

Posted by: Aequitas.6402


To be fair, grammatically it’s perfectly fine – “it’s” is, in this case, a contraction, just like “isn’t” or “let’s”.

Though I guess it can be a little confusing. Personally, I think just saying “A buff has…” would have been better, too.

"A buff's reappeared for the taking"...what?

in Audio

Posted by: Biomanz.9302


“It’s” can also mean “It has”..

Personally I hear it as “A BUTT’s reappeared for the taking” and I chuckle every time but maybe it’s just my louder bass that makes it sound so.

Taera Locke – staff ele
Red circles heal you. Just relax.

"A buff's reappeared for the taking"...what?

in Audio

Posted by: Eboko Dayka.5067

Eboko Dayka.5067

I always feel like I’m about to watch Spongebob when I hear that announcer.

"A buff's reappeared for the taking"...what?

in Audio

Posted by: RoyHarmon.5398


Personally I hear it as “A BUTT’s reappeared for the taking” and I chuckle every time but maybe it’s just my louder bass that makes it sound so.

Now I’m going to think that every time I hear it.

“It is the stupidest children who are the most childish
and the stupidest grown-ups who are the most grown-up.”
- C. S. Lewis