Detha's voice acting

Detha's voice acting

in Audio

Posted by: striker.3704


In all honesty it is some of the worst voice acting I’ve ever heard.
-All the “emotion” feels extremely fake
-Her voice is flat the vast majority of the time
-what little “emotion” there is to be heard sounds extremely forced

When I heard her talk after the ascalonian captain appeared in front of her, I sincerely hoped she was talking to the ghost until she said to keep the ghosts off her back. It makes me cringe every time I do that dungeon path and want to turn my sound off.

D/S/R necromancer F/A/T elementalist
S/I/F engineer Z/R/D guard

Detha's voice acting

in Audio

Posted by: Numot.3965


I love Dertha, cause she just sounds so bored and tired of fighting ghost. The lines you hate are actually one of my favorite parts in the game “Wonderfull…”.

She’s a serious scholar who’s tired and fed up with dealing with ghost, she’s past fear and surprise and is stuck in the lull of boredom as she finds the matter at hand tedious. It’s not forced emotion, Dertha just isn’t expressive and is a tad sarcastic.

Detha's voice acting

in Audio

Posted by: Starscream.6498


“Your idea is just STUPID and won’t work.”

I love Detha and her tone.