"Dialog" volume

"Dialog" volume

in Audio

Posted by: ConfusedDave.4271


The “Dialog” volume slider seems to be used for both NPC cut scene / scripted dialog and also for player character combat utterances. This is driving me nuts, because the player character utterances are so much louder than the scripted conversations.

I keep having to turn the slider up so I’m not struggling to hear scripted NPC conversation in events, but then back down again to prevent my characters shouts from overpowering everything else when in combat.

For reference, I play a Female Asura Elementalist on a 2 speaker / headphone setup. I have really had enough of “Rage at maximum!” and “Accellerating!” blasting out.

Is there any chance you could normalize the perceived volumes a little, or at least give us some way to turn off the player character shouts?

"Dialog" volume

in Audio

Posted by: ConfusedDave.4271


I should also add that I always play with my camera fully zoomed out. Not sure if this would make any difference.

"Dialog" volume

in Audio

Posted by: Fidjit.4162


I have precisely the same problem. I also play a female Asuran Elementalist.

I want to hear the NPC dialogue around me, but the constant attunement swapping lines (literally every 2-3 seconds) at loud levels drives me crazy. I have actually stopped playing my Elementalist because of it, which is sad because it was my main.

If ANet could please, please, please add a separate slider for your character’s combat lines it would be so appreciated. This sounds hyperbolic, but it is currently my biggest issue with the game. I am very sensitive to audio stuff and annoying/repetitive sounds lead to me quit games.