Indiana Jones music tab for Horn

Indiana Jones music tab for Horn

in Audio

Posted by: Kaz.3196


I tried to indicate pacing as best I could without being overly complicated.
(0) = skill to go up one octave, (9) = down one octave

a: 3-45-8—-2-34.
b: 5-67-(0)4—-(9)6-78—(0)2-3.
c: 3-45-8—-(0)234.
d: (9)55-(0)3-22-3-22-4-321(hold).

Indiana Jones music tab for Horn

in Audio

Posted by: Jeff.3128


i tried this out, should there be another (9) before the 3-45 on line c?

seems to be a better fit, but I may be wrong.

Indiana Jones music tab for Horn

in Audio

Posted by: Kaz.3196


Yes, you’re right. 345 on line C should be on the middle octave.