Elementalist: summoned Fire Elemental, sound

Elementalist: summoned Fire Elemental, sound

in Audio

Posted by: Arallion.9471


The ele utility skill: Summon elemental and its Lesser counterpart’s summoned fire phoenix’s sound is usually bugged, most of the time its cracking very loudly, like the sound system was faulty. Happened quite a few times. When he is bugged, everyone nearby hears the bugged loud cracking sounds.

Elementalist: summoned Fire Elemental, sound

in Audio

Posted by: KooZ.7619


I noticed this aswell, I’m not 100% sure but I believe the sound starts bugging when you cast them and there is a field nearby. Lighting field seems to be the one causing it. It is really painfull for everbody when it happens since the sound of the fire bats wings is like 10 times louder than the general sound of the game.

If can’t be resolved, plz plz plz plz, give me the ability to kill those elementals, they just won’t go away!

Member of [GSCH] gaiscioch.com
Fight with honor

Elementalist: summoned Fire Elemental, sound

in Audio

Posted by: Tsubaki.2508


Can this be fixed or toned down or whatever? It is extremely loud!!

Elementalist: summoned Fire Elemental, sound

in Audio

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

The “wing flapping” audible bug is not alone. Sometimes pet footsteps also are elevated to extreme lvls.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Elementalist: summoned Fire Elemental, sound

in Audio

Posted by: Defenze.5679


I have reported this a long time ago, it is an incredible nuisance that is still hasen’t been fixed.

Elementalist: summoned Fire Elemental, sound

in Audio

Posted by: Bast Bow.2958

Bast Bow.2958

Just wanted to buff this post,

Fire elemental still flaps it’s wings loud

(edited by Bast Bow.2958)

Elementalist: summoned Fire Elemental, sound

in Audio

Posted by: Swift.1485


I also want this noticed and fixed, it’s super loud and annoying.

Elementalist: summoned Fire Elemental, sound

in Audio

Posted by: Polluxor.5970


PLease fix this. It just destroyed my ears last night during a dungeon.

Elementalist: summoned Fire Elemental, sound

in Audio

Posted by: Netko.9271


Still not fixed, it can be so annoying. Such loud sounds of pet’s wings. Every time when that bugs happens need mute my sounds.

Elementalist: summoned Fire Elemental, sound

in Audio

Posted by: Magische Boek.2530

Magische Boek.2530

ive noticed this yesterday so its still not fixed, i dont know if its the utillity skill or elite skill or maybe both but it was a fire elemental from a elementalist with who i was doing fractals lvl 11 dredge.

I’m not arguing!
I’m simply explaining why I’m right.

Elementalist: summoned Fire Elemental, sound

in Audio

Posted by: garraeth.3267


-It’s been in since beta.
-It’s all pets.
-It’s been reported in a previous patch as “fixed”.
-Not sure it’s status.
-I suggest reporting it in-game whenever it happens (I do). They might just have an Excel spreadsheet with “number of reports of this bug” and do the most reported ones first (speculation).

Elementalist: summoned Fire Elemental, sound

in Audio

Posted by: Fishbait.6723


This is an oldie but still majorly annoying bug.
Any time some Ele` casts that skill or at times some Ranger pet is near, I either have to rip headset off sharpish or go deaf.

Also happens with the Champion Shark in Sea of Sorrows.

Would be great if you could just remove the sounds those things make until you can fix it.
This will either damage headsets, hearing or sanity.

“We want you to play the game, not the UI” Arenanet.
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…

(edited by Fishbait.6723)

Elementalist: summoned Fire Elemental, sound

in Audio

Posted by: Minibiskit.6158


Yep this bug is definitely still around. Still blows my ears out in large groups. Sometimes I can make the problem go away for a bit by swapping sound devices in sound options.

Elementalist: summoned Fire Elemental, sound

in Audio

Posted by: Fox.3469


having this same problem, when you play with headset and teamspeak, and tone the game sound down to 10%, this deafens you and actually causes pain (and potential damage)

Has been in from launch and not resolved. Feel like this is not taken seriously.

If you are looking for a cozy mature Dutch guild (EU) let me know.

Elementalist: summoned Fire Elemental, sound

in Audio

Posted by: Rodaquiste.7631


same this is very terrbile since im on mumble doing tactics while fighting a boss and i pretty much get my eardrums blown out, and yelled at my ele friend to stop using the skill