Guild Wars 2 dubbers

Guild Wars 2 dubbers

in Audio

Posted by: natanfk.1649


I see that some voices on Guild Wars 2 are very similar to other games I played… is there a list of dubbers anywhere?

For example, I found Tribunt Rytlock’s voice EXTREMELY similar to Grunt, from Mass Effect 2

Rytlock’s voice, 1:23

Grunt, from Mass Effect 2

Is the same dubber? Does the game has dubbers from famous games?

Guild Wars 2 dubbers

in Audio

Posted by: Kyrel.8942


Yes, they share the same voice actor. Here’s a video on the voices of Destiny’s Edge

Guild Wars 2 dubbers

in Audio

Posted by: natanfk.1649


Thanks for the video, it was great knowing more about the voice actors.

Wow, this Steve Blum has made a LOT of games I played, lol, I never noticed it was the same voice actor.

Guild Wars 2 dubbers

in Audio

Posted by: synk.6907


Yeah, Blum is in, like, everything. He’s done a lot of work in English audio for anime, as well. Likely you have heard many of the others in other places, be it games or animation or Hollywood films.

The wiki’s list of actors:
IMDB for GW2:

If you are curious about any of them, searching on their names should bring up more information.

Guild Wars 2 dubbers

in Audio

Posted by: natanfk.1649


It’s hard for me to recognize him or other on movies or animes, because normally animated movies or animes or cartoons I watch dubbed on portuguese

But thanks for the links, I’ll take a look. I really like voice acting.

Guild Wars 2 dubbers

in Audio

Posted by: synk.6907


Ahh, I, like a self-centered American, hadn’t considered non-English dubs. My apologies.

Guild Wars 2 dubbers

in Audio

Posted by: Lexandro.1456


The game also features Milla Kunis. Thee single most over-used female voice actress there is. Not that she is bad or anything. Just gets idiotic hearing “meg” in every bloody game there is.