RIP City of Heroes
Audio delay after porting since the patch.
We are heroes. This is what we do!
RIP City of Heroes
RIP City of Heroes
Yes I found all the background music and all the creatures are now silent and only when I take an action do I hear anything.
I also have no voice, apparently. My friend will be like “IF YOUR CHARACTER SAYS THAT ONE MORE TIME, I’LL DO IT, I’LL HIT YOUR CHARACTER.”
Me: “What?”
Friend: " ‘Go ahead, hit me!’ "
Me: “Oh…” T_T
I don’t know if it has anything to do with the patch, but that delay is because the game loaded up the graphics into memory before the audio and let you move around too early instead of keeping you in the loading screen. I think it is to reduce load screen times as being able to see is more important than hearing.