Agent Zrii's voice actor

Agent Zrii's voice actor

in Audio

Posted by: ComboBreaker.7405


Does anybody know who it is? I’ve searched around IMDB and the gw2 wiki, and nothing. Her voice is really distinctive and I’m almost positive I’ve heard it somewhere before.

Agent Zrii's voice actor

in Audio

Posted by: Hermes.7014


I was wondering this too to be honest.

Whether something is either wrong or right, someone will always complain about it.

Agent Zrii's voice actor

in Audio

Posted by: Kenrid.7859


I was watching anime, Gunslinger Girl and it had english voice actors interviewed at end. Listening to interview, the actress doing Angelica sounds very much like Zrii. Her name is Monica Rial. I am not positive, but when she introduced her self at begining of interview it sounded just like Zrii. None of the websites I looked at with her credits did not list GW2. But I am putting in a guess it is her.