Fear Not This Night Lyrics Confusion
Such a beautiful song! Thank you for taking the time writing this, I was looking for it.
I feel it says “close”, not “closed”. And fits better in my head. They haven’t released official lyrics yet?
[Cult] Counterculture
Good job with this. The sites that had it posted messed up so strangely haha, I found it puzzling due to the lyrics of this song being easily discernible and understandable. Everyone I found had the line “And though the night sky’s filled with weakness”. Weakness? I mean really… it’s obviously blackness, weakness makes no sense at all! But anyway I digress… great song and thank you for the lyrics!
Thank you so much for posting this!!! I was looking for the lyrics, and kept finding different versions on different sites. I’m going with “eyes close”, that’s what I’m hearing and it’s consistent with the second part of the line.
Thanks again!
Guild: Gamers With Jobs
Really nice post! Though I still found one mistake: You will not roam astray. She most certainly doesn’t say go here.
Really nice post! Though I still found one mistake: You will not roam astray. She most certainly doesn’t say go here.
I’m pretty confident it is “go”, though the sound is sort of elongated. “Roam” would sound wrong at any rate; it doesn’t really fit into the line right.
Hmm ok looks like I heard an ‘r’ there cause the t from not sorta blends in with next word. You are right, go makes more sense. I guess it is right then.
Thanks a lot for posting this!!! But I personally think that it’s Pleading, sighing arias. You put an s at Pleading but it was the beginning of the next word sighing. Make sense, right? Anyway, I might be wrong, but thanks for the post!
Nightmares come when shadows grow
Eyes close (maybe “Eyes closed”. In the Malukah, Taylor, and Lara version, they choose “Eyes closed”, but the original sounds present tense both make sense)
and heartbeats slow
Thanks for posting this.
I am fairly certain it is closed if you listen really closely you will hear a slight d.
Thanks…. Now I can’t stop singing it in my head
Fear not this night. You will not go astray.
Though shadows fall still the stars..find their way.
Awaken from a quiet sleep. Hear the whispering of the wind.
Awaken as the silence grows in the solitude of the night
Darkness spreads through all the land and your weary eyes open silently.
Sunsets have forsaken all and must open their eyes now
Nightmares come when shadows grow…. Ice glows and heartbeats slow
Fear not this night. You will not go astray. Though Shadows fall still the stars find their way
And you can always be strong. Lift your voice with the first light of dawn
Dawn is just a heartbeat away. Hope is just a sunrise away
Distant song of melody scoring through the night to your heart.
Auroras make circumstance in the solitude of our life.
Pleading silent arias gently grieving in captive misery.
Darkness sings a violent song yet our hope can still rise up
Nightmares come where shadows grow. Lift your voice lift your heart
Fear not this night. You will not go astray. Though shadows fall still the stars find a way
And though the night skies fill with weakness. Fear not, press on. Hold out and take my hand!
Fear not this night! You will not go astray. Though shadows fall still the stars find a way!
Fear not this night! You will not go astray. Though shadows fall still the stars find a way!
And you can always be strong. Lift your voice with the first light of dawn!
Dawn is just a heartbeat away…. Home is just a sunrise away….
I also understand Ice glows instead of eyes close.
?a?s ?glo?z or ?a?z ?klo?z
To me it sounds more like a “g” than a “k”
Whether it is ice or eyes I can’t decide it sounds too similair. Maybe it was even intended to sound alike.
I can not make out the slightest sound of a “d” at the end of “close” so I’d say either that or “glows”